
2/8/2021 19:48 – Facebook Post

2:48 p.m.


Yes, the time codes and date.
Beautiful Death as.
Beautiful Transformation.

And B H T B

Bella Harmony.
Being Happy.
Harmony is Beautiful.

Meddling and Gossip.


All three of us, Kim, Jae, and I were all in our rooms, around 1:37 pm we heard a banging, I was still trying to rest and just felt as if it was Jae or Kim doing some repair. But it grew insistent.

It never occurred that someone was breaking into the apartment.

It was Esteban Miquel Filgueria.
He had come to smash my phone and computer.
He reached for the phones, I no longer use, and smashed them, then I still drowsy from sleep and other things, noted how I felt nothing, not startled, not surprised, not angry… because my true self would have sprung into action the moment I saw him enter the room.

It was as if it was a scene, and I was watching from the distance with mild surprise ad contempt that I was expected to take part in such an absurdly written scene.
As I rose, to get up, he raced out, I chased after him, behind me was Kim, and I could hear Jae cursing and shouting.

I was not wearing any shoes, as I reached him, he had already reached the safety of his car.
Kim was holding a fire hydrant.

Esteban Stevan muttered that is what you get when you fuck with my friends.

I understood that it was Kamora and that she had spoken to him, as well as he must be reading my page.
It’s on public access.

It so transparently obvious- the Chain reaction all documented step by step on my page.
Cause& Effect.

Then he shouted out to Kim, “You lost me my job” I realized when Kim turned to me later, that he was still holding a grudge from the past what he, not Kim and played out in Oregon which was the reason the last nail in the coffin when his brother Nathaniel Bywater, let him go.
Oregon is the 33rd state.
It represents The Body.
Nathaniel means “Gift of God”- A Body.
Thomas means Twins Body and Being.
By Water.
E B Y W A T E R…
E By Living Water, Horse Espirit.

Existential Death.., 49.
“You understand?”

It’s all written down here, that play.

There was something Stephan Esteban said as he left, and I was holding the door of the car, I wished to drag him out- yet it felt like slow motion as if I was in a movie scene.

He told me that I could do nothing, before speeding off.

He had done nothing, but break in an entry.
The police can be called and he would be sent away.
Jae was against it.

I was just quiet and then commented upstairs, that this was the play.
I noted how I felt nothing.
But I was also aware that I was behaving with not an iota of surprise as if I was expecting this and had read the script before because it was expected, and provoked by allowing this play to go this far without consequences.
And to get the proof of what I had posted in the New and the last play of my Little Sister Harmony which I had gently explained to Kamora how the play, and my witnessing of our first interaction and play, that she could not be the incarnation of my little sister harmony, and that she had been set up, and that I had tried to get her out of the play, by making her aware that she had been selected as a character.

I knew as Kim and Jae spoke in the Kitchen, that this was literally the confirmation of Existential Death and that connection of using the expression Kamora had expressed to him ( not transparently of course) had created the excuse for Estaban to dare to find a reason to act out- a really futile action.
Nothing was destroyed, in that one action, he was given the time to enact, the phones, none of which I use.

What is interesting about it all, and the only flicker of anger which rose in me was this was the confirmation of Existential Death and the old planet, the matrix, and its E M F being flushed out of Existence.

I have incarnated, along with Kim, the Black Panther ( PAN THE R Response) and thus )) & License to Kill.
My slow and quiet response was that same expression of supreme indifference and lack of emotion which even my father was afraid of.
You do not exist, I see no one there, there is no emotion.

And by the laws of this country, if someone breaks in and enters your home, you have a right to use arm force and can kill them, in defense of your home.

And so even in this reality, and its Laws, the last code of Granting License To Kill had been completed a full circle by Public Opinion.
And the grounding right here in Hart Ford Connecticut of Death via Violence, Savagery- for that is what the action of Esteban Miguel coming here, moved in perfect Harmony, along with his connection and conversation with Kamora, which gave him te balls to kick down the door, and by some miracle, no one responded, until he ran to his car.
Even he was not angry, perhaps he felt he was so loved, that nothing could touch him and that we were confined by a script of non-violence.

All it did was serve, to confirm that deadly Force was required to land in this realm, because of the very equation and expression which I had stated, that by letting people go so far, and not giving them a consequence. This idea of love as letting people, a play go this far without giving consequences and in this case, existential death as promised as consequence for all that is no real, all that is spoilt rotten, by now being given the consequences of their actions and with a being who is being made to publicly proclaim himself the source, prove it…
That without the consequence being manifested, like the end of this species, as Children who refuse to grow up, allowed to get away with murder, stating that they know no better…
This is the consequence.

This was all set up, all meant to manifest.
Esteban Kamora.
E K?
Each with proven their knowing.

Then Kim, telling me about his post today, code word “Bubbles”
( I coded Chris Filgueria yesterday time code link his friend bubbles)
Was basically what literally took place today, he was literally writing the post and it manifested.

One could say that the E M Field of this reality, just signed its Death warrant and execution, as well as proving the source of existential death as real.
That which takes the truth, and conveys it to others, to cause a reaction which the other was just waiting for an excuse, to enact.

Consequence of that one action, confirmation of Existential Death of the Body.

Emeka Kolo.

Emeka I Kolo
Kim A Hines.

Emeka I Victor Kolo.

E K. I A.. K H.
5 11 9 1..11-8.

This is why and how Beautiful Pride transformed into the Beautiful Assasin, the Black Panther.

Esteban’s last Challenge he threw at me was “You can do nothing”

That is why there must be a response.
That by doing Nothing, all that which protected him and the lines and play he, they represent will understand that all that he felt that he was the one who gave me a phone, and the last silver computer, despite all of the work done for him and that E M Feild, meaning that even in this realm not even could he or people afford a person as qualified as I am, to do the work I did, with all my credentials in this grounded reality. He could never have afforded, hardly anyone could have afforded my Doctor and Professor house visit and 24-7 access to me to heal them and bring them home.
And of course, there is the question of God, The Creator, and the challenge to the Truth Satya, that all this expression, knowledge is a lie.

And so there must be a response to the Lie and if existential death exists.

How can one be angry with that which no longer exists. except for a moment to fulfill its purpose.

The essence of the two representing the End of the planet of lies, PTSD, Narcissism is simply a story enacted of that which is How this world came to an end. Acted out and proven why it can not be sustained by pure logic reason, common sense, and why I felt nothing, not even at the demise of that which is not real.

5:17 pm.

The only emotion I felt, was a flicker, and then a smoldering blaze and my conversation with Kim made it clear to me, that he is literally waking up, which aligns with the All.

Kim told me that Kamora suggested that a person called David fix the Door, then it led from David to Jay.
D J.
J D.
Dee Jay
Judgment Day.
JD 10 4.
Sacred Portal 104
“Compass me says Terrible Death Declaration of War.
Cloak Of Death Expression Supreme.
C O D E S… Perception.

Breaking down the door of an Apartment is not succeeding in passing Terrible Death.
That is a ridiculous infantile perception of a naughty child allowed to go too far.
No in actually it was an invitation from Terrible Death to pass through the portal of Existential Death. 49.
Made real only by E K.
Kim and oh yes Jae, it is the Jae door he first entered, mistaking it for my room, which Jae herself noted, by saying she did not understand why he came to her room when he had visited me in the other room before.

Com pass me declares Terrible Death, Declaration of War.

The compass spun him to the portal which he was intended to pass through. The Magical Portal. His coming to my room afterward was just the Seal.

It’s a Play.
Love Light Bringer Transforms into terrible death and the reason, then back to beautiful death after cutting out that lie of the Human Race.

All setup.

Not real.

And that is my anger and the No to this play.
And hence throwing away it authors and all those who cling to such a play as being real, a play in which one confirmed by even the most grounded insane reality as illogical and absurd, contradictory.
How could one whom reason logic and evidence facts merited and earned through a scrip of 9 years of proof of the extraordinary be ignored by even the news channels of this reality always hungry for a story, completely ignore the presence of a man doing what no human being has ever done. Along with a 9 year back story and evidence and facts, empirical evidence documented, so that anyone could go back and review them and even ask me by their being allowed direct access, and an open channel.
Prove that he is that which he says he is.
And be actually The Creator- a man, who has done nothing but seek to elevate people.

How can anyone buy a story, like this?
The source of all existence, evolution awakening be treated in such a way?
Would ever agree to take part in a script that demeans all that is glorious in being a Human.
And Individual who rises up and who walks empirically and transparently through his memories – through the vibrations od his own past, muscle memory- E M Field to unravel via expression awareness his eternal beginning forwards to reach his beautiful youth 17… and then 15 and to 33 at the same time expressing his memory of the Eternal beginning aligned in perfect symmetry to the response by people in this reality falling in perfect harmony without even being aware confirming my expression.

Why would the being of Beautiful Pride ever agree to enact in a script which demeans the very Expression embodied Beautiful Pride in Being in Existence, ever agree to this?

Who created this Script?
Who forced me… you to walk through this and insist that this is Life.
The definition of Life?
That it is what it is?

6:04 pm.

The demeaning of everything which makes man free, beautiful, the expression supreme of the Point and final destination- The Beautiful Truth of what is to be A man, A Person, A Hue-man, Humane Being.
Heroic Man- Woman.

Where human spoilt brats are allowed to exist in that state and enact what that Esteban as the E M F could act out to the Source of all Existence and Life itself?

A Script designed to express denial, negation while taking refuge in the notion of Age- being a minor and that you can not prosecute and execute the law as one would a Grown Up.

How can one thing- and all from fragments of you, expressed in Entirety and Summary by Kim Arthur Hines, in his own Individual way ( making him literally Universal Mind and Transformer – Voice Box, or Breath to Heart-Electro Magnetic Feil- E M Field-Mind Center)
Bubbles- Space Ships, Ideas of self…

A Script which you can read yourselves all from you confirm one thing and in action expression contradict that very conclusion gathered by the fragments of all of you.

As I grabbed the door of Esteban’s Black Car- Body.. I had a moment of deja vu, of my Bio Father, my trying to get into his car after the car chase he had with my bother.. truly James bond style.
“My Bio father, brilliant and charismatic as he was, never grew up, and had a bad temper).

I recall, how I had been urged to get into his car, and he’s doing exactly what Stephen had done, my grabbing the door, and he’s staring up at me, then jerking the car forwards and making his … escape.

My Bio father had done that action twice thrice, and I had followed him, grabbing the door, until at last he stopped and let me in.

He did not drive away.
Nor did he say “I could do nothing about it”

So I take back the illusion essence of the truth of my bio father, and me through the cause of an EM. Field manifested into being as the rep of the anger of the world and taking out Consequence of actions they knew would get them in trouble, but with temper, and defiance on their side … an illusion of a safety net, which had protected them… but this time around is gone.

Jae just brought Alaska, yes 49th state, and gave an expression that Esteban had been moved to go to the correct door, her door first.

Every Thing is in Perfect Harmony. Easy to read.
A B C… Transparency is Being.

6:33 pm.

I have nothing to add, except that not even I could read just how the awakening would manifest.
I knew the way, but the details of how it would appear, I had to observe for myself, and of course, then it made sense, Though a cruel way to get there, yes, I see it through Kim- the only window I see the truth.


Everything else is just a story of taking the garbage out and all the components pieces of that equation are set in place- and qualified and aware of the role they each play, all Y’s ( Whys) answered ( you chose to even after being made aware).

Each may conclude for themselves what this is…
But has nothing to do with the actual fact.
It is indifferent to the points of view of others and ideas.
Bubbles will be burst by the simple meaning of
IS. E E.K.

D I… E. IS EK.

6:41 pm.

They got the memory and play of my bio father incorrect.
I got in the car with him a Dark Blue Car, just as the dark Blue Dorito which Jae had left for me for months in the fridge.
I took it out and fiddled with the wrapping paper and she immediately darted out of her room to see perhaps who was touching her food.

I smiled, chuckling, and later ate it.
I was aware that it was dark blue wrapping, the only one I had seen.

My Bio Fathers’ car was Dark Blue- yes color code of Spirit E. Awareness.

As I stated, a play.
A Memory Game.

What is real of my bio father has been rescued.
The rest- Non-existent.

6:45..6:46 m.

Queen called Kim at 1.47 p.m.

See sacred Portal 147 A B.

4:47 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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