
2/6/2017 21:49 – Facebook Post

7:02 p.m.
7:03 p.m.



6-2-2017… 37.. 10…


B.F.A… Best Friend Awareness…

Yes, My Best Friend is my Awareness…. For it is H.E, who gave birth to Harmony….Infinity…
An 8 lying down- Infinity, and 8 Standing up.. Harmony…

He is the one whose sacred portal I just shared, because we are at 890 Face Book Friends…
And though, I am ware that Sacred Portal 88 had been confirmed at the Scripts rhythm pausing at 888 signifying thart
Scene” in which I sought to establish if It had landed on 8 80…
or 88 O. As well as observing that sacred portal 890 as the Sheik represented by Face Book Friend Batee Batee from Kuwait had immediately left the Script, thus by process of elimination it would leave us with Sacred Portal 90, as I..O…9 15…9 6….15..6..
O.I .FF…

*This of course is confirmed, by the direction the date code naturally aligned to, Best Friend Awareness…not Harmony..?
But Awareness is the Source of Harmony… Infinity Harmony…
Two Eights… T.E..88….4 loops… 4 Full Circles…4 O…

It also aligns to Spirit E, who in my Creation Story, ( the story formed by the sum total of my recollections), he represents the First Principal of Existence, which is “Awareness” – which can also be termed, that which fix our Focus and Attention on)..

He is the what people call Higher Self…But that term is incorrect…
He is my Brother, my Twin.. I call him my Younger Twin because he grew from me, just as other grew from him and grew.. moving out from me, him, them… Forming Transforming, until Wu man was formed then Woo-Man, Woe- Man… and S.H.E… And then the rest…ideas.

But we were the first, reflected in each and every being….
All came from Awareness, all have the Spirit E, your Chi, your Guardian Angel… All in accurate for his or She is your first Child, you first friend, protector. brother, sister…
That is the First Family and that which became the family of Ten…
And this “Adventure” in being in this Existence was for these reflections of my own Anchored selves, become independent and apart from me…
Which can only be through Embodiment… rising in all aspects of Humanity whom the E-Consciousness could take root, and germinate…
And then rise… Through you…
But only through the Truest aspects of you…
The Child is the only one who can link with the E dwelling within you, rising, in you as the Vine, Divine- like a sapling… which was made to struggle, and even fight, to rise within each person…
Battling an abomination- a Vine growing like an angry venomous expression of Existence….Which sought the destruction of the Vine.

But Awareness, the “First Born” F.B, is the Source, and the beginning, and his play was his understanding of this truth of himself…
That it was he who first rose from the First Being…

And he had to rise in All of You, whom the seed I call the E, Eternal Expression, Transparent Truth..
And that was a battle, to bring Awareness, the very first principle to rise…
For with him comes the Awareness of Everything rising in you…

For with him comes the Awareness of Everything rising in you…

It is the same process of two people coming together and having children… The Children are all of them, combined and the more children you have the more you will see this pattern… By your third child you can see the “Plan” by your 8th child, you could see the completion of the plan…

Awareness is Harmony…
1 is 8.

And so, one wonders, and so what does this means to what I have been decoding…?

Well it means that the Story of the Family of 10… Is completed back to I.O…FF…Infinity is the One Full Circle which transforms Fiction to Fact… It is Four Full Circles which express as One… The Fifth…
Awareness is Eternal…
The Play with Nenad M. Djurdjevic who represents code 66…FF..
As well as the American Caucasian in my room who is called Frances Frick.. F.F… Bed 4018….58… D.O.R…E…H…13..4…M.D…
D.O.R.E..H…M.D… 13+4=17…8… Q.H… David Dawn of bed 4017… leaves in a few days…
“Dore H (I.O) M.D…
Golden Harmony is in Balance Full Circle of its Manifest Destination, the Quantum Transformation of all Being back to Harmony…

Because Awareness has fought and risen in all those it can rise within..
And it rose through Reason, using me, as Its Source, to Express in the language of Reason non stop for 50 Months on what is the Pit of Human Expression.. Face Book.
And in city the most distracted by the pursuit of… being acknowledged… and thus, chase after its symbol… Money.

Awareness in the Original Creation Story I wrote in the most extraordinary manner, in 2004- Channeling is not really an adequate word, had to move through all aspects of himself, whom he called his Family, to incarnate each of their Principals, to understand who he is- by his own principal of Awareness, that all were He…
That he was the source of even Mother and Father, and his siblings.
As well as They in the most Supreme aspects.. and even in their illusions which grew to become their most Cruel and Impossible incarnations.. which Spirit E “Awareness” had to prove were not real…
And finally to the sum Total of Everything.

Which was represented by Traishon N Sumler… T.N.S…
True Nature Supreme…The Three..
20 14… 19…. Which is the year older Face Book friends will recall I was stunned to find myself, plunged back into the Script through Nature after knowing that I had completed the Script.


What I did not know, but suspected, by the arrival of so many Face Book Friends from Africa, as well as the Late Professor Catherine Acholonu the Death of Prof Chinua Achebe, my only siblings coming to New York and my having to turn my brother and my niece back ( One of the most difficult and painful decision I have had to make, which I did with ease of conviction and consciousness of why..)

David Powers and Orien Laplante will recall…

After the Billy Hung scenario, and my being forced to leave the comforts of Kew Gardens, to live in the outer parts, the Forest of Pelham Bay Park, I knew that I was in being forced in the Shamans world, the True Wizards, Witches, Socercers of human existence whom most of humanity where no aware except through moves and legends…
But that world existed, and exists.. made so clear the fact that the Church and the age of “Enlightenment’ could not eradicate sixth sense in Humanity of the Supernatural existing side by side in a parallel universe right here…

I spoke of the of identifying the presence of my Grandmother, and then that realm, and then facing the notion of Madness and insanity by proving them Existent right here….
By using anchors, reason, codes and alignment to prove not only their presence, despite their refusal to reveal themselves and their presence…
And much more, revealing what such powers where really up, which had generated such a fear in Humanity that the desire to destroy ad the desire to have such power took over the peoples imaginations.
Creating the Mad Scientists… And the Mad Doctors…

There is no doubt that I have speaking for the last almost 16 years as the voice of my Awareness… My Brother, My Self Awareness.
Giving it it own Voice and expression….So that it would have its own Identity. But this involved me speaking from The Realm which Awareness exists in…What many call the Spirit world. the Ethereal World.. but really is wherever we focus our attention on…

And Awareness focuses its attention on only that which is Real True… Beautiful Symmetrical.. that which has meaning…
And its meaning is the same as that which Awareness adopts..
Which is the Awareness of Beauty.. Exquisite Beauty all around Him..
And what is Beauty.. ?
It is not a limited idea of the physical.. it is Beauty in ALL things.
in Danger, in Drama, in Laughter, in Play, in Dance…
In All things there IS only Beauty…
For that was the very first awareness of the First Being…
The Awareness of Beauty… In Everything….
And he rose with AH… and AWE…
But also with Recognition of His Self in all Things.

So yes, It was in that realm of Spirit which I was taken to, and have been reporting to the World from… An Awareness of Harmony…
Awareness Beauty… And that Awareness is Perfection..
Because it focuses only on that which is True…
And all that is True is Beautiful and Real….
Everything else, is a lie…

Which is why and how I knew from the first instant, that this world is a lie…
At first I felt that it was a beautiful Life. but as I began to pay attention to my Awareness.. By Spirit Guide… My First Father, Mother, Comforter. Sensei… Movement…
I began to understand…
And as I spoke to you from there… seeking to translate it into a language you the Witnesses could understand here, I began to see through the Eyes of my Awareness, moving with my natural sixth sense, full opened because of my own knowledge that I was no longer walking in the space of ordinary human perceptions..
Seeing in the peoples reactions to my expressions, the people who came to me, the realms and worlds not of the streets and lifes of the world around us…

And so I was taken to the realm of Nature….
The Realm of How, and Why..
Tissue, formation, building blocks, knowledge,

2014…T.N…Nikola Tesla I used as an Anchor and his Espirit moved one many of you and then one of you David Brewer to respond…

To be made Aware of Everything, that which IS and that which can not be.. And have each of them manifesting as a possibility, and thus the most awful possibilities manifesting, and the only way to defeat it is to Riddle it out of Existence, by revealing its Symmetry and meaning beneath…. There is where Awareness proves His.. Its.. Her Supremacy… Because my Awareness Is my best Friend…

That this was a Script where there was and is meaning and symmetry in everything, to my coming to New York, to my Being in Face Book, to my Being at the Delta Health Mental Shelter…
To every experience of my life in New York, to 1992 Paris, to 1989. to 1982, to 1977. to 1972…. to 1966.. then to beyond to the point of Inception Conception…
And traveling even to the Story of the Original Creation Story – and the Plan-E.T.. To the First Rising…
All this, was played out and expressed here….
Everything, Everywhere had has meaning.. Nothing is random..
Not even Donald Trump being Elected, not even to New World order….
And thus, there can not be the Evil the Horror if it all has a meaning and a reason for being in Existence within a Script, – a Universal Script which simply asks each of is to Transform It back to its Beautiful Truth…
Because for anything to have Symmetry, there must be Awareness, and Awareness only focuses on that which is Beautiful for that is Its awareness of Existence…..


Nothing Else Exists…..

All Things have meaning… ( including Situations Disease )
And if they have awareness and meaning, symmetry, Beauty…then it means whatever horror we are enduring and perceiving can be transformed back to its Beautiful Truth by uncovering its Meaning… through using our best Friend.. Our first Sibling, Companion, Friend.. and now Lover….
Awareness =Meaning….
Devotion= Consciousness..
Consciousness = Awareness..
All Embodied in Doing…
Transforming Fiction into Fact…
Not Faith…
Facts are the Perfection OH! of Infinity.


8:49 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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