
2:01 AM

2:01 am


The Face Book friend who left the play was Solitary Electronic Angel


Yes the Sea believing it represented the power to end all life

Sea as Death

Siren Star bucks…

Only the Cee can bring Existential Death and the C is really A-C.. C B

That had been a Long long time coming

An Ancient primal battle of Titans


Rolfe A O brought her

R A O ..But no R

R O A R..

And no oar to come ashore

As for the Silly Human Avatars and their fate for being conduits for such…

Well I did what I could until the time

2016 was up.

2:12 pm

I am indifferent to their fate as well as the 22 who were carrying the Woman Earth Consciousness West Africa Caucasian African same thing same line…

If you are foolish enough to come on a Sacred Page and Holy Ground where a Lord Shaman Dibia an E T and a Hueman Being in the Role of an Avatar Scribe has given non stop evidence of a Spirit realm battle of Existential Death of An Existence.. Is taking place set up since the. Beginning and foretold in nearly all Human Prophecies would end with a climatic battle…

And you believe that you in your 21st Century attire and perception are smarter and know better..

2:22 pm

Then you should bear the consequences of calling the sum total of Human Knowledge and Existence expressed through the AGES inconsequential to you 30-70 year life span in the worst age of Human Existence.

Solitary Eclectic Angel

Of course, I recognized she was wearing my literal Being.

I gave enough hints.

E A S. E

At Star Bucks

Logo Siren

Marina Burini. Mermaid line

Blue Marina..

This was not a Game for children

(Human Beings) much less Adults without imagination or Respect for History Ancestry Truth or Science Art Dna which brought them body and being

(R. H A T. S. A.D… Ah I see)

to the present.

They they think this a joke

Stupid people

2:37 pm

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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