
2/7/2019 19:31 – Facebook Post

From Melia Lord

Beautiful Expression.


I went out with Esteban Miguel Filgueira today.
He brought up the topic of the rapper “Future”
Which linked to this play and Fritz Venneiq
F V.

And he brought up a person named Bright Eyes.
Eric Ebright E E. 55.
E Bright Eyes. B E.

Bright Eyes link to the OINri Legend of the portal back to the Eternal Realm of which in O I Nri Igbo tradition was the reason ERI came into the world as a Avatar Messenger of Chukwu and Chinele
The Supreme Creator ..Supreme Being
And Chineke- which means the E-Spirit which creates as it goes along.
Yes C C
Particle and Wave .

C C. 33. Merged back into 1 6… 16 1 16.. 88 8/8 1…88 16.. 64.
1 16 64.
A P. F D..
The one Awareness of Perfection P is Perfect Timing the Fifth Dimensional play in the Stage 4… Heart Chakra Green, Plants, Nursery Gardening

Nourishing Gardening

Anywu- is the name of the portal of which in the story Ananya-Wu is the portal back home
And Anya Wu means Bright Eyes.
I have already given evidence of how the Chinese and Japanese culture derived from the OI Nri Culture ..
Chi is an Nri Igbo word for Energy.. and the Creative Force.

Wu is Mandarin and means the number 5.

Bright Eyes ..seeing through the eyes of the 5th Dimension

5:37 p.m

As you might me aware, I have been playing the role of Universal Sensei rep of the line of the E..
A consciousness so forgotten that it was rendered not of Existence and thus, because I represent it, I was sent to Non Existence and from that place space, enacted through what was done to my life and existence for being loyal to the E..
Was to be negated until I was able to prove provide evidence and proof as the Facts Solid Real of the Truth not only of the Existence and Presence of the Eternal in all things and beings before an entire world.
Punished and challenged every step of the way.
By those who sole mission was to deny the E and thus the Truth and the Evolution Awakening.

The play in Connecticut- after the Hellish battle in New York, has been.the finale of the proof of the Eternal present alive awake in all humanity but only could see it perceive that fact by looking back at what they created in Hindsight..
“Chineke.. the E-Spirt which creates as it goes along.”

Nature forced me..
Nnamdi forced me..
The past forced me..
The illusion of this world being the present challenged me to prove and then in a ruse, of my going home- set me up to prove in the 5th State Hartford Connecticut..
The truth that within all the people I had been sent to, through 18 years almost, all have the E in them.

Secretions of the E.. but ppl had to be clean and look.at what they had created when not even aware..

And so the last of my tests was this but not convincing anyone of the E but Demonstrating lecturing, guiding…and even Teaching the way of the E.

I found myself training people to rise to the E as a condition for my release.

And then as a Professor and Medical Doctor while solving the riddles of the way out in which the Lie, did what it does best, Lie.. lied ro.me each time that the script was complete.

Kathryn De Mente left me a message today

“And so It Begins”

That phrase is the name of the First chapter of my 3rd journal written in Paris in March April 1992… when I was aware that the play I had been informed of, why I was in this Altered world to correct the expression memories, had begun.

And it has..
Because I have observed the graduation of 3 here
E steban Mikki and John on the 3rd Floor
And 3 ..Tree, Sosa, Johnny on the 2nd Floor.
Add Arica and Serenity .. A S.

3rd Floor 2nd Floor.
3 2.

3 3.. ..

33. 32. 33. 32. 6 5… 96… 3
3 96..

And I had to give then each a score for their expressions after graduation of how well they expresses publicly using the knowledge questions on the exam of the E.

I.gave the scores A B+ C+.
And D E F…

You see, I had to grade the ones sent to me..
The ones I worked on or with.
Based on their Expressionnls of B.E.

All passed..
Some with Flying Colors, some with Honors…

6:00 p.m

But now others are arriving as I had known
First Drop..
123 and then it moves effortlessly the waves of Expressions which since 2011 -2012 I have known would begin the T S Evolution but only if I could find three who have understood the E.
And the E Family, outside of me confirms it

They had to pass through the portal of mind.

There are 3
And 3 below..Reflections and 3 living around

And there are the Two
And 2 living outside of Connecticut..
Two here 55..

And finally there is The One.
The 1.

Observing Kathryns expression
Nugahs. Shaggy .. and Nathaniel and Melia..
Yes…It has begun

B E.. means being able to C and communicate on the Frequency of E through the Heart Balanced 4th Dimension Green Leaves Photosynthesis..( Merge the Image of what you see through your eyes Camera and link it to the knowing through your inner see..
Three eyes, two which look.outside and One who is the Two Outside and the Source of them the Two..
The One.

5. 55.. 5 1 O.. 6. O.. 1551..66..12. 3
6 3. 1

F C ..A.

First Contact..A.. Awareness Alpha
Alpha Bet ..C
It had nothing to do we Africa but.the meaning of the play of Time..
How to C.

Communicate Converse Clearly Consciously Creatively which allows others to see
Do not Teach
Do not Preach
Do not lecture
Do not even explain.

Exemplify Demonstrate
E D.

Show and Tell.

S A T…
Y A.

Satya- Is the word John asked me about yesterday.
SAT. YA! ..I explained.

YA! Was the response in that one B egining when I sat on the throne ( Isis means throne)
In the First B egining on the Astral Plane.
Recognized after a great competition and testing .

6:18 p.m

F R. I. E N D..S.

Crowned .

“Satya” in Sanskrit means “Truth”

I was given that Seat because I brought the Truth .
And that is what all Existence desired..
To know the Truth.
The Whole Truth
The wholesome Truth.
In which it is not expressed in Words
But in Being and Doing
Transparently manifesting Solid Facts.

Bringing the Beautiful Truth

This time it was the same process but thus time there was intention for me to fail ..
This time Evil rose to challenge me as Truth.
Despite by having already been crowned
The True.
Living Truth Supreme Existence.

And yes, so it begins..

The Wave of Expression linking to E
D devotion
E Expression
9 is Pluto Death Underworld.

I Death

The worse thing you can.do is lie to me and think that I will not notice.
I always do .. respond to Lies.. and Liars
And those who gossip speak behind others back even those who help you rise…
And say thank you but deny given credit on the public forums.

That is a liar..
Because they have not expressed the whole Truth and in their expressions you see the Truth and how the promote themselves more than the Beautiful Truth.

I am rep of Santana Dharma
Eternal Law
E L.
Eternal Truth
E.T.. Law ..E

E T L E..

But don’t forget the 32. 2012 32.. Consciousness Beautiful ( 2 O.. 26 12..38 C H…
11..K… ) 5 ..E
E ..K

6:30 p.m


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