
2/4/2017 22:41 – Facebook Post


9:01 p.m.


4-2-1…. D.B.A…

2-4-1… B.D.A…

Being D 4 Square Delta… Alpha…

Room 4 B A…
Beautiful Devil Awareness…

I two new Face Books friends…

???.. Which has three Characters which means to’ Strong Violent Intense Fierce”
… Row Aligned Lie in a row, that which is concealed Furrow… Honor Glory and Apricot Tree… Tree with a Mouth Apricot Tree”
*Apricot Blossoms…forest of apricot trees / fig. honorific term for fine doctor (cf Dr Dong Feng ??, 3rd century AD, asked his patients to plant apricot trees instead of paying fees) / Xinglin district of Xiamen city (renamed Haicang ??? in 2003)”

Batee Batee… B.B… Means a Small ancient boat used in Kuwait by Divers seeking Pearls and Oil….
And is a Type of Date…

Which brings us to 887 Face Book Friends…

The code of the name meaning is “Everything has been aligned to strong rows, everything lies in a row concealed but apparent, by the by strength of the Diver, who face an intense and violent fierce test to find the Pearls and Oil and move them to Land and align them them in order…. ready to sprout the Apricot Tree.. Tree Mouth at Delta

It of course refers to the battle to going deep into Ocean and the Sea to capture the Truth of Humanity the pearls of coming out of their shells and the Oil -Energy… Purity and Energy to sprout the Tree of Life planted in the 4th Dimension…

Please see the Alanis EL Blanka
Nenad M. Djurdjevic posts..
Sarah Nkem Blackstock share….

See sacred Portal 78… Pearls Coming out of their Shells..
And Sacred Portal 89…”The Sheiks at the Apex of the Mountain holding the 8th ball of the chain reaction of Destruction…”

I have been living in a Void, an expression of Existential Death where everything you do seems to destroyed, and made non existence…
Where everything is negated, including all you do, and the battle was to fight against the Chain Reaction of Destruction…

The Trouble is that I can read this play which Face Book has been used as the literal Mother Board…
Right to my last two face book friends and their respective number of Face Book Friends. 249.. and 280…

887 Face Book Friends.. M.W 87…

I am just not inclined to interpret it any longer…

The Script and what I have understood of it is too vile,
and as I stated before if such is the case then there should never been Existence Creation or Life made manifest if one is to go by what this Universal Script and my own personal journey on it has revealed…

All things should cease to exist and there….
Humanity, Evolution Awakening nothing is worth this experience and expression which Existence has been transformed into through this Script I have read…
There is no Victory here from what I personally feel…
In the Novel Enders Game…. as well as Armada.. there is always this boy who sacrifices everything for the Stupid Collective Species who end up being not worth the Effort, who do the betrayals again…
The Hypocrisy…

I have witnessed this first hand…
The books resolutions are foolish in my point of view illogical despite both offering brilliant reflections of Humanity…

But there is no Happy Ending in such a cause and effect…
Only annihilation of the entire species… for good reason..

I have fought not to come to come to this conclusion because this is Impossible..

But I must now admit, by the sheer reality of this “Set Up” that there can be no other logical conclusion or outcome..

I have given up any desire to prove the Beautiful Truth of Humanity…
For though this is the Eternal Truth of the Beginning, the Eternal Beginning, I have received no evidence of that Beautiful Truth existing here in this world,not in the 7 countries, the 49 years to 50 months of Face Book…
And the truth is that to use Evil, and to go so far to Win. or survive that you destroy they very reason and essence of that which brought you into Existence…
Then no matter that you found a Being to Sacrifice to bring forth that Victory.. By that act in itself you have lost… Everything.

This is my Stance…

This is my experience..

Perhaps to most of you… you say “Who cares what one persons has come to conclude”

But there are those Unseen who represented this Collective…
Understand the significance of this one Individuals Voice and Expression…Is worth Everything….

9:41 p.m.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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