
2/7/2019 18:09 – Facebook Post


From Nugahs Ramuk Nahdarp

Finally… I.have been waiting for this..
N R N.

I already knew and know who Shaggy represents and we hung out here as you recall, when I first arrived when in perfect harmony to meet Esteban Miguel Filgueira

His understanding of the True play…
Is yes, of the highest I have met in this planet

I was waiting for the line he represents expression.
But I had to wait until he was ready.

E steban, Nuguahs, and Nathaniel were the ones at 33rd State, Oregon in 2017 for the play of the Total Solar Eclipse.

Kelsie Bissel joined them later..

Stephen Strawberry and Shaggy.

S S S..

A Trinity.. Y.. Male Chromosomes of Men.
Then Clara “Kelsie ” arrived her line is called Clara Star Child..
South Carolina is where the Total Solar Eclipse ended at the 8th state.. but to move it back as full circle..
You have to go back to 33.. 6.

And so, I am.not surprised by this post by Shaggy (Nugahs) arriving in perfect timing

Watched Dragon Blade all about the Silk Road.

Silk Road is a code which E N N
Expression Nature Naturalness..
The original trinity were Y chromosome
Male.. and then came Clarity Stars..Child..
Giggles we call.her.
The first Masculine form in a female form.
Y i. Y I..
Trinity and One.. 3 1 ..4
Clara Star Child is also C..3.. and one the Stage She, as her 3 brothers the 1 and the 2 and then the 3.. ( 6 of them actually 3 3.. ) in a play of duality on the world stage SHE had to rise as Clarity of both sides of perception of the mirror and merge them into One to bring the 3 to Clarity Vision In two realms
7 7 and merge then to.the original 7.
77 7.. 14. 7… 21… 3…C.

Twice C C .. to Full Circle O
O..15… 1 5 6..
15/51 66.. 1.. 12.. 3
1 3
A C.
But only by here passing the examination of the Original Trinity.. Male could the new Female Trinity rise as the Completion of the E

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