
2/8/2015 6:05 – Facebook Post

3:52 A M.



For future reference…

If this is the cost to save the world from its self, It really was never worth saving at all.

I have gone deep within myself, as I faced alone the set up bequeathed me…
To face.

I have watched peoples whose portals I have passed through.
And see thier Beauty and thier Truth…not beautiful.
And I wondered how they could have let themselves become so…awful.

I have watched how I have been treated.
Bound and ignored for years.
And I wondered if these people will not fightbfor themselves, why should I or anyone fight for them?
Day and night as the years pass by, and I have observed the true depth, si unfathomable of human selfish and cruelty.
Yet this demand for Saviors Messiahs.
And yet this play, this life I have led…
The wars I have fought..
For what purpose.

That humanity was created to be so beautifully, to fulfill a role and destiny of such exceptional and wondrous fulfillment.

Yet I look at my experience in the world.
In this Simulation and trap, and there is none, no one around me whom I am inspired to fight for…
Except perhaps the children.

Tomorrow everything could change, but I have changed.
Having experienced a set up which I just can not deny any longer, has succeeded in destroying any possibity of not seeing what this really is.

For, I have witnessed a play which can not be…but I must accept is was.

That anything can have the power to compel anyone against thier will to save someone who has shown no reason or desire as to why you should care for them or help them.
Who flaunt and corrupt every act of human beauty shown to them.

What kind of Existence can compel and force and bind anyone to such a role…
And what kind of Existence would permit it?
And what kind of Consciousness could be created to create such a set up to retaliate and resists and fights with means so abominable that the question of Creation Existence Everything become suddenly irrelevant.

I wonder about this everyday.
What has the power to to bind someone to such a set up…

That I am victorious was never the question.
Thst I spoke the Truth, proved the E Truth..
That was never question.

It is what I have observed
What I have witnessed
What I have experienced.
What I have felt, seen, heard..
And most of all what I have endured as I worked undercover for the elevation of the consciousness of harmony.

This is not a world worth saving

I am satisfied that there were and are people worth giving map, the plan…the tools I used to stay alight.

14 years in this city I have walked through impossible portals, survived impossible conditions and been played like a fool..
Lured, bound, hog tied to fight in this Battle which was never worth the fight.
Nor the Effort

The world I have been led to witness, the people so cowardly but such braggarts.
Would it not have been a mercy to have not let this world I have existed in implode.

There is nothing I have witnessed here that is reeemable.
None I would have gone to such a place of apathy and indifference to the Beautiful ESpiri of for.

That Beauty Exist…it is True.

But this horror which sad to say I have seen in its seed form everywhere…in people who I so easily revealed and unearthed thier Truth Beautiful and Ugly bring awe and true sickness to the stomachs of the Greatest of Espirit Warriors…
Ah…No, this is real.

I look at what I have understood about human nature to see why I was bound, cornered to solve these riddles of Existence.

But it was not done by my free will.
The very act of using force and control has rendered Everything this is as false
Done under duress, extortion…none of this is real because this was not my choice.
Not of my free will.
And as I walked through it, open minded..sure that there must be some redemptive force which could warrant such a play…
Of one having to prove Existence to All…
Its Harmony..I have found none.

Every single person in this play but a handful, has chosen to live the “Safety and Security” of the “Comfortable Lie”
The Hypocrisy of burying thier E truth so deeply, and choosing to remain silent (or boastful) to Devine revelations given to them.

I hold no grudge to you for that.
But as I was kept out and not supported in this Existence.. For being loyal to the E Truth within, do not expect to ever, ever gain access to mine in its Manifestation finally onto this realm.

You chose your reality and I chose mine.
And my heart goes out to the Beautiful Present whom I was not allowed to see or access much in this world
For there truly is the Unseen Seen 99% of a malice roaming, possessing this world.
It is not alien it was brought into Existence by you.
Not by your surface image facades but the deeper truth of you and what would you do who
would you become when your backs were against the wall..
Would you become the awfulness, and what would happen if all became good again..
Who would you become…?
Would you recall the truly ugly you..and seek to clean it up, refine it…learn.the lesson.
Or would you brush it under the rug, lock up your sins” in a safe place and turn into a monster of denial and wrath if anyone came near to help clean it up.

I sm not a servant, a maid, slave or butler.I did not come to your world to play Savior or sacrifice myself for the Greater “Good or Evil” I came for my family E, to ressurrect the Original E world and destroy this awful Lie…

What did this to me..bound my to role of a perverted story.
Brothers Sisters, Friends family..?
But I look around me, I am alone…
There is none.

None who fight for thier E Truth.
None who reach out to each other close ranks and whose voices rises joining mine in our glorious Song of we are…

I have wondered about this often..
As faced this world which I had refused this mission because as Chris Franco stated I already knew how beautiful all were created to be..
But who chose to be other than who you are
And maybe Jesus C is not Jesus.NRI Yeshua Heseus was his real name

Maybe it is this invention called M J and Jesus Christ is the greatest Evil of all…he his mother his Father, his 12 Disciples..
His Church..his book.

This perversion of his True Story..
The grestest Evil of them all.
The Non Existent Fable Invention
Which stole the senses and feelings Sensational of being in the world.

A Father and Mother who sacrifice the Being of Light to suffer and carry the Evil Cruelty
Of All.
Death as the liar who uses the Truth as.a Cover.
The Greatest Deception of them All.
103..the Usurper.
The Messenger Messiah Savior
None Exist at All

E.IO-OINri Yeshua Christ.EA.
5:O4-5:O5-6 pm

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