
Monthly Archives: January 2014

27 Jan 2014

1/27/2014 3:42 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

26 Jan 2014

1/26/2014 23:29 – Facebook Post

The Last Universal Story Melchidezick Abraham Lot Sarah Hagar E.V.E Ishmael Isaac Le Ah Rachel. ESau Jacob. Energy-Spirit (messenger)-physicality Expression. E.S.P…E. And not the other way round but even then it still forms a Full Circle. E. P.S.E. Expression= Resonance Reverbration Echo Responce.. From Beings of Existence. Meaning that if you Express Truth… The Universe Reponds. Kingdom of UR. A bra H a.m. Kingdom of Lot.. AD.a.m. A.L. Sodom and Gomorrah. (Set to be destroyed but now as a consciousness) […]

26 Jan 2014

1/26/2014 20:35 – Facebook Post

I guess its no longer about expression- talking linking my way to the Evolution Awakening… Now it is about Energetic Transformation. E.T Atomic Transformation A.T. Matter Transformation M.T Mineral Transformation M.T Material Transformation M.T and finally Monetary Transformation M.T Every F.B friend with me is obviously meant to be here. Today is the 26th Zzzzz I truly wish that today will be the last time you hear from me… Perhaps my mission is finally complete…and I may have some rest […]

26 Jan 2014

1/26/2014 19:06 – Facebook Post

The Bull of Wall Street and the Minatour in the center of the mind maze Matrix and Thetus…Emeka’s Thesis of the E.T ressurection I had a dream… I had a vision last night. There were Beings of Light Energy. It was the Truth of Humanity. Beautiful refined…Dancing light beings. There was Wall Street The Exchange rate. The Stock Market. And a great Bull… And a great Wolf…. On the other side of the Wall there eas Great Darkness, filled with […]

25 Jan 2014

1/25/2014 17:45 – Facebook Post

The Great Experiment. “Am I the Experiment?!” Are we a Great Experiment called Experience Conclude Explain?” Energetic Transformation Echo Transformation Physical Transformation. E.T. E.T. P.T. I have this strange growing nagging suspicion that while I have been conducting a “Social Experiment” on Harmony and Human Evolution, as Humans beings being literal Equations And the Dynamics between them and our physical interactions, creating temporal geometric patterns and flowers of life forms. While our conversations-Beautiful Exchanges, create the True Monetary Expressions and […]

25 Jan 2014

1/25/2014 0:19 – Facebook Post

The way home. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

24 Jan 2014

Two likes which appeared yesterday in Harmony

Two likes which appeared yesterday in Harmony Yi.. Light Tere…Terre. In my personal codes this means Light of the Earth. Tere O/O Eret. E.R (18..A.H) E.T. Yi Air E.T. E. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

24 Jan 2014

City of Ember.

City of Ember. C.O.E. C.E. Cause and Effect. Hello Everybody… The Unfied Field O full Circle is the space around us called Air Energy, Linking us all to Consciousness by the Air Breath Consciousness Da Vide (father of the Emptiness who filled it with O2C) Energy Full… A B C.D.E.F…which enables us to see G ODD Everywhere through H Harmony to I Infinity Full Circle O, that everything was created 1. I am very aware how confusing this concept of […]

24 Jan 2014


Thus… Nature is Potential. Naturalness is Being. P.B P=16…B=2 162. Peggy Echoed Emeka P.E. Perry Evan. Through EckHeart. Emeka Chukwuemeka Heart. That this is the Full Circle Completion of Time. All in the Present. Just as Lady Seble testified and said Y.E.S. Act ion!. And because we are potential made Kinetic through ACT ion Momentum…A.M We are Nature Naturalness Body in Being Energy Expressing Rainbow Spectrum…Light Life. We are beings of E. The Fifth Element sent to align with the […]

23 Jan 2014

Black Moon rising.

Black Moon rising. January 30. A Rare event two full Moons in one months. But this appears only during the day. *See post below. (Night is the Past and Day is the Future Present). Said to bring forth Revelations of Hidden things… I’m just saying Original Facebook Post: Click Here