
Monthly Archives: April 2012

30 Apr 2012

Question: is humanity moved more by love or by fear?

4/30/12 Question: Is humanity moved more by love or by fear? What if that was the great test that all human beings alive today were asked. And that everyone was being set up by an unseen hand (the patterns and links of our possible future as the highest potential we can reach, but held back by the ancestors… all those who came before us, right to the very beginning of time).. And what if the key to breaking out of […]

29 Apr 2012

For the past 11 years I have been investigating a condition…

4/29/12 For the past 11 years, and especially the last eight years I have been investigating a condition which makes me make rise in me two energies, one is the ancestral experience of all human experiences and the other is an energy of our super- selves or men as gods. For a long time I did not know what was happening to me, it affected my body, my speech and consciousness. Two consciousness were interfering with my consciousness of I, […]

29 Apr 2012

The Answer to the Riddle of Rapture and the Ascension R.A. to RE…

4/29/12 The Answer to the Riddle of Rapture and the Ascension R.A. to RE… The sun god aligned to the sol… RE RA. Also the answer to the riddle through Reason and Explanation (R.E) of why people all over the planet keep seeing the numbers 1111… the 4\1111 everywhere which is simply the box of time and limit being broken down to 4: a box, 3: a triangle, 2: a line, to 1: the I, the point of passing through […]

18 Apr 2012

Summary of the meaning of Existence…

4/18/12 Summary of the meaning of Existence. Love=Truth proven true. Atomic nature of man is Atom, is the body of truth- evidence that we exist. Subatomic nature of man is Love, Breath, Energy, Life. Human beings were created as beings of Love and Truth. They are twins and are the same thing. Truth is T in the alpha bet, the 20th letter and Love L is the 12 letter… the two merged together is 2012\1220 and added makes 32 added […]

18 Apr 2012

Mathematical equation for existence is Love\Truth or Truth=love LT OR TL…

4/18/12  7:49pm Mathematical equation for existence is Love\truth or Truth=love LT OR TL. L is the 12th letter in the most current universal alphabet and T= 20th letter. 12 10 OR 2012 (This year) meaning that human beings were created as beings of love and truth… and being anything other than that is a lie. In my research I have proven that human beings are made out of the frequency of love and that they were created to vibrate with […]

18 Apr 2012

I would like to share two mathematical equations of existence…

4/18/12 Mathematical Equation of Existence. Hello Everyone, I would like to share two mathematical equations of existence that I used–the science of arithmetic and the logic of the numbering system of the western world–to calculate. I did not seek to solve these equations but the circumstances and conditions of where my life led me, brought them about. Before I state these two equations, I wish to reply to some who ask me why I felt it so necessary to answer […]

17 Apr 2012

I do not know who will listen, or who will care…

4/17/12  7:48pm I do not know who will listen, or who will care: I understand the world and its distractions so I had fought to live my own life because I felt that what I was being asked to do was mission impossible and inconceivable in this modern world. I have lived all over the world and know that there is beauty as well as decay, but with this condition and all that it made me experience and understand (the […]

17 Apr 2012

Yesterday I received a post from a cool person asking why I did not simply enjoy life…

4/17/12 7:47pm Hello Everyone… Yesterday I received a post from a cool person asking why I did not simply enjoy life and live and let live. I smiled sadly to myself… I have become an advocate for what is going on in the world of the unseen because I am reminded of it every single day, every single moment, by the strange condition that has affected my body. A condition for which the rational world of medical science has no […]

16 Apr 2012

Yeah. i ask myself the same question daily, how did a party loving, boogie crazy…

4/16/12 Yeah. i ask myself the same question daily, how did a party loving, boogie crazy, cool loving cat like me end up being…playing a voice, crying out into the wilderness of FACEBOOK… Believe me, I am all shook up.   Original Facebook Post here Edited word count 1/3/24: 46

16 Apr 2012

If there was to be a specific event so extra ordinary about to manifest…

4/16/12 If there was to be a specific event so extra ordinary about to manifest into human consciousness in the 21st century, a shift and a change of civilization where else would it take place but in the Big Apple, in New York City…? A convergence of cultures and ideas from all over the world, a playing field to test and experiment with new ways of being…the one place in the world where humanity took a big bite from the […]