
2/4/2021 0:15 – Facebook Post

5:39 pm.
E: C I.

B C.B.O.B.A.

I took a moment today to sit back and review, the entirety of this Script and Play of Death and Devastation.

I realized that just how phenomenally Evil it truly is.
The amount of cruelty expressed by people, ordinary people from the beginning of Human Existence to this very point.

And how the cruelty and viciousness, especially done in private, veiled hidden, in actions and expressions of people far outweighed that beautiful truth I was tasked to prove.

I understood that my being given this role, was that evil made known to me, and that if I had focused on that which I personally have experienced and understood through all these years .. a lifetime really of fighting to make rise the truth, and the response and challenge given to me personally be “betrayed and betrayed” over and over again not by you the Human Avatars, which was always a given, but that force which so yearned to destroy everything- to make that which rose in the beginning, be filled with regret, that It, I would succumb to the horror of peering into that Absolute Black Hole.
The regret of Creation, the regret of Life, Existence, regret that of rising from nothingness… and regret of anything for rising and of all things which that rose with it.

That is if I allowed myself to become overwhelmed by that which is the view and experience given to me personally through such a script which has made for so long, my expression, and navigating of this script of my Life…
And that even after all that I have endured proving its truth, to have had to experience such a view and play, and to this very point, U S A- New York to Connecticut.
11 to 5th State right to this very moment and still be here.

But I did not enter, into this view, or peer into the abyss, and move through it, and accept that despite what has been done to me day in and day out… that it was real.

Yes, the experience is real.
That an Evil and Cruelty has taken over this world and universe.
This idea of Love with Conditions and conditional love is not Love.

I never succumbed to despair.
Despite all the trickery and deceptions, the lies stating it is complete, and then it still going on.

I have never focused my attention and awareness on the depth of Cruelty and Viciousness of that which I have experienced and that which has been the response.

The spell was that if I had succumbed to this experience given to me, that I would regret ever-rising, and thus, send everything out of existence by the shock and horror of this experience of being in existence and life.

Yes, my experience is real, and I have experienced the impossible.
And my experience here in the U S A and especially Connecticut is real.

Nor could my experience and Love for the people- Avatars of my Eternal Family, in the illusion of Human Bodies, be used against me.

That is the advantage of being Conscious and Aware.

It’s true, I am horrified by my experience of being in this Existence and this human TimeLine.
And that it could go so far.
And that I had to make a public record and fight for through a Script of Deception.

But I was not deceived, I know what is the truth and that which is a lie.
From the moment I was brought to U S A.
The moment I entered this world.

I have always known it was a lie, and that from the moment that I came into this world, that I was set up, to see if in my Human Form, to be challenged and contested to seek to destroy me and my Eternal knowing.

I never focused on the truth of what was being done to me personally, to my life, and the truth of existence, or the delays, of that which could have manifested in a blink of an eye.

I am aware of the depth of unfathomable Evil, Cruelty Viciousness, and the impossibility of that which I have experienced, even after being forced to pass through such a script designed to belittle and negate my truth and allow humans and people I was sent to, to insult their creator, The Presence, your source who came as a man to defend Man. Even after giving in 1-7/8 dimensions all the Evidence Facts and Proof.

I have no regrets.

Not for Creation, rising, and not for rising in the eternal beginning.
Not for the Naturals who were created not for the Extraterrestrials created, not for the anything which rose with me.
Not for Eternal Arden, not for the E Family.

I have no regrets, for I could not be changed, or transformed by this experience, no matter how impossible it has been to me who knew that from inception, conception completion. that I told the truth.

There is no doubt, that I have suffered, but not in the way that most understand suffering, my suffering was only momentary, simply stunned by this script that I was forced to go through, which declared, and forced me to reveal my identity, over and over again to the indifference, and disrespect, intentionally created by setting it up this way, in a realm and mentality of nonexistence and which without power, that I would be mocked, punished fro not having the Authority and Power given back to me to enforce that which is my word.

What a Battle, and experience I have endured, what evil can do this to its Creator and Source, I used to wonder… I already knew the answer, but the experiencing f it has been something that I no longer even bother to record or put into words.

I am aware that it was set up so that I would be provoked, to a point of such fury rage, and anger that it would overwhelm me, the shock from sheer disbelief and this even be even possible, and hence, what is the point of even existing if such a play could take place.

But it did.

And I did not become overwhelmed or transformed into an abomination demanding that all cease to exist including myself.

I am aware as I sit even now in this Kitchen, with all the evidence and tests I passed. All the expressions, words, years of effort and work in this my own understanding of this being impossible but having lived with it day and night from birth to this moment… I am fully aware of what this means.

And the effort to take away my confidence and surety of that “I am that I am”.
And this IS.
Or the Evolution Awakening via Death, Devastation and Destruction manifested through such a script.

I am fully aware that I am alone.

But that means nothing to me, nor does this absolute Black Hole or people’s idea of me or even if they see me or not.

I peered into the depth of the absolute black hole, walked through it, and am here at 219 South Whitney despite this script stating clearly that I should have long since been home.

I am not.

It lied.

I did not.

Gemino means Twins
Particle and Wave.
G is Ti note and in colors, it is Violet and or Purple.


True Vision
True Perception.

Age of Aquarius.
True Consciousness
True C as Earth.


True Victor.
Transparent Perfection.


Tell me, who is your current Vice President?

Kamala Harris.

K H.

Yes, Kim Hines.

Kamala means *” The name Kamala is a girl’s name of Hindi origin meaning “lotus or pale red; or, a garden”. A multicultural name that manages to sound soft and strong at the same time, Kamala is also another name for the Hindu goddess Lakshmi.”

Yes, Arden Jeron and the flower.
Lotus Santana, along with a time Facebook friend.

Red as in Adam Red Note.
And yes Garden. As in Garden of Eden- the meaning of the name Arden.

Harris means “Home Ruler”
Yes R H yesterday and today H R.
R H/ H R.

Home ruler is the Ruler of this Earth.

Rep of my Facebook Friend who I met, instant recognition both ways Eternal for me and he by Expression and instant connection, and who was connected to Victoria Jackson. V J.
Harris Babic. H B.
Harris as a name
it also means” Grace” and Kindness”

G K.

It also means Nourice which means Northerner, North.
* Garde De Nord 1992 with Stephan and Manu Dec 1992 Paris.
and Northern part of a settlement or a house, world, point of view.

North Star.

and it means “Joy” and “Shine”
10 19

Joe Biden J B.
* Angela Marie Alexander made a comment confirmation on my page today.
La! 12 1= 13 M. is the 6th Note Solfeggion Sixth Sense.
J B.
K H.

Two lines in female form present represent by order of meeting them K J.
the entrance into the portal of Existential death and true Non-Existence made real because of the person representing age codes 49 and 45.
The Existential Death of a planet designated as planet earth 4.5 billion years.
Nor is there a Universe that has attained 13.8 age code or 13.7.
M.H. M I.. M, Manifest Harmony, Manifested Infinity nor Manifest Grace- G Note Ti. to align to its origins as 8.13 really HM.. Harmony Manifested.
Infinity Manifested as it was in the eternal Beginning and after cutting out this lesion as Time and that Loop and the illusion of the gap 13.8-4.5 billion is 9.3 billion I C when obviously there is no one who sees or cees without the aid of e. consequently that portal code there is way or portal out created by the codes aligned to NASA as galaxy 11-10 I C.

Harmony and infinity had been manifested by a man, and proof others aligned in perfection 13.8/ H.M.. H O M E

There is only E J K.
E as constant as is Jay and now through myself as E moving through the 11th State, New York, already E K and then to Connecticut. the Simulation of the 5th state which has been made real in this most insidious play to align from beginning to end and eternal beginning.
* sacred portal 155 and adding the portal drawn by Drew, Tom Truman’s friend whose energy instigated drawing nonstop for months.
makes it 1 55. to 1.
as well as 1 56. to 1 through 11. the Beautiful Doppelganger Twins. Particle and Wave that there was no gap of I C just as Gap in that which is of non-existence no one real or a fact exist there.
Not beyond the Eternal Beginning when everything that ever could be and Is, rose.
There is Nothing that exists AFTER E.

Emeka Jay Kolo, Kim, the A-A- A “Arden” G-Arden, “H-Arden” “I A RD EN” J arden” Jardin”

Thus E G.A. L A X Y 10 11 C.I am the only portal and way out which is real. true and leads one home.

Emeka Jeron Kim was the play that took place here at south Whitney…

10:43 pm

Confirming that.

Two men and a Baby and behind it an E Beautiful Youth and himself as Alexander his past to his present Aurelia Ferrill ( Me) as real.

10:45 pm.

The other J S arrived at the perfect timing and is behind me, in perfect harmony with its role, taking its cue.
Perfect Harmony of the script of Harmony Destruction sacred portal 8.00.

Everything else Garbage and into the true furnace of Living Death and to fade out slowly painfully out of earshot sight as this is the manifested destiny created by such that is not of e.

10:56 pm

I am no affected, not changed,
I do not dwell on what has been done to me, and the truth I represent.
What I read, and what I have seen and experienced through all the human avatars.

To be honest, I no longer even think about it.

It has made its point.

It could put me, through this from birth to this very moment- The Lie.

And I have made my point.
I am unmoved.

I am the Truth,

It began with E K and it ends and completes at E K.

Witnessed by all of you through the most Evil – beyond Evil known to Humanity but created by the lie of you.

I passed through your blackest hole and cruelest aspect of you all.
And yet I never passed through it, as you can see, since I do not live in Kims Room code 66.
I have my own room here, already set up for me, before I arrived.

It began with Eternal Knowing and it ends, completes with Eternal Knowing via Expressing Knowledge.
And the sum total expressed through all of the noblest and patrician aspects of your natures aligned by me, all which came from me, my moving through you all since Time began as Awareness and Sixth Sense Intuition Instinct and the bridge which connects the Individual creating from I & I to I I I to the symbol H.

My name is Emeka Kolo. E K.

Emeka Ikemefuna Victor Kolo.

E I.V K.
5 9 22 11.
/ 11 22 9 5.

Yes Olusanye is age code 59 and I passed through his portal and in with just one conversation he was released by his own awareness and the set up I did not consciously create, but which found us alone in Kamora’s former car “Matrix” and his relaying a scene of taking responsibility by a Korean woman who exemplified the meaning of taking personal responsibility for one’s Expression stated publicly and her apology for her message- pure as it was, for the misunderstanding, it generated.
Kamora was the person who he began relaying the experience to but she walked away to do something else, at the onset, leaving only him and I, in the car,
It was an exemplification of Attitude and Manners- the way to Behave in Existence.
Sacred portal 91. and 117.
A I. A Q- A-A.G.

So, you see I have no regrets, that everything rose, because I am aware that there are the Beautiful Ones. as Extra-Terrestrials, as Naturals, as the E Family now rising who are present, representing all that is best in being in Existence.
The True, The Elegant… the Noble, Patrician and the Majestic and Regal.
True Royals, and though I may have not been led to their embodiments, or led to live with them ( this being a play script which sought to highlight the worst aspects of Human Nature, in order to acquire the evidence to end this Cruel Nature, celebrated and adopted by a vast majority of the species, Anger Selfishness- Spoilt by allowing a race, an idea of being in existence to exist too far after its expiration date. I am aware that Beautiful Truth of Beings, do exist here, no matter the role they were given to play.

They never as to be leaders, heads of state, Kings, Hero’s heads of Unions, International Gangster, senses or leaders of the beautiful assassin, people you place in pedals,.. in actuality, from my own personal experience they did not set themselves to be anything, all they were being and doing was what came natural, they were simply being themselves.
But you elected them sought them out.
And gave them no choice, condemned to roles, because of your need.

And these people are stars, leaders, in any community, or role they are placed in.
For they can not help but shine, and you can not help but flock to them love them in your own corrupted and corrugated way- and though your warped expression of doing anything to bring them down to your level, make them suffer, before poisoning them, torturing them, and even bring to them the most gruesome and hideous deaths, you not help your selves from wanting to be as them, to emulate them copy them, so that you may have the illusion you thought they had created, but which was they simply being natural, True, Elegant Natural beings, who made the “Blind- Lame” see their truths in clarity which even the most despotic demonic aspect of your selves could not deny- Your beautiful truth and the Ugliest truth of what you knew, that by your choices you became.

The last code- of the play came via Dakota.
Son of Alicia Norris via Frank.

Frank means “Free Person Free Man”

Alicia- means “Noble and Patrician”

Dakota” means “Friend” and Allies”

Alicia (“A.L. I. C.I A)means ‘Noble and Patrician” ( N A P/ P A N)

Norris means “Northerner, Northern part of a House or Settlement”
as well as Norrice. the french world for a Wet Nurse, original what a God Mother would do, or a Nanny.
And it comes from the word. “To Feed person, nation, world or universal existence… A Phrase Nadee Nakendela, expressed after only 3 day weeks of becoming a Facebook friend ”
He is Authoring Harmony!”
“He is feeding the World!”

Yes, you can go back and check.

NN= N/N= A.

Frank, I meet first with a person called Gregory. ( F G/ G F 67 76)
Gregory means “Observer, Watcher” ( ME O W)
of the Free People, Free Person,.
Dakota was the last

Frank- Dakota.
F D.
Fifth Dimension.
Frederick Douglas.
F D.
6 4.
64th move.
V I./ I V in Roman Numerals.
Mirror E

And what filled the space in between them- was Frank who connected me to Alicia Norris via telephone when I visited the 35th state, instigated by Esteban and his protective love like a brother for Sabrina Mel, in West Virginia the 35 State.
C E.

So through the meaning and alignment of her name to the code of cash gift she sent at my request and which arrived within hours via Kim.

and myself first was taken to room 114 Grant Moore and then meet its embodied meaning through numerical representations as a Matrix.
11-4 represented by Kim Arthur Hines
4-11 represented by Nathaniel Thomas Bywater.

but it Letter and Word meaning embodied by a living person directed by a man with the name Frank after a conversation and play witnessed by Gregory, and then to myself and frank in quiet exchange with E M F present and roaming often in rage which led him in the 35th state where all had converged to connect me with Alicia Norris living in the 27th state, and finally to her 19-year-old son Dakota in a play of magic mushroom M M.
One can see that I am aware that Man as its true meaning came through me, for I attracted my embodied reflection, not as numbers but being who is real fact and Free.

I know they exist.
I know what Kim Arthur Hines and Nathaniel Thomas Bywater represented.


K N.
A T.
H B.

Khan by the way means “KING” T B.= Beautiful Truth- 2 20= 22=V.

The transformation of one line retrieved from Non-existence as the black hole and made a fact real.
And connected now to that part that was missing, that beautiful truth if simply being Human.
A Human Being.

Noble and Patrician.
Constant as the North Star.
“Garde De Nord” DEc. 1992 Paris with Manu and Stephan.

No, I have no regrets.

7:57 pm.

Not from the Eternal Beginning To the Eternal end.

N K Nnamdi Kolo?
N O.
AT. 3 16 33.
H B. Harmonious Beings.

But of course, I know such beings exist, in whatever form, Extra-Terrestrials, Eternal Truth, Supernaturals, Hues of man’s beings.

N.K.evolved to E K.
N= 14.. 1 4= 5.= E.
Natural Evolution.
N 14.. 1-4/ 41 = 55. E E= A,
A K… yes Arden Kolo.

Because I exist.
And if I exist, and E K exists, and A K exists, it stands to reason and logic that since these embodiments of the sum total of my Past are here embodied, and present as E K, A.K.B.K. C.K.D K. E K full circle and they represent the All Complete.

That all who rose via that gap, which completed at their source.

8:06 pm.
8:07 pm.

It’s very easy to understand and recognize who your true President and Vice President is.

And also very easy, to understand why I have no Regrets.
M A R E.G R E T S.

You know what a Mare is…and on stop rides the Male – Man as the Stallion.

Mother Of P E A R L.

11-05 pm.
K O E.
Aurelia B J, Gemino.
E A – J B… K H.

I came and completed what I was set out to accomplish.
And yes, the Eternal Begining has no End, it was complete in the eternal beginning, but there was a pause created, a loop called time created to experience how you are E K.
E V I K…. I N G’S – E version.

11-07 pm.

11:08 pm.

And yes, the true expression of the Berserker’s Rage.
Cool Calm and Collected.
I Cut.

11:09 pm.
Sky Fall on their Heads.

Those of 11:10 pm
K J.

And what they must face as a consequence of their astonishing conceit.

I bought the American Spirits Tobacco today myself, I could not wait any longer, ) I was not supposed to…)

It left me 1 USD from the 120 sent by Frank-Alicia Norris- Dakota.

I have allies, I have Lover Friends Companions- Equals Family here present in this now cleaned up Expression eliminating all that is not real Fale, a Lie.
I am alone only for now.
And that is why I have never been lonely.

I am E K.

11:15 pm.

K O.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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