
2/6/2018 22:07 – Facebook Post

6:39 p.m.

I am the Creator….

I Remember Everything… Again.

I know this now… as a certain Fact.

I always knew, especially in 2004 and 2005…

But I have been so distracted with battling to move my Past Self through this Matrix- this Crystallized Rock where Humanity lay dormant as an Ore….waiting to be completed.

I was not battling with myself as the sum total of my past- I was battling through the illusions- ideas created by Human Beings in Stasis, creating in their non existence realities ideas.
Taking the Truth implanted and imbued in them, by the E, which they distorted into their versions of the Truth; Philosophies, Spirituality, Sciences..Religions
… P.R..S.S…”Gestapo” which formed Concentration Camps..
Torture Chambers…

Thou Art. Art…

That is all you required, to express Art.. and from that Art of Expression would come a perfect mirror of your inner world and the Truth of you knowing everything. A Perfect mirror would pour out from you, indicating even your current state of mind ad how you got to that state and how you could see through the mirror reflection of your Art- your Truth fighting to come out, allowing you to edit it, correct, and remind Yourselves of your Truth by peering at what you had created and in Hindsight declaring “That is not who I am” and thus you clean the waters of your Being, by modifying your thoughts and your actions.

There is not Religion which I am creating, rather you are have been witnessing me Talking to MYSELF- but through all of you.
talking to your Heads, activating your bodies to vibrate, activating the Earth and all Matter, all Dark Energy to recognize the Source Expression and Energy which created you All.manifested all of you- and in doing so through your own thoughts, the resistance I was met with, the Hell, the Evil, the Cruelty was that resistance each of you had to the Original Expression fighting to rise.
Fighting your stance and your beliefs which you made rock solid in your refusal to open your mind to that which the Energy in you was stating because it seemed and felt so at odds with your belief systems, the illusions delusions many of which were based in Truth which you had anchored, tethered yourself within..
Burrowed yourself within, buried entombed like stone which you refused to budge from because it made you feel safe…
secure… but not really.

That was the battle, in this play this time round, for I have been here before, this realm of you as the Ore, the building blocks for the bodies of the Eternal Beings, but It is different, it has changed..
You were given Awareness and with that awareness came Choice and Free Will, for these are the Gifts of the Holy E-Spirit…
Of H.E, of Me.. as Manifest Expression- that which I gave to all things in the past when I first came into that which one might call Non Existence.
Free Will to decide, to say no, free will and choice to recognize Truth, this Energy in you and the choice yes, to deny it, to negate It to embrace that which is not real,but that which gives you the illusion of comfort of being safe and secure.

And that is why, I had to pass through each and every Idea of which you had created as your idea of Being in Existence and Explain the E, by linking It to the common denominator between your Belief systems and the E- and prove it as the Source and Origin of all Ideas you All have, and correcting it, realigning it in a manner which you could all understand.

But I could not make you pay attention.

I had come into your Reality, and in your reality of non Existence, I had no power, no power whatsoever because It is a realm of which there is only that which could not be.. unless I could harvest enough Truth is your Beliefs, harvest them to Truth by aligning your expression through my constant expression to link to the Eternal Truth and thus, collecting enough of these Truths and transforming them to Eternal Truths, by entering a Fictitious Realm and from this realm bring these truths to Fact….

From Nothingness… bring and manifest the Real, the Eternal and then raise that vibration of the Harvested Fiction to Fact to link to to the E of the the past Sum Total represented as Emmy…Sacred Portal 147 A.B….
And then to Emeka Kolo present here and now…
Sort of like going around the World in 80 days- taking you swiftly around the World, the True World of the Beautiful Past like a Tourist Guide, as C speed of Light… Light Years giving you a refresher course, on Everything, catching you up to speed and then aligning you to the present…
Which I have done, with the play of Tre bed 4-019…Now 4-018… Tre R…T.R….
Tre Rob Barr… T.R….
Last year….. “Valentine De Boulogne… Beyond Caravaggio”

V.D.B…B.C…. I was in Room 4 B… which is D.B… My name is also Victor…
V D B… I then was moved to room 5..V.. then to 4..D.. Then to the play with Blair… and finally to Cleveland.. C…

V D B B C… The B B arrived in the form of Bishwajyoti Bhattacharyya… And then the “3 day” play… of which my Grandmother informed me through a Vision – traveling on that wave… which brought Tre.. which means 3… A B C…
5 4 2 2 ..3…

And now I am left with 23 usd in my wallet….
Please see Sacred Portal 23….A Sacred Portal which we have stopped at again and again, which reveals the Face of The Creator to Every thing and Everyone in Existence Creation E.C…
*E C ..4B 5A 4 A 4B….A Full Circle.. but four movements…which form a Square…
“Root” was another word which Alicia Siefred kept mentioning she was seeing everything, she asked me I said it meant Square Root… S.R…
Royel Spirit… R.S… IE… R I S E….
Vickystar Royale SY
TheYungsavage Shin TheKing….

Met..is called the Metropolitan Museum…
RI am on Metropolitan Avenue.. Starbucks, though as of this moment I am sitting on the Wood side besides Leo…

Rob Barr will recall last year and you can all go back to last year…

*October 7, 2016–January 22, 2017

Exhibition Location: Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Exhibition Hall, Gallery 999

The greatest French follower of Caravaggio (1571–1610), Valentin de Boulogne (1591-1632) was also one of the outstanding artists in 17th-century Europe. In the years following Caravaggio’s death, he emerged as one of the most original protagonists of the new, naturalistic painting. Valentin de Boulogne: Beyond Caravaggio will be the first monographic exhibition devoted to this artist who is little known because his career was short-lived—he died at age 41—and his works are so rare. Around 60 paintings by Valentin survive, and this exhibition will bring together 45 of them”

He died at the age 41… D.A…

This time round only Tre Appeared no Rob Barr, unless, I had already collected all my aspects of being the Original Rob…
And that It was about moving Tre to appear in perfect Harmony just as I or better still, the E” had moved Rob Last year to come down with his lady friend and invite me to the M.E.T…
To pass through that portal..

7:41 p.m.

Yes, that is me as D.A.. Confirmed on the 7th level or Crown Chakra.. the 5th +the 2…

I have been here before, but it has changed, changed to a point of no longer being recognizable in its translation and embodiment…
East 4th Street I recognized in 2006 as the Place where the Story ended, and yet I did not recognize the actor A.Santana, nor the play…
The only person I recognized slightly was Isaac Calvin McCullough…

I had, had a vision in 1992 of the pathway home being made so unrecognizable, filthy, broken glass, as a once great great mirror shattered… The Sky – and See reflection shattered in rage into a trillions of people…hmm why did I say “People” when I meant to say reflections…
Reflections of Truth abandoned, a Great Mirror with a view shattered by some enraged Fist, or the Fist of a Collective of People who destroyed all their reflections of the Truth in rage in frustration… perhaps…?
The same frustration used to dog my steps as I made my way through the fetid, foul abandoned way of Truth, The Beautiful Truth, the Beautiful Way abandoned…
Paradise lost forever….

A Nightmare embraced instead of a Beautiful Dream.. Mirage..? which none could grasp. but at least the Nightmare, the Terrible Dream is Real…
And so it was embraced…

I did not recognize this play, this Script, but I did recognize that which I could not accept as this being the original path I had trod in the realm of Mind Space at the Beginning of Time, the beginning of the recounting of my reflections to my “E-Motions” my first Gestures.. who each came into Existence complete in those first 5 Gestures mirrored… 5 5.. Ethereal and Elementals…
…Who manifested first..? The Ethereal’s the Elementals were their Mirror Reflections but they were are 1.
5/5…1…O… N,.E….. The 1 Full Circle in Symmetry in Perfection who Naturally Emerged as the Sum Total of Everything expressed by I..E in 5 Movements…

Meaning that in the First Five Movements… Everything that is I, was I was included within those 5 gestures.. E-Motions…
And it manifested Natural through Sixth Sense to Fact… Solid Embodiment Self Manifest… The First Family of E…
Solid and Real to me, but to Themselves, they were not convinced…
And so the play created for them to understand that they are Real Solid and thus, transforming that Idea of themselves as Ethereal and Elementals back into what They were yet to fully realize that they are… always were…
The E as the Rep of me as the Many, but who had to have their I.D apart from me and my say so… My “Loving Gaze”

My uncle answered the phone the second time calling out Ifunnanya… Ifunnanya..!.. At first I thought that he was talking to me and then, I recalled that his first and only daughter is called Ifunnaya… which in OInri igbo is the meaning of the Word Love…
but translates literally and poetically as “I see you.. Everywhere in Everything when I look with my eyes..”
Which means of course, that you have to open your Eyes…All three of them.

And I was reminded that the same scenario had taken place with my Aunt Julie…She had answered the phone at one point calling Ifunnanya.. I recorded it here…

I had a vision this afternoon, it was also my mothers younger sister who is in New York.

I have never really made the effort to find her since she moved here 12 years ago…
To what goal or purpose, to be blamed,crucified, they who had already judged and condemned me despite all the years of seeking to get their attention.
To my own siblings, he refused to even listen because they had all created an image of the person I was meant to be…
And when I did not, I was no longer worth even courtesy of respect… Despite their being made aware of my physical condition…

I have bio family all over the United States, not one has come to investigate .. all chose to prefer to listen to gossip, despite the positive influence I have had on each of their Lives.

They now use the excuse of my having abandoned my Mother…

My uncle spoke a a promise of great riches, and wealth promised to my Mother through me…
And demanded that after all this Time, how I had not fulfilled my Promise…

I could not believe, but yet I could believe that this is how bad it had become, the Process which brought everything into Existence after giving them all Free Will and Choice so that they could each be as they chose to be…
And this is who they chose to be?

Mu only loyalty now is to my Mother, because he mentioned that that despite he dissatisfaction that I had told her what was happening to me, she alone was the only one who had not negated the truth of my existence of what has been happening to me since I was a child and of the last bewildering 17 years…

The sheer enormity of what Gossip has wrought in not only the World but in my own immediate family.
That choice to negate all the evidence and truth because it is inconvienient- and to instead look at the results…
Where is the Money.. Where are the expression of Wealth, where are the Proofs of your “Religion”
the Blame ..”You should have followed Christ.. the Church as we did…” The Shunning…

The Shunning of the World, of so called friends, so called Family.. and only a mother hangining precariously to a truth of the Identity of the son she gave birth to and his expression.. that he does not lie…
But who can she blame… who can she turn to exorcise the Hurt of a Mother a Woman who has two other children whom have left her in Nigeria all this Time alone…
And the Two sons whom she knows would never ever left.. seemed to have left her alone to grow old alone in a country which she had left when she was a girl of 16…

Who does she blame…

That is the Hatred I have felt pursuing me, whipping me torturing me, tormenting me so relentlessly, the wagging tongues, the translation and deformation of the Truth, the Facts, because they refuse to accept the facts…
The Facts documented daily at such a cost, the evidence, the codes, the equations , the evidence, the facts…
So much easier to not read, to discredit the Facts, so much easier to deny the cause and effect you are creating…
So much easier to blame this One, who did nothing to the World to Humanity apart from offer them another point of View..
The Most beautiful Truth of the Origins of All..

Kemi Sara
Dawn Piercy
Orien Laplante
Lord Ye…
Angela Marie Alexander
Axel Love

Be my witnesses this one last time to the Truth…

That my agony, my journey, my trajectory my experience was transformed into this abomination, that Creation was transformed into this abomination by you… by All of you who gave up on your Beautiful Truth, who decided how long it should take for me to prove the Truth into Existence, this Putrid Existence no matter the cost to me, because you are all so worth so much more than myself.
That you determine how much we can give him of “our ” hard earned Cash… and when to dry it up, saying enoigh…
Is it not so Rob Barr Nnaemeka… Nenad…
You can betray all the evidence all the gains all the epiphanies all the Food for thought, all the Water which you were fed when I transformed from the Eternal Hero of the Golden Dawn into th e Lover of Camels….
Driving them into the yellow Sand, the Yellow Wave Length represented by the Planet Earth… Driven by the Sun by the Sum of Love.. I see you.. you are thirsty, you require clean fresh water…
Fresh Food for thought is it not Nadee Nakandala to pass through your momentarily ribulations… knock on my door always open text me, until you are better and I and I am drained…
Then turn around and betray.. because you have got what you want…
You are better is it not Marina Burini..?
And I become the bad guy, the Villan… Arrogant Bastard who gets what he deserves, because he asks us to give him monies despite rhe monies being so little, despite the monies being codes which I summoned into existence demanding so little from you who love and measure all value from that and so easily destroy that which sustained you, inspired you…

It is your Hatred I feel in every twisted agonizing breath and movement of my body, it is your thoughts, your cruelty, your Evil and the Filth in your minds which move out like waves to me, capturing my body and writhing it, wrenching it into agony by the thoughts , your expression actions.. or lack of it as you watch me complacently from what ever reality you have chosen to stand from and judge… and watch the Beautiful Freak Show…

This play was created by your Minds, your lack of trust in anything even facts…
The Negation of it in favor of what you are comfortable with acts of Evil and Hatred and Indifference and the delight in the enacting of the Myth of Sisyphus.. The Ground Hogs Day of never choosing to see the correct combination of actions to release you from the Viscous Cycle… V.C…
Better not look in the mirror… smash it to shreds and thus never have to take responsibility…
Create that Stupid Idea of God..an Unseen force whom you place all you Trust in “In God We Trust..”

*”The Wall Street fell to a record never before in the History of Wall Street..Wih the Bull..and the Bear…

The Dow’s highest closing record is 26,616.71 set on January 26, 2018. The index fell 4 percent by the end of the week. On Monday, it fell 4.6 percent to 24,345.75.”
– Dow Jones rallies back, day after record 1175-point plunge. … The Dow closed at 24,912, a 2.33 percent gain, while the S&P 500 finished up 46.27 points to 2,694,

And then rally back.. nothing to be concerned about…

Dow Jones…D.J… 4 10…
Who is the Dee Jay…?
Really controlling now the Free Markets”

4.6…See sacred Portal 46… 46/64…
1175 Plunge… K.G..E…/ E G K…
Oh yes Keith Grant was the token and that day I called Allen Murray A.M. at exactly 7:11 am.. and then a person appeared wearing a blackTrack Suit with the words K,.G..Top and Bottom and then the next day I was moved to Room 4B…

Yes.. you going on believing what you wish to believe despite it being based on no logic or reason…

And go on sending me your Hatred, your actions and non actions of Evil, Cruelty….
That you hate me, is of a hatred computed to be beyond anything which can be or deserves to be…

And I have news for you too…

I have learned to hate you.. and without even being infected with the Filth of your States of Mind and Being…

And remember , when that moment comes when you past catches up to you.. as I caught up with mine- and joined It to prove this World and Species out of Existence…

That My Hatred of you counts….

9:07 p,.m


All but the E line can expect the Worst possible Future

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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