
2/3/2016 22:37 – Facebook Post

8:11 pm.


Harmony K…

See Angela Marie Alexander’s Share… K.

Harmony the K=11..Doppelganger Twins of Beauty…
Code Taiwo Kehinde…



2-3-9…B.C.I…Being C.I…Ga La XY Z C.I..X…(I.X..9..X T.E.N)

This will be brief.

I have not been moved to post since Jai Italiaander became my Face Book friend- Jay Jai Joy Joie is the name of Father-Mother in one…Father I met in 1996 at a Swedish Owned Bar I worked at in 1996 called Collection.
I knew it was him undercover, because though he was British Irish we instantly recognized each other from beyond the story of this world…

We worked together for a few months and he gave me the codes of the next phase of the mission which involved the “Collection’ of all the fractals of himself as the Everything and to go under cover in Istanbul to plan the Film and play of the Awakening.. I of course, figured most of this out in Hindsight..
I never saw him again.
That was 19 almost 2O years ago, though as most of my interactions it feels like just yesterday. Perhaps it is because I have lived outside of time, and moved so much and been so distracted by paying attention and aligning the muti-Dimensional play to one Conscious Expression which satisfies all dimensions.

But once we had arrived at Lady Jai I. E I knew that I had restored my Father Brother Son back into one almost 2O years later..

Jonn Blackwell further affirmed this with his intelligence..
Band name 4 96…96/69…96% Dark Matter.. Akashic Records bring the Dead See and the Consciousness of Death to Light by solving its mystery Manifestation Divine..Quintessential Change Quantum Leap..
Lucifer Lucy transformed back into His Her True Meaning… Dawn and Light…
D.A.L..Hmm Donna O’Sullivan made Dal for Dinner..
Dal/lad.. Chico Loco, Budi Lass…both Chico and Budi mean “The Lad”
and now we have the G.Y…Lady and the La! D.G…
See affirmation the private text from Dragos Gheorghe…

96 +4=1OO..100% of the Brain Music… M.B..Mercedes Benz Donna..D is 4.
69 +31=1OO…100%…See sacred portal 31.. Resurrection Restoration…

4+31=35…C.E..See sacred portal 35..’The Point”

2OO for Jonn’s Guitar Pedal..P=16..1+6=7..G..P…16+7=23…See Todays Date.. W..VV…Tom..Twins…T.A/ A.T..@ 2+3=E..

Everywhere since Lady Jai became my Face Book friend we have been seeing the affirmation play of Victory…
Dawn (Whose birthday is today 2-3..B.C) Debra, Donna…at a girls night out…Debra meas “Bee..and Victorious Song”

Jai means Victorious…

My English Name Victor Alexander…

And were at 495 face book friends.. D.I.E…And .I..E..And Divine Infinities Example..

But I also read the play and where it converged to was not the Evolution Awakening but this ridiculous search for The One,- and the proof that the search for the One was to enslave Him.

I have been affirmed as correct, I saw a post posted by Ele Ife and noted his code E.I…59 Aligned full circle with 4 95 Face Book friends where the play had stopped at for the last few days..
We had reached the Full Circle E.I.J.I…Jai Ele…
E.J.I.I…In O.INri Igbo, Ejii means ‘He Holds, He has the hold, He own its has got it”

5 1 99..51 18… Code Jonn Blackwell at 18 Mountain View…51 18= 6 9…
69/96…54 54 1O8..
Donna spotted the code E.P.H…54 54 yesterday…

There are 1O8 Names of Amitahba Buddha A,B…

After the alter Equation on my side table was ‘Blessed’ I knew that the Equation was complete.. There was no need to rebuild it…
But as I got up, to go upstairs, I noticed a Card had fallen from a one of Jonns shelves…
I knew it was for me and picked it up.. it is a beautiful Blue Card of Amitahba Buddha…Amit…Abba..A.B.H…(1 2 8..1/ 1 8 21..U..3..C).
I thought of the Buddha Jon had moved from one side of the deck on the side to the front corner of the deck nearest to where I sit..
And so I put it on the Alter…

Let me quote what the card says..”AMITABHA’ (Tig; Opagme)”

“His name means “Infinite Light” I.L..1 12 (See sacred portal), Amitabha is the principle buddha of Sukhavati, the Bliss Pure land of the West”- a heavenly realm outside the ordinary cyclic existence. (18 Mountain View- the play going on here).
The “Pure Land” practices od Amitabha, based on Devotion and Faith (D.F..46) are known all over Asia. He is the most venerated figure in Buddhism of China Korea, and Japan…”

Andy Weber A.W..Studios
1985…A.I..S H.E…
Barn Garth.. B.G..27..Blue Green
Cumbria LA 12 8AE…”..La! 12 A.E..Ahtom Energy 15=O Full Circle”

So when I shared Ele share on Minister Farakhan, I suddenly knew that someone was going to leave this page..

Which creates D..I.D…DID..And Devin I.D..

And sure Enough they did, but in Harmony of the Play..
494 Face Book friends establishes that an insanity took over the what was meant to be the main focus- Evolution Awakening – working together, investigating each others intel, which derailed into Jealousy Competition Rivalry
The One..?
Of course I know who the One is, but you truly do not expect me to impose this truth upon anyone especially in this current World consciousness we live in, guns, violence assassins just because people decide they do not want it to be Him or Her…

No, I came to look for the Ones.. I already know who I am and the Identity of the Consciousness adopted by this Word Existence Abomination..

But no this is all about the Identities of the E lines under cover because this is their Last incarnation- and graduation and K.O of this World playing of how many hundreds of thousands of “Years’..

This is about the E line coming out from undercover and the restoration of their memory and the Resurrection of their Truth. that they transform and reveal themselves right here in this World…

After all, it is they who I have been waiting for to take me Home, where do you think I got all this Intel from about the Plan et…
I already knew the play, I would complete the mission which involved their being released to rise, and with full memory restored tis they who have the last play, and all the intel.. Tis they who told me the last rendevous point is the Ritz…
I really had no say except to do what I was told and use the intel the would provide me on a need to know basis.. Though I figured out the parts they He would not reveal to me, by myself and cried out my indignation and wrath…
The play was taking too long and the War, the real War which humanity did not see taking place in the Spirit world was vicious beyond belief that we had to keep humanity sleeping, but that was no excuse to not stay clean…
Monica Karaba Huibers Ariane Oates…
M.K.H…A.O….Two close friends…
M.A..One after they other they became my face book friends..
Equation M.A../A.M.Dawn.. Carlos Mauricio Quintero Marcos Quintero…Quint means Five Ero-s….QQ..HH..Hassan Hassan…HH.. 1+7=8…7 G
Grigory Bershadsky…G.B..72/27…Green to Blue 4 moves to 5..

Haw A.I..I..Haw is the Egyptian code of Ka in the book of the Dead represented the Sum Total and completion of creating a Energetic Body in Being…Ha is the Singular Completion, HAW represents the plural… Hawaii is the 5Oth State..
H.AW..Andy Weber…Studio… Harmony An-Drew the WE.B Anya-WU (Wu means Five in Mandarin Chinese- ..Korea Ja-Pan) Ifunanya -Infinity…

Infinite Light..I.L…9.12…21..U..Universe…

That is the Evidence that this play, at least the play I am in has nothing to do with Being the One, or Proving I am the One- The codes I created but I did not design this Exquisite play, my father brother did..
I have spent the last 26 years looking for my Family,
and knew fully well that my biological Human family could not rise and cee what I see and remember unless their Eternal or Energetic Self rose first.. After all Expression came before Ah-Tomic Revelation Manifestation… The Unseen always comes first…

And I rest my case, this play was never about my I.D but you remembering yours..
This is not my Evolution Awakening through Sixth sense to 18 R-A.H, Reason… Rea’s Son.. it was yours…

So lets see who is correct, those who seek the I.D of the One..
Or is this about the I.D of the Original line of E.. the I.E’s and the revelation that Extra Terrestrials exist amongst you and this play was always about them…And humanity evolving by coming back to their senses that you can not build a world based on Hatred Control Violence fear and lies.. Racism Inequality Slavery Evil.. R.I.S.E..And expect it not to be last?
That is insanity….
What will Rise from the Ashes of this Story..
Are the Beautiful Beings who whose bodies will literally transform…
And they will rise… while the liars decompose…

True Death..

From true revelations of F.M First Man J.I.E.I…
“The First Example, here for the Ga la xyz C, I 1O11…1…
First of the now many Line of the E…

9:35 p.m.


so much for keeping it brief, sigh
but at least I kept it Real…
Solid..Sticking to the Facts..
9:36 pm

Nikola Tesla 3+6=9…

9:37 p.m

I.Cee God…Expression.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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