
2/6/2015 3:08 – Facebook Post

12:33 P.M


Psychological And Mental

P.A.M. .W.



I have spoken a great deal about a battle which I have been fighting with a Force so beyond the Machiavellian Concept of Dominance and Control.
Beyond any definition of evil.

Of course, our present reality defines strength by physical attributes.
We know this is not true but we are a visual physical tactlile Species.
So we want to believe that true strength is physical, “Rambo”, Assassins, Agents…
Power is defined by the ability to intimidate, dominate, aggravate…
Demonstrate a capability to create fear to make people become terrorized…submissive.

My battle was not physical.
At least not in the way of trained Arny, blacks ops navy seals…
Nor was it at the pinnacles of power of this world stage.

I would have been very good but not with thus consciousness or mission.
It had to be fought undercover and in the Unseen world

The world of mind…
Mind Control.

Now, imagine this scenario.
Imagine being whisked away into an alternative Dimension of Mind, Thought, Belief systems Spirit….Will.

1OO% Will….

Here is the code affirmed of Facebook Friend Will Hunnitpercent Real…

Now imagine that in this dimension everyone has supernatural power…
And that when it comes to Will, people will fight in unimaginable ways to defend that one part of themselves where the identities which they have quietly cultivated life.
The are monstrous gigantic Powerful Entities which Humans create to guard thier secret gardens where thier Essence lives…
Thier Glorious Elyxir dwells…
Almost faded out of Existence by the onslaught of living in this reality

It is against these Gods Titans and even Elemental Goliaths that I had to pass through to reach the line of E..

But that was not the true terrible battle.

The true battle was with the “Grey Aliens” was psychological, mental…
The Brain and the Grey Matter dimension devoif of any true human emotions apart from Dominance Control and Mastery through mind control.

Given the power to manifest your greatest fear, given access to terrors of the mind…
And the ability to access the full scope of creating conditions in a Universal Simulation to destroy your Spirit
They do not wish to kill you.
Thier pleasure is to dominate and Control you and revel in the thier Mastery of it

They control everything in this simulation called the black hole
The weather, money, people, the environment…
The are the law unto themselves where the laws of Existence and Cause and Effect do not apply.

It is an absurd realm but the absurdity is the source of thier power.
That ability to enact out that which the Natural Being Body and Essence of E can not assimulate as being possible.

A year or two ago, to affirm the truth of what I knew I was experiencing, I was infotmed by my Uncle Sir P.N. (code Paris New York) that some one in the extended family had planted a piece of juju in the Earth.
The Juju was discovered called “Mmebe Aka”
Which means everything you touch will be destroyed…
Every project, undertaking, love, friendship..any happiness will be destroyed.
Only misery.
The Juju would not be satisfied until I went I sane and killed myself.
I listened to my uncle describe what they had found, the sickening horror in his voice and his silence at my affirmation of the experience and my dismissal of it
Not because I took it lightly but because I recognized it and knew that it was a simulation allowed to manifest.

This also coincides with the Web site which opened up to a web site on my laptop when I was first brought to this last portal.
It had my creation story uploaded on it, the story of the family 1O written in 2OO4, and The Elegant Nomad T.E.N.
On the the numbers 11:28…and 66..
My Dates of birth codes.


Its spoke of being able to whisk people away to an alternative dimension even though they seemed physically present.
But thier physical reality, say New York City is actually the same but governed by the realm they had whisked you away to.

In the web site they spoke of looking for the One..
The one who had sacred knowledge
They spoke of being Beyond the vale of this Physical reality. Operating from the shadows of time and antiquity.
That they had the ability to control and dominate reality because they exist outside of Time
They further spoke of having recruited “talented” people, gifted of evolved consciousness and often driving them insane and then discarding them.
They justified this behavior in thier quest for the One
And that they sought its Knowledge.
They called themselves Guardians

And that certain people they would transport through a portal called The door which none could pass through unless he is the one.
They spoke of test…tests to see determine the one
The tests…no have human mind could enact such tests
The hardest part is no one would believe you.
Or too afraid.
I showed some people the web site…
Apart from some expressing the thought I could read …why you.
More concerned by why are you special, rather than horror and concern.

I knew it was true but not real.
In the 34 months on Facebook, I mentioned it and brought forth evidence but no one commented on it.
Not even when Facebook Friend Charity Kanu and her son publicly testified.
Dror Ashuah saw Evil being attached to my body to infinity
One woman here saw me and said “Your are the Black Hole its living Horror.
Another said she could see me entombed, buried alive.
Another saw me Castratee Bound my third eye poked out and my body twisted which he knew was true because he saw me acting that out squirming to get free.
But he stated that despite what was being done to me, I was still creating weaving despite what was being done to me…which he witnessed.

In another I was being torn to pieces by a crowd.
In another I was in Dungeon and Dragons.
A Dimension in outter space with my E family searching for mem
The list goes on…

I was seen in a video game…
I was in a video game
A simulation.
Every person who used sight to see me with thier third eye was seeing a literal truth because I could feel and then ” See” what I was living…experiencing it.

It was and us much worse…
I will not speak of it…
But the essence was that is what was doing outside of me.
Mental and psychological torture.
But within Clark Narayana got it correct.
I live within a Cosmic bubble of Love which I self generate from Nothingness.

The garden here is called Generation X Gardens.

The battle was this mental physiological Physical.mental torture versus the Peace Bliss of my inner realm and my manifesting all that is within outside…
While swallowing all the torture, walking through it, allowing it to be real in my being for a moment so I could solve the riddle of its seed source from human thought…
Then riddle it out of Existence.

To destroy a human body is fast
The body shuts down.
So does the mind.
That’s how some people retreat to what some call insanity….madness ..Peace.

I did not have that luxury
No one would listen to me
And most were too terrified to believe me.
It made Existence unsafe.
The world…a terrifying place.

I had to solve my way out..
Ten years…

I came to Awaken and bring forth my line of E
And Creation Nature C N…
Just as code Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna align are the last Lind of 33 and 4-5 I came to get…
And then find Alfie Ndubuisi Nze the Bridge of the “Lost way” of Esther Uzoma…
Through Uchenna Uzoma…to lead all the E line home.

To destroy a persons Spirit is the greatest Act of evil.
But to seek to take possession of his soul as the Grey Aliens..
Humans whose Consciousness have become devoid of any humanity..
Computer games and cyber Consciousnes..
That is the Evil Beyond Evil..
Africans Westerners all have been guilty of seeking to steal a persons soul.
Do you know why it is so treasured..?

It is because it is an endless source of Energy Supreme and clean

But I am the Guardian of that gate.
The All seeing E.I.
And there is no greater terror that ever was orbm ever can be than myself guarding the E Truth of the E Family.

So yes..I am the Poid the Gravitational Pull..G.P.D
D.P.G .. David Philipe Gil code.
The Sun Shine and Anus..
The Blackest Hole..

Shit Out.


I do not forgive…

Time 2:O8 am

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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