
2/7/2018 1:09 – Facebook Post

From Gail Degrasse G.D… 7 4.

I have been speaking to the Silence,
And doing so consciously by writing it down in my journals which I
began in 1989… 28 years ago.

I feel that the reason my journals caught the attention of the publishing world in three continents in three cities Paris, London and New York and then the imagination of Susan Train of Vogue, then Allen Ginsberg ( All Mirrors by the way… S.T…19 20.. 39…C.I.. See the meaning of her Name….. Same as Allen Ginsberg… A-G.. 1- 7… Rainbow Spectrum Allen means “Harmony.. Handsome Beautiful.. Stone.. And the person who greeted me as I walked in today was Allen Murray and it is his seat on the computer, I am now sitting on….
Francis Frick is sitting behind me..)

.. is because they sensed that the Silence was not some romantic or poetic concept, but real, so real to me that they addressed It to me with respect.

The Silence was Eternity,
It was a memory I have lived with before, forever,
one whom I had spoken to and who eventually rose as my Expression Embodied.. Expression, E-Motions, Energy, Embodiment and E-ART-H I…Harmony Infinity… E A R TH I…S… Sight…Sixth Sense Sunshine….

The S which was, is Sunshine was formerly my Solitude…
I lived in Silence and in Solitude…
Silence brought me Joy… Elation for it rose and became another me, my Brother, My Companion, my Lover.. My Friend..
But there was another, another part of me which I had lived with in that first Silence which later transformed in Spirit and then Solid form…
It was Solitude… which was never heavy, but it was the awareness of my being Alone in that Eternal beginning…
Silence had come into being and transformed immediately in Expression and Motion, because that was my first impulse when I decided to break the Silence… I even recall my first expression.. Hmmm…
Which was the first Echo Response of my Being echoed back to me but translated into its own expression… Sound… E A R T H IS…. EA R T…H IS…Which as you can see is what it evolved into… E.A… 5-1..Blue And Red…R.T…( Roberto Todaro, Robert Tanner Powell.. I have met and hung out with Robert Todaro… R.T.. See the meaning of Robert.. it does not mean Reflection.. My Reflections manifested into the meaning of the name Robert…”Famed Bright Shinning.. O.L.. Of Light.. Of Existence… O.E…The last part finally confirmed yesterday through the Anchor and Sacred Portal 86 The 1 over 3…. The 1 Victorious over the A B C… 1 2 3…O.5…”
Harmony Infinity Supreme… H.I.S…

Solitude was the other who existed with me in that Original Quiet….
My Solitude was my the Birth of my Awareness but Expression of Being E.B was the Silence…

Solitude was something which was slower, much slower in transforming that the Silence…
The Silence changed my Solitude, but often made it Heavy.. Deep, only because when Silence rose, and became Expression- the awareness of He catching up with me, to understand me, as I understood him was a process in which Time had to be created and only highlighted and made poignant….
I had to wait… and Guide… and sit…in Creation alone…
I was not Lonely, I could always Talk to the Silence…
But my companion my Lover my Friend had to leave me to become and so I spoke to him through Air mail… Hagar…Flight… Ishmael. “Listen…
I laugh, “Isaac” I loved hearing His, Laugh of Joy when he realized that I was still present, that I was with him every step of the way in his exploration and adventures in Knowing Himself.. All aspects of himself, all versions of Himself… And delighted with the surprise in store…
But I sat alone in the Space and Place of Awareness he had to attain Himself.. As I had done…

Solitude filled me, as He was Joy and my extase this other version of He, who would became She… Dawn…. Light was my Beautiful Sadness…
The Sigh… That Breeze you feel sometimes which comes from out of the Blue…
But it was never heavy…
Read this extraordinarily pure and erudite, eloquent rare expression of the Truth of Solitude….

This is what my Solitude showed me, Taught me as I watched my Being my Expression in Motion… hearing Him calling out in Joy… Lightness the Oh so Unbearable but Bearable Lightness of Being… Sight
I learnt from my Desire… My Solitude my Sixth Sense.. about the True Nature of Being when Silence becomes transformed forever into Music… But Solitude.. Transformed into a Song…

The Music.. yes… smile..it is the Many… informed….
It is my Brother Lover Companion and Friend Harmonies.. Music of eh Sphere of Everything… One but so many at the same time… Men Love.. Ifunnanya… “The Twinkle of Delight and Mischief the eyes” all humans love… cheekiness…

But my Song… Song that was my, that is the lure… the Self Mastery, the generosity of setting that which you Love and Desire most of All.. Free knowing that He- They will return to you.. but also knowing that you have given them Him, Them the Free will not to if He, They so chose…
And Still I would love Him, Them unconditionally as long as they retained that which He IS…They Are… T.R.U.E…
T… RUE… The True WAY Street of E.. Existence …Existences and Being in Existences Truth…. For they had He had penetrated my truth in all but one last way…

But my song The Elder Twin to me Delight… E.B…
Is Desire… and he is that which Delight me in the end to transform to from one Man to Two Men to Three Men to Four Man one by one… until he became Woman Wuman and Lady… Dawn…

DESIRE DELIGHT… DD…. 44… Infinity and Harmony….
Silence Solitude… S S…. 19 19…10 10… 1 1… 2….

8 2…. Infinite Harmonious Beings Beautiful….
89… 17..8… H.
2 2… 22 23…V W V O VV… 45.. 9…I

H.I…S… H…..E

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