
2/8/2016 22:45 – Facebook Post

6:22 p.m.

Code F.BB..F.V…


H.B.I…”Hue-man Being Individuality”

B.H.I…Being Harmony Infinity..


Code E.N represented by Emeka Line 28 and Nnamdi line 82 in my personal story, E representing Expression and N representing Nature…
My brother was born 1969, April 5th Easter Saturday and passed away age 13, 1982 Easter Sunday, April 11…
5-11…E.K…my initials which confirm what people have commented even here on Face Book that we are one and the same person…
An expression which took me by surprise…that people saw that…

This play was also to prove this, though I personally had nothing to prove, to the World, but did recall that just before he left, that he and I had a mission to solve the equation of Death, which was a mission which we both were aware of…
And looking at the equation of Jonn Blackwell and the the name of the name he called his band at age 13, 4 96…His guitar Pedal ;Dark Matter” and his recent enactment- today of the literal equation of Nnamdi in the beginning who did not express what was in him in the beginning, which played out literally here for the last 6 months, and ended today 2-8/82..
please note Donna O’Sullivan was born 8;28 and Jonn, 8-5…
With an expression of Harmony, aided by Susan Otelia Nelson…
which manifested the instant response to my post today of once more explaining the how the first conversation between Energy E and Ahtom took place and how this play was Nnamdi in his feminine aspect, of Nnonyelum “Stay near me Always and Forever…: Since Jon shares the birth code of my sister born 7-28…1-7..Violet B.H…Which represents the Masculine Principle in Woman, Aligned to the Feminine principle in Man…
Ladies and Gentle man….Evolution of Man and Woman back to their original nature…
Jonn means Graciousness of the Creator….Donna- means “Lady”..
Madonna..My Lady…

One can see that this play was literally the play of which Nnamdi and I were aware of as boys…13-15.5 years…
The last time we spoke was December 1981…81/18…
18 mountain view, but this was not the literal play of him but a younger aspect of himself which had to be played out through the last aspect of himself, the youngest, Unity Harmony…the 9th and 1Oth aspect, or 7th 8th Aspect of the Family of Ten the Originals.. Family of E Harmony…
It took me 26 years and 33-34 years to complete the riddle..

With Jonn carrying the Anger in the World and Donna O’Sullivan line carrying the Hurt of the World of what had been done to true expression…
Turned it Evil,Anger, and made the other, the feminine expression so silent that She became invisible and incarnated living Death…
And of Course, myself representing Living Death Hell and Evil…

All made manifest for these two lines to bear all over the World, the innocents forced to life a life of Blame and as the Sources of Evil..
All created as a lesson of the true value of Expression and why Silence transformed, just as Energy transforms to Ahtom, so too must Silence transform into Sound..
Played out in perfection by Jonn today in perfect timing and by Donna…

Who for 6 months have been taking care of all my material requirements eve though they are not materially wealthy, while at the same time being moved, She to Study the play and he to mirror Sixth Sense, and replicate the play of that one beginning about why one must Express what one truly means and not keep it inside, because it causes others to assume, and take your voice and expression .. and truth away, and twist it into what they wish.. And then point to you as the one to blame because you did not express your meaning and Existence is Expression meaning 6th sense..comes with Expression and Expression gave birth to Six sense, Knowing All K.A, comes through the dance Silence and Sound..
But Expression 5 came first aligned to the 6… 5 6 11..1…

Jonn Donna Emeka -Chukwuemeka…

As you may have noticed I have Two New Face Book friends,,

Welcome Amber Elaine Manning
and Jackie Williams…

As you may recall the last play rested Twice at 297 Face Book friends
represented by Chinonso Johnson and Elaine Byrd…
C.J..E.B…And I gave evidence as how even the Facebook friend Mana Prothropos was in Harmony when he left…
And that it went twice to 4 97 Face Book Friends, representing the sacred portal 97 which is light of the Existence and the World…
And this I proved was the linking of the Sacred portal 79 blue print of Existence which is the body represented through Donna O’Sullivan’s
Black Mercedes Benz License plates..E,H.F..1O97…(1O7..17..8..)
Which links to the code name “Black-Well”
Black Body Black Being.. a Name…B B B B..22 22 V V
Double V…5 5…
Aligned to sacred portal 97..”Light of Existence”- meaning the alignment of White to Black as both being Light Black One White…B.O.W…I.E..

And so, it brought forth the Equation complete of restoring light to the world…

But 2 Face Book Friends left without me realizing without my realizing until after the play today with Jonn and Donna, a play so cruel, a taste of my 33-34 year awful experience by the Evil done to Existence by Expression kept within which creates Nuclear Explosions,-Anger Rage.. and also that Silence which literally becomes Death..
Death And Destruction.. D.A.D..
That is the title they gave Dad Father to play…
And made them continually play Death and Destruction…
And I walked in the Story in this World, not really my Story or life but I walked in my “Son’ playing my Fathers shoes, as I tracked Him Her, to release them from this story in which they were blamed…

And finally, it has ended right here with the Two new Facebook friends who when I looked to my surprise, I was still at 4 97 face book friend code 4th Dimension 97 light of the World…

Amber is you recall was the other person I met at the Bean Cafe in 2OO5 where I first met Axel Anderson.. Axel Love..
I knew her, just as I knew Axel from another Realm and different incarnation..
I did not speak much with Her, though she too sat in the Cafe, as if she were expecting me, but it was Axel who took matters in his hands and led me through the first portal.. The Hare Krishna place on 1st Avenue..
Where I was enraged with a fury at what had been done to Krish-nna’s play…
And this the result… 11 years later…
Full Circle Amber Axel Anderson .. A A..A.. 11 1..

Amber Elaine Manning Code: A.E.M…15 (O 6 F) 13…15+13= 28…6+13 F.M= Fey Mirach, 19…S Susann Pitts Susan Otelia Nelson. A,O…Ariane Oates..

/M.E.A… Mea Culpa.. Which means the Fault lies with me” Not me, but the One addressing me through codes on Face Book,
8:55 p.m…H.E.E.
The New E.E..

“Amber” means “Sky” in Sanskrit Hindu, as well as “Fierce” in Gaelic..

Fierce Sky…F.S..Feeling Sensational..code Stephen Filgueira…

This aligns to the Play and sacred portal 46…

NnamdI as Father Mother…

“Amber Gemstone meaning
Amber is technically not a gemstone or mineral, but a fossilized sap from prehistoric trees that has aged over the course of millions of years. Amber is usually thought of as yellow golden in hue, but amber also can be found in shades of milky white, red-orange, green, black and even (very rarely) violet.

Early physicians prescribed amber for headaches, heart problems, arthritis and a variety of other ailments. In ancient times, amber was carried by travellers for protection. To early Christians, amber signified the presence of the Lord.

In the Far East, amber is the symbol of courage; Asian cultures regard amber as the ‘soul of the tiger’; Egyptians placed a piece of amber in the casket of a loved one to ensure the body would forever remain whole.

The name Amber is an Arabic baby name. In Arabic the meaning of the name Amber is: Jewel. A jewel-quality fossilized resin; as a color the name refers to a warm honey shade.

The name Amber is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Amber is: A jewel name that became popular in the 19th century, from the name of the yellowish resin used in jewellery-making. Used regularly since the publication of 2Oth century writer Kathleen Winsor’s novel ‘Forever Amber. ‘.
The classical name for amber, electrum (???????? ?lektron), is connected to a term ??????? (?lekt?r) meaning “beaming Sun”.[7][8] According to the myth, when Phaëton son of Helios (the Sun) was killed, his mourning sisters became poplars, and their tears became the origin of elektron, amber.[9]

The origins of Baltic amber are associated with the Lithuanian legend about Jurat?, the queen of the sea, who fell in love with Kastytis, a fisherman. According to one of the versions, her jealous father punished his daughter by destroying her amber palace and changing her into sea foam.

Amber is a gemstone made of plants, and trees…
It color is of the 3rd Dimension as Yellow Golden, Orange, Reddish Brown which would be R.O.Y (G), created by Green, the 4th Dimension, which manifested from the Sky Blue, Rays of light 8..Harmony -Indigo Violet.., 6 7..I.V.. L.I..V.E…L 4 5 5..12 3 4 55…3 4 55..C.D.EE..
3 4 Dimension =7..G..EE
Z.E. U.S.

Symbol of Courage and immortality…
Of the Sea…
Kathleen Winsor…K.W…Forever Amber..A.F/ FA…Fa 4th Dimension-Heart
Electron ..Beaming Sun..

Elaine we know the meaning because she too is a 4 97 Face Book Friend, in Fact there are Three/Four 4 97 Face Book friends…

Elaine means “Light’ which aligns to sacred portal of my Sacred portal displayed on my Photos “Light of Existence Light of the World A.H”..1 8.
It also means Sun Ray… S.R..Stone Ridge….
E La In E… E Laine meaning “Wool”

All meaning which align with light and not only One full Circle light of Existence and the World, through the Written and Spoken World Silence and Sound…played out with code 97/79= 44 55…
Light…”Mba Afor Ocha”

The Meaning of the name Manning” is well known because of the American football brother family, Peyton Cooper Eli..Manning… P.C..E..M.

It means;
“A Valiant Man, Monk..Son of a Hero”

“Manning Name Meaning English: patronymic from Mann 1 and 2.Irish: adopted as an English equivalent of Gaelic Ó Mainnín ‘descendant of Mainnín’, probably an assimilated form of Mainchín, a diminutive of manach ‘monk’. This is the name of a chieftain family in Connacht. It is sometimes pronounced Ó Maingín and Anglicized as Mangan.

Manning is from an old Norse word — manningi — meaning a brave or valiant man; and one of the first forms of the name was Mannin; another cartography was Mannygn.[1] One historian gives a Saxon origin for the family, which he calls “ancient and noble”. According to him, Manning was the name of a town in Saxony, and from it the surname sprang.
Also meaning “Able”


The name Jackie is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Jackie is: derived from John: God is gracious. During the Middle Ages, Jack was so common that it was used as a general term for ‘man’ or ‘boy’. Famous Bearer

Will means..“Will, desire, A strong and resolute protector”.
“will, desire” and helm “helmet, protection”…

Easter in the Canadian Oxford Dictionary: the Old English word eastre came “apparently from Eostre, a goddess associated with spring.”
Another theory is that Eostre was simply the Anglo-Saxon word for spring festivals. Linguists trace this word to roots thousands of years old meaning “shine” and “dawn.” Spring is a season of lengthening days and increased light. It would make sense for early peoples to give their spring festivals a name that celebrated the rising sun”.

Thus, with our being once more at 4 97 “Light of the World”
with two people leaving so the two could arrive who represent the Two new Lights of the World who replace the One E, in this World which is about transform…

The Rising Son….’Chinonso Johnson.. meaning The Creator E-Spirit is near, the Creators Grace and favored Son..”

A.E.M…aligns to Donna…Dawn…
J.W..J VV..links to Jonn…
A.D…J.J.. Alexander David, JOY JAY…



John was the Beloved line of Christ in male and female for J.D…
the carried the seed of the Immortality and the Cee of Eternity in them..
The one “Christ said would live forever..

The Gracious Ones….


9:44 pm


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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