
2/5/2016 16:47 – Facebook Post

From Aryana Luna Leone


Please see the Harmony linked here to me two posts about Dark Matter..

Let us not forget that Jonn Blackwell band he named at age 13 was Called 496…
And that he recently ordered a Guitar Pedal code 5O..E.O..
called Dark Matter..

and that I started my day with 73 likes..
Dark Energy… D.E..
Donna O’Sullivan E…

or that 23 is the code played out as being B.C not Double U…
But Double V V…22 44.. VV=55..EE…
4 +5=9..=I…

There is no Double you just the Original you, and the line of your Family…
And that time was just an invention created for people to experience Sensation Feelings and not to completely loose the power of their Senses…

4th Street 268…/ 86 2…4 96…/ 4 69…

At 268 right opposite that building is the George H Building 2 69…
Which was transformed to a Shelter..
I passed through a Shelter to get to 18 Mountain View…

3 46 pm.

C 46 64…Sacred Portal… First Drop and Supreme Self Mastery..

3: 47 pm….C..11 28…I

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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