
20:14 hours

20:14 hours

8:14 p.m. H N. My Ass!


Its really Dante’s Divine Comedy

Refusing the Script of Dante’s Inferno.

Tree Sage

Anirbas Lem

Stephen Johnson

Dina Singh Ji

Do you see the red and yellow darts in the back ..

( I share some clearer views in a sec..)

I just realized that as Big E, Tall E and Small e in one, goes.. that these are Nuclear Nuclear Missiles..


BABY. Jeron of the A-lien Council have their say too..

Cupid Kills..


20:19 p.m

Falling off the chair laughing.

BABY is the Spy who loved and hated you.

Now it sees..

20:20 hours

That which is False Fake

And Real.

Bombs Away!

F.ART. babies fart.. whew worse much worse than cows met haine. Methane.

See how the Tall E is walking away…

Love it…

What a show

Oh yes, it completes sacred portal 59.

49.. 89.. 99… 88… 77… Star Wars..

104.. 65… 108.. 91. Etc..

20:23 p.m

20:25 hours.


8-25-2020. Vision

Bull Eye

B E!

Target’s only the Unclean

20:26 p.m

Sacred Portal 20.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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