
2/28/2019 21:09 – Facebook Post

7:39 p.m.

Sacred Portal 43.

Tis now 7:43 pm.

Sarah Kaizer came over as a favor to help deliver me a bag of groceries.

She oozed strength and will and straight forward clarity..
I am appreciative of her and Esteban Miguel Filgueira care.

Just these two have taken on the responsibility of making sure I.have all I require while each is now independent and strong in the Truth incontesably present.

I looked at the time after she left..
7:28 p.m

No surprise the same frequency and number codes of my sister.

I did not tell her I also wished to check one last time if the code she and he represent is in Harmony with the Script of the Eternals.

Apart from a tiny bit of twerking and getting some Intel concerning McKayla Rays which linked perfectly with my experience and reminding her to look at the Script

7:47 p.m

Now that I know she can read it well enough for both not to require my presence or speaking as a Sensei or Teacher Professor to any of them.

It was also pivotal that she deliver some Intel which not only perfectly aligned to my personal and private musings and conclusions but also that Sarah’s own friend Mckayla had returned from Costa Rica a week.ago.

S M.
Sophia Mayer code Rep by Facebook Friend.
Sarah Mckayla
Stephen Esteban


S M S E..

S. SEE. SA.M.E. M.E.

Ah I see, I have collected the Full Circle in completion of the wave length and ” God Particles of my Sisters Independent Self Love in completion in masculine and feminine
Begins with Stephen ends with Sarah

Cellular and Biologial Evolution through Dark Matter to Body Flesh in both Feminine and Masculine.


7:56 pm

The True meaning and implications
Noni as my sister is really Noni Promise Life..
She is linked to her Twin as Nnamdi David..
Yes, she is Diana..
Ares Aries Alexander Anthony Alberto..
Alexa, Aphrodite Athena Artemis Adama Adaola Aria-Dne…David Dionysus Dorothy Diana, Davina Devine Devas…

You get the picture

Estaban and Sarah

Link middle names

Miquel Athena
Andrew Arthur
Ikemefuna I
Victor Victorious

A A.


V I A.M…

8:04 p.m

Noni Promise Life is the 4th Principle
The Teacher of Life on Land Grounded

Grounded Landed
In the True Present
Estaban and Sarah are grounded in this world and at the same time both landed the Beautiful Truth. And the Simple Truth of the Evidence Fact
That this is Evolution Awakening play.

8:06 p.m

Victor Light Of E

8:07 p.m

S.P 87.
Return of the world to its senses

8:08 p.m
S P. 88
And H.R H the Absolute and Ultimate Living End.

8:09 p.m
29 yrs ago.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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