
Monthly Archives: January 2014

16 Jan 2014

1/16/2014 15:59 – Facebook Post

The Conclusion 8H How to live in the C of the Heart. Planet Earth. P.E. Perry Evan Last F.B.Friend. 162 A.F.B. Alpha Face Book P.B. Planet B.E. The Mind and Brain of the Earth is the Illusion called the World. The True Mind and Brain of Planet Earth (P.E..Perry E va N) is a Heart. Called the warm and welcoming Hearth of Home. The Solid ground Beneath your feet. Ground Woman man. Ground in the Heart. Do not live in […]

16 Jan 2014

1/16/2014 0:16 – Facebook Post

C7 Whew…have to complete the play Kasper Kimberly K.K K is 11 KK is 11 11…4 1./1 4. H H. H is actually the I with two River banks representing a river which links the two. “A River Runs Through it” The River is musics expression. The Bridge are seven notes DoremefasolateDo1-8 Universal Harmonics are the waves of Music. As the tresses of a womans hair floating in the waters. Afrodite and Aphrodite. Connecting the two sides on Land. As […]

15 Jan 2014

1/15/2014 21:24 – Facebook Post

Just update. 321 Oo Grounded today O 15th January 2014 O.I. T.N….T.U. Dynamic Dye Name I.C. Kimberly came to visit me At A.E. A.Einstiens. A=1 E=5 Today is the 15th. We did the Equation of 321 the last of her transmission. 654 321…(the count down) Being the correct direction as opposed to 123 which was aligned yesterday as Emeka Eric both seein the numbers code transmission of 23 18. W.R (+O D; d representing the four cardinal directions which a […]

14 Jan 2014

1/14/2014 17:29 – Facebook Post

Conclusion 5 C.E The Dragons of Existence the Dinosaurs and I The Memory trail. Fore sight Hindsight Center Expand To the Imaginary point Beyond Infinity.and Harmony to prove a vision Real Will And Truth True; TT. Obviously, from yesterdays play of the West East – Kimberly and Eric Brown and Brown. K.E…B.B. My intials Backwards- we are still in a script, and have not finished at the 4th Conclusion C.D..or 3 4..C.4… Bc my.intials are BB E.K. But I am […]

13 Jan 2014

1/13/2014 21:40 – Facebook Post

Acknowledgments. Of Kymberly Brown… Message From Lady Echo. Harmony Onu (I Heard) C. As many of you might be aware, that I can not go home until something or someone representing an aspect of Existence affirms each equation. A week ago I got a message from Kimberly Brown who I met in my the home of the Host I am visting. That she felt she had a message for me or that I had one for her. I have not […]

13 Jan 2014

1/13/2014 17:46 – Facebook Post

Angel Dust PCP The Beat Poets and The Movie “Limitless” Forging and Carving the Rock solid steps back to Nirvannah through the Golden Ratio Phi and the Midas Touch of Genuis…Touched by the Hand of the Creator. C.K E.K with Will Real. This is the End of my presentation and conclusion on my work and Evidence of Evolution and Human Conscious. And Being the hand of the Creator whose name I have identified as Praise and Appreciation is Beautiful Expression […]

13 Jan 2014

1/13/2014 7:14 – Facebook Post

Conclusion part 3. Healing and the C.U.R.E. of the sickness in the World by re establising the understanding and application of the Full Circle O and Oo… The World and the Collective are ill…most going quietly insane. With most stoically going through life bravely putting on masks and straight jackets in a courageous attempt to forge and carve out some sembelance of a meaningful Existence in this “Collective” world insanity. But the unbearable “Heaviness” and burden of being in this […]

12 Jan 2014

Conclusion part two.

Conclusion part two. Awakening and Evolution of Humans, the Planet and Universal Existence into one and what it means. The Unifying field of the full Circle is a U.F.O is a Flying Carpet within each Hueman being called Harmony Infinity. It does not occur outside of us but from within. The Great play of interfacing with the Unifying Field O was to Harmonize Unify Energetically (H.U.E) Man kind through social dymamics and to access by understanding the Energy consciousness which […]

12 Jan 2014

The End of a 25 year old Social Experiment.

The End of a 25 year old Social Experiment. Conclusion. The End of the Age of Prophets Messiahs and Selflessness and the responsibilty to the Collective. Enter the age of Personal and Collective responsibility. The Age of the Individual Expression. The I is the source of the Collective. And without the Individual and their expression the Collective would not even exist. They would simply be a mindless mass of dark matter existing as potential. Only the Individual Expression of Consciousness […]

11 Jan 2014

Facebook Post..

AT..M. A Personal note. I just wish to say that it was most extraordinarily difficult task to bring this information to your attention. Wether you value it or not. Though I do not believe in the Forces of Evil… But it felt as if there really was a literal power of evil beyond comprehension, and a curse so maleficient and malovent doing everything in its power to stop me from sharing this information. Physically mentally energetically socially financially the mostly […]