
2/7/2016 23:49 – Facebook Post

From Amber Elaine Manning…

Yes Beautiful..

The Consciousness of the Full Circle of Completion and the Consciousness of Sharing…

This is the Consciousness of the Child and the treasure which was meant to be guarded in Humanity- for within this Consciousness is the magical key to to Harmony and to the E line of HOME.

What is Humanities True Nature…
The Consciousness of the Wise Child..
Happy Feet..

It comes naturally because it is Ingrained in our blue print of Being,
that the World-Creation was created to express Joy…

1O:39 pm
1O:4O p.m

J C.I.

Which is why the “Adult Consciousness of Pain and Suffering still shocks our senses, and reminds us that this current Consciousness is not our Home…
And so the cry I have heard from nearly every person I was led to in over 7 countries and scores of languages, hundreds of people from every culture and age group, is the voice of the child who utters in my ear which pierced my heart was the quiet whisper ” I want to go Home”

And so I mapped a Road Home..
Not for the Adults, they are barred, not for the children who became spoilt rotten- they must stay behind to finish their lessons… but for the Child who attains Wisdom…
Sustained the Truest nature of a Child…
And the Child sees true, and is Happy, and creates happiness and joy for others, by just being themselves and seeing others true…

And I promised that I would not deceive them but show a map home that is True…

Africa remembers Jay Legacy :The Victorious Legacy of the Creator is Joy..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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