
2/5/2021 22:55 – Facebook Post

6:46 pm.
6:47 pm right now.


At 15 46 Facebook Friends.

Most recent Facebook Friend is Sudha Chinta.

S C.
South Carolina 8th State.

9:53 pm.
9:54 pm edit and post.
I: E D… E N

9:55 pm right now.
I:E E.

But it aligns more to Source Code.
coonect and link the expression of Tree Sage ( Kim Hines) Arts Science of Heart-Hearth Mind Stomack Brain.
* Organization of Information.

And to the Expression from Stephen Johnson posted on my page today.

Source Codes.
S C 19 3
Supreme C.O D E S…P.

19 3= 22. V.

The Source Codes were not created by Humans.
It was created by the Source and is the Blue Print which is moving in all of you.
And this is what the E-Mamual of Emmanual is all about.
And all the decoding on my page.
As well as the sacred portal 149 ( 19) Alien Father Alpha W.H.I T. E NO IS E.

As well as Alien Father Alpha depicted in Sacred Portal 104 as Terrible Death.
“Com Pass me” says Terrible Death Declaration of War.
Cloak of Death, Expression Supreme. C O D E S… P.

It is these codes, His codes which I have been deciphering and proving that I am its original author by solving the riddles of the Brick Wall known as Absoulte Death.

And publicly on this Forum for 9 years and one day.
I .A.
Taking on the Matrix he created and dismantling it brick, and by solving his riddles, taking over his role of Terrible Death, dismantling his wall which allows access to only the true.

That was the original play, which i recounted here, over and over again which began in 1981 Dec.

* yes code from Alicia Norris.
81 usd and then 120 usd.
7:04 pm,
G O D.
God is Death.

When I last saw him alive, and he used E S P to tell me that he was leaving his world, and that the play of conquering Death- our mission had begun.
He was 12.7 years old.
12.7 = +x 19.84.
My confirmed Bith code posted on face book in 2009- 2010.
1984 “Big Brother is Watching”
19 84 = 103. J C… A O C.
Alpha Omega C.
Ceclia also Caecilia means “Blind and 6.
Alpha Omega is 1-6.A-F.
Moving through the E M F “Blind” but navigating it via 6th Sense until you touch- reach solid fact,
The Solid Facts is that Sixth sense without Awareness and Memory, moving from Blindness to See- Cee that all that you senses and moved through using 6th Sense ( as I was compelled to demonstrate) moves one from the Not Knowing to E.K- Eternal Knowing while creating a secretion of Knowledge as Arts Science.
See Kim “Tree Sage” and Stephen Johnson”
K. AH! =
T S & S J.

Tree Sage merged with Stephen Johnson.

T S ” Bella 9-19-20″ I S T/ T S -I.
S J Supreme Justice.

T S = 2019= 39. C I.

* Jeron Satya S Lang-U A G E.
born 2-25-2019.
E: B Y- T S.

J S= 29 B I.

7:16 pm
Sudha Chinta was born 7-16

Today is Liberty C Liscombs Birthday. She turns toage code 45.
I am at 15 46 Facebook Friends.
I have passed yet again Sacred Portal 15 45. 1 545
O Full Circle Planet Earth 4.5
billion years old.
1 O as 1 545. A EDE-N. 1 14 A N.
Alicia Norris code and play as well as 1 14 Grant Moore Motel and 114 Kims Birthday. 4-11 Nathaniel Thomas Bywater.

As well as the universal Simulation.
Hence the use of Liberty as the Femine creator of the planet earth as well as Jae Sherman current Age code 45 is defeated by that already been confirmed by the Source Code and the script reveleaded and deciphered and aligned to my page to One man who became two and togther created the 3 C.

By having attained and completed the play of both Jae Shermans age code as well as before Liberty could turn 45.
L J in the feminine L K J, via the order of meeting them, is defeated by AH! Bee Cee Dee E F.G.
H I.. J K L-
M -N O. P Q. ( Perfection is Quantum Q) R S. T.
U Vie ( UU) VV,
X Y.
7:29 pm.

Do you see?
The order and sequene of the Alpha Bet.
It is aligned through my literal script and the Emanual on my page.
L K J is not in the correct sequence and order is it?

A-Z is 1-26 add 3 AH BEE CE= 29.
Add 5 E = 26+5= 31.

Jeron Satya + S.Lang.
29 +31.
is 60 which is 60 seconds.
I minute.
6O is 66 since there is no such thing as Zero or a system based on that code.
66 aligns to Kim Arthur Hines Portal.6/6 = 1= A.
And even as Arthur. ( King Arthur of Camelot- C.A M E-A LOT and the Round Table “R T” via a story aligned to the same story in OINRI Culture of the Full Circle- Avalon, LA.D. Y. of The LA.K.E.
Vivienne Morgan Merlin/.
Mami Watta- Yemoja – a story) he has proven with Guidance and then with his own discernment that he is Aware. Aroused and Awakening – connected to Arden meaning Garden of Eden- Pleasure and De-Light.
meaning also Highest Point and Great Forest.

And so I find myself back at Sacred portal 46.
1546 Facebook friends.
And if you investiagate Sudha Chinta’s page, you will see a Trumpet shaped Indigo Violet Flower and the code S posted on his page.

Sacred portal 46 depcits Eri-C as the source of the Chukwuemeka Eric “The Eternal Man” and from his Phallus, O Penis, where he stand asride this Earth and from which the first three drops from his Penis,land on the stillness of the Lake Ocean, which sets that which was all stilness – of his reflections full circle, into motion through waves and ripples effects.
Words Anointed Vibrating Expression Supreme. Perfection.
W A V E S P.
Not with a Sound, but via Silence at from that point he observed everything from what is called cielo, Heaven or the Highest Point.

7:46 pm.

Hence H P Highest Point. H P ( 8 16… 16 is 8+8 2 8 B H = P.
Squared it is 64.

46 and my 64th move. 900 South Rood.

And so, it reverts back to Him, me via this extended play of Arden to Arthur. Arden Arthur Aurelia
to Kim K = A-A and back to A A AA Circle via Kim.
The original A A was Alexander and Arden.
All moved without sound as 56/ 65. Expression via E S P. E Sacred Portal to P S E. E ( Perfect Stephan “Crowned” C E E.

Silence was and is the first expression of sound.
It began with Stillness and then waves of sixth sense moving through everything, causing that which had no knowing, no awareness, that which was th eexpression of Non Existence to come “alive and the Sacred JOurney of moving through time to result in the end and completion of discerning through itself sensations in the Blindness in the Dark, the sensational feelings which it decides and become either Real- Facts Solid. or non existenct after being given all the tools to interface with on this moving E M F Field, some call Universe. ( Unified Verse… Unified Field O full Circle “U F O”
Alladins Flying Carpet)
and thus 46-64 full circle and adding T WO.. 2.
It has been just a little over 6 months since I left 900 South Road.
46 +2 .. 64 +2.
48 66.
12 1.
12 12 = 1.
Something was “Added” to this original equation 46 64 10 10. = 1

All Computing systems in this reality created by humans are based on the concept of 10 10 10 not 1 O 1 O.

And Zero was created by the Arabians and Hindi/ Indians.
A H.
A I.

Now observe the use of the source codes using that Human versions
as well as the OI Nri Igbo systen of the the Full Circle which is the basis of thier Cosmology.
Round Table.
P.S the name Kolo in Slav, means
Circle Round.
And of course, Prince in Edo and Youth Manly warrior.

See the codes in Binary
numbers transformed to letters.

*”1000 8 8
1001 9 9
1010 10 A
1011 11 B
1100 12 C
1101 13 D
1110 14 E
1111 15 F”

1000 is 8.
1001 “A Thousand and One Arabian Nights” A T A O ( Athen Olympe-to 1 14 A N- Alicia Norris line.

10/01 is 9. 900 South Road.
( 9 years in Facebook.
and after 1001 is played out
See Emeka Arden E A 10 01.
Emeka Arden Jeron one completed at 900 South Road and the Jeron Satya play completed here 10-12-2020)

You may note how the Numbers A Matrix.
* Kamora Herrington’s former “Matrix Car which she crashed and as Estebanm she was able to get a new Car Body.
myself and Kim.- Tree have no car.
Kim’s car which he was given was almost immediately taken away.

So you see the conversion from Numbers at 10 10. J J. to letters A.
*46 64 = 1010. J/ J = A.

1011 code E GA-LA-XY 10 11 C I.
* there is no year as 21 (10+11=21) only E-I:J K…
Emeka Jeron Kim.
and 21 is B A.

1011 -is B.

11 00 =L and C.
Which does not align to Liberty C Liscomb but rather to Catherine La Forza all via Kim.
K – A A O O is 12 B A Being Aware = C.
See the play with Kim confirming his C and then his Expression C E to 8 Infinite Harmony I H- 17 A.G

1101 as N AS A ( not Nasa) is
the Galalxy clasiifiction 1101 I C.
/C I 10 11.
and it is 13 * Last time I saw Nnamdi was age 12.7 but he left this realm on his 13th Birthday.
L M.
K- L M= K 12 13= 25.

*Aurelia born 11-5-2005 11 5 25

1101 its 13 as well as letter D.
M D/ Delta Manor… M D Medical Doctor- Excellent Healer.
Manifest Destination most accurate.
M is 1000 in Roman Numerals. 8 in Binary.
D is a Square.

1110 is 14 N ( 1110. AA A O A K O A-A.J.. K J.
is 14 is in letter form E.
A D… as a matrix as numbers equates to E.
Nnamdi a numeric code which equates to E.

11 11 (Kolo Kim)
New York, New York 11th state.

11 11 A A A A….
K K= 4 22… is 15 yes, 15 46 facebook Friends.
15 is Aurelia’s age code and Jaden.
15 is E A. and yes letter O which 15= 6 Letter F.
F is represented by the name Ferrill. Facts.

from 1011 the numeric codes transorm at this point E Galaxy 10 11 to letters A.
and completes at 11 11 at F.
A F.

As for
A B C…? Origins.

*”Scholars attribute its origin to a little known Proto-Sinatic, Semitic form of writing developed in Egypt between 1800 and 1900 BC. Building on this ancient foundation, the first widely used alphabet was developed by the Phoenicians about seven hundred years later.Sep 3, 2013”

Phoecian – Phoenetics, Phoenix.

H P/ P H.

This is why I sent Patrice Human Torch Meister, a message inviting him to send whatever he wished or not all all money code to validate via this play, the truth of his being a brother which he called me on facebook.
Bother Man/

8:43 pm.
Now 8:44 pm.


Every Time, I am ready to stop, I am dragged back to this Forum to add by this play of creating Lack.
Dependency on others to do the task they were assigned, which is not allowing me to experience Lack.
And not having to ask.
But that playm which has incensed me so, despite the evidence that I am the power which generates the Earth, feeds and provided you water, as well as breath and all that bounty on your tables, and yet I live in what some might call Poverty, and in a Hollow, despite it being obvious the truth of who I am and represent.
Meister means two things one scholarly Adpet etc… but spelt as Miester- it is becomes Miserly and stingy…. Mr Scrooge and “Screw you” which is my conclusion of the Human Race and those who I have personally coded to Starve to Death and then to non existence, to have an eternal hunger and eternal thirst after death, after this play of evolution awakening.

Just as the 9 dimensions of Hell in Dante Inferno they will experience the lack of water, food… hunger and a living hell which I have made sure they each experience in that pitt of Existential Death as truly, truly real.
Yes, the torments of hell I am creating yes at 1001 code “1001 Arabian Nights.

8:53 pm.

And so it is only because of this constant lack, created – a play in itself of which the lack of basic support of food, shelter basic grroming things, as I worked for you benefit of which was designed in such a way that each of you representing and present were meant to Aid and Support me while I did the work which does not allow me to work and do things for myself, feed and live in the way I am accustomed and merited earned and deserved. No greater fury than this, has moved me more to the Justice and Vengeance of this response.

This is me, desiring that those 2/3rds suffer, truly suffer such misery when I am gone, and to know that there is no one who can be as Cruel as I.

I noted that a person called “Bill Lord” accompanied Stephen Johnson post and which I shared.

8:59 pm,

And so I simply smiled, with quiet fury and am here coding because of the lack created once again for me in my own Creation my own Gift…
I want you to pay,

9:00 pm.

As those all around the world from Somalia, Ethipoia, to even here in the U S A .
“We are the World?”
We are the Children”

You who have excess and surplusm who throw it all away, would dare to my face create a play of my having to ask you for money to feed myself.
I who asked you to send if you wished a contribution through Kim. It was never that I needed your money or anything from you. It was an examination and test. which all but those who are true aligned to one person A N would respond.
now it is P H M T.
PH 33.
9:04 pm.

It was all about determining your truth.

Via the play of terrible death and those lines whose body will transform.
Those who did an action of feeding the Universal Body, and those whose bodies will be taken away.

I never starve or go hungry, never in the 64 moves have I not had shelter and a bed. But it is the Bill of the Lord I am coding and the evidence of my bringer the true meaning of hell

I never threatened, I make no Promises, this was my Vow and Oath, that I will manifest for you who did not due thier duty and only did so when asked and when it was for your own self interest and gain.
Remember, Remember the 5th of November…
V for Vendetta Vengeance is mine saif the Lord.

In my own house, you dared used the idea of lack to make me continue to come to Facebook and continue to post and feed you?

But of course I havea response.
This is me, compleing the evidenve and Facts to complet th E Version of Dante Inferno E. K.
D I E… Knowing what exactly awaits you.
and Why… there will be no iota of mercy and none to bring you relief or release.

This is the promise I made to the Terrible Death as Alien Father Alpha before he would allow me to transform.

9:16 pm.

So enjoy your self delusuion of being important to me or the play, I am doing exactly what I promised him.
Making sure that that you face the E verion of Hell Fire.

9:17 pm.

I Q.

The name Suda means “Living Water” L W.
Yes the plays if Laura Walsh and Jae Sherman. really aligned to me Luke Wilson in the Shelter bed 400.

Yes same code on the sacred portal Terrible Death. 4.00.

9:19 pm,
I S.

Ah very good.god.

* Sudha

“Living Water. Nectar.
The Earth”

“MeaningNectar, earth, daughter”

*”(-dh?) 1. Nectar, the beverage of immortality and sustenance of the gods. 2. The nectar or honey of flowers. 3. Juice. 4. Plaster, mortar. 5. A brick. 6. The Ganges. 7. Water. 8. Lightning. 9. The milk-hedge plant, (Euphorbia antiquorum, &c.) 10. A plant, (Aletris Hyacinthoides.) 11. Emblic myrobalan. 12. Yellow myrobalan. E. su pleasure, dhe to drink, or dh? the have, to support, (life,) a? and ??p affs.

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Benfey Sanskrit-English Dictionary
Sudh? (????).—[su-dh?], and -dhe + a, f. 1. Plaster, mortar, [R?m?ya?a] 2, 80, 13; [Da?akum?racarita] in Chr. 199, 18. 2. A brick, Chr. 57, 22. 3. The beverage of the gods, nectar, [Pañcatantra] v. [distich] 42. 4. The nectar of flowers. 5. Juice. 6. Water. 7. Lightning. 8. The name of several plants.

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Cappeller Sanskrit-English Dictionary
Sudh? (????).—1. [feminine] welfare, comfort.

Sudh? (????).—2. [feminine] nectar or milk (lit. good drink); chalk, rough-cast.”

It has 18 meanings.

including Food of the Gods. Immortality, Earth, Brick Plasterer Flower, Milk .. of human Kindness Sacred Portal 68.

Welfare and Comfort.
Support… Life.”

“Chinta” means “Thoughts”

It also means Tension”

Such Tension in my body I have endured for the last 17 – 18 years.
Your thoughts which I have absorbed and transforms back to the beautiful Truth day in and day out consciously aware for the last 36 years. 360
and 29 years.

The word, Chint? (??????), is derived from the root – ?????? meaning – to think, consider, reflect, ponder over; and by itself means – thinking, thought, sad or sorrowful thought, reflection, consideration, anxiety [1]

Chint? is one of thirty-three Vyabhich?ri bhavas, the transient feelings which rise irregularly and support the permanent basic sentiments, because of their fleeting nature they are also called sanch?ri bhavas.[2] Manas, which is the ordinary mental equipment of the individual, is the perceiving and arranging mind. In Samkhya system it refers to the personal organ of thought, not diffused like the?tman but localized in the individual. Manas has its own illumination (chetas) which gives man awareness or consciousness (chetna), faculties of perception (pratyaksha), thought (chint?), imagination (kalpan?) and volition (praytana). [3] Chint? is the faculty whereby the current of thought dwells, thinks and contemplates upon the subject so recalled by Samarnam (memory), and previously known and determined by buddhi (intellect)[4]”

So, you can put the name meanings together.

Living water…. Food of the Gods, Immortality, and thoughts as reflection and thoughts as tension.

How long can you survive without water?
How long can you survive without Food- Bread or Beauty? And a Body and the Truth?
or the E ARTH?

I am the Source of them all yes, a man E Family.

9:43 pm.

And my vow was to take it all away from those not Faithful and Loyal to E K.
A K.
D K.
F K.
G K.
H K.
IK… 9 11.

This is my keeping my promise and vow.

This is my version of Beauty as Hatred-Fury- DI E.

9:46 pm.

From Lord God.
12 7.
12 7… 19… 84 Big Brother was watching every-thing and every- where and every-one through me.

To solve the riddle of CO D E S
Source Codes, you had to take in All points of view, every culture every nation, every expression not just that which is convenient and comfortable for you.

9:49 pm.
I D I.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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