
2/8/2019 17:44 – Facebook Post

From Kathryn de Mente

The Mask… and what lies behind the mask…
The Truth…?
And the Mask which hides the Identity…
a Secret…
What is the secret…
Why hide the Truth?

It has one logical answer…
A Question…
“Do you see me clearly, through the Illusion-
the Beautiful Mask I wear…?
Why do I wear it, to mask my Identity.
Or a check to see if you can see me true.

The M A S K…
K S A M…

K=11.. 1 1= 1..

When the masked character you are playing is aligned to the being behind it…

The Mask is the Wall of Not Knowing to some..
to others it highlights .. your Truth… I see you even with the Mask on..
I see you in the beautiful illusion undercover and can recognize who you really are…
Both…There is no wall of Death or forgetting…
I can see you Role you are playing and your open secret.. your Identity for the role you are playing serves a function, which aligns to your Truth.

4:40 p.m
Sacred Portal 44… Goddess Bliss…
4 4 O… 4 4 6…
4 46 Sacred Portal Eri in Cloud 9 and Goddess Bliss rising from the See…
44 O.. 446… SAME THING…
446 is the source of 44O…
14… N…
5 … E

Delta N E…
D N E… Transformation to reveal the I D.. Of all Humanity undercover inn this World Play

4:43 p.m.

Delta E=CMe 4/3
Sacred Portal 43..”Door of Life”

4:44 p.m
12… 4 444… 4 3

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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