
2/28/2019 19:53 – Facebook Post

2:13 p.m



B.B.H..T S


I don’t go out much, even to take my daily walks…

Man, I can’t begin to tell you the process going on in my Body.
How the muscles are stretching, moving by its own accord, reshaping me, I am being reconstructed internally.
If not for the discomfort, and as McKayla Rays testified, the force like a snag, something hooked to my muscles which each time she sought to correct it, it would move back to that position.
There is no doubt that what she saw, felt and described, in much greater detail than her Report and post ( She was leaving to Costa Rica the next day so I appreciate her taking the time)

Everything she saw was what I had already figured out.
But to have a person testify to it after 17 years of enduring it with no one to help me deal with it or understand it, I had long understood that my body was connected to this riddle of the Sphinx and the Pheonix rising from the Ashes

* Isabelle Ilic.

I am aware of the battle, the war I was in the non physical dimension, I recorded it here but I doubt anyone here in this sleeping realm took it seriously.
This is why Mikki’s testimony was so relevant-
Suddenly after all this time, the Truth talking place within me had been confirmed by another outside of me.

And yet, there is still a strange silence and quiet in people’s response.

I am not sure, what and how I am meant to respond to this collective indifference or silence…

But as I was saying, that despite the acute discomfort, I am still fascinated by the actuality taking place in my Body.
I once wrote that my body, and it’s 24/7 activation and my literally battle with it to align and for me to once more gain control of its movement was the one constant reminder to me that no matter the Silence of the world and the doctors and healers not wishing to investigate further the Anomaly which just as Mckayla stared – they had never witnessed before…
But I also knew that if I had wealth, and I was able to pay exorbitant fees that they would have perhaps taken more time to investigate this anomaly and singularity.

I am still taken aback, astonished by the Silence.
My fascination with what is taken place within me, tempered by the horror of how it is taking place and most of all the blaze response from the world.. despite all the work and effort of proving that what is happening to me is something which affects all of us.. not just me.

I felt that people, at least people seeking information, truth, confirmation would want to know all they could about the process taking place in my Body.
That they would like to study me, it just as I have been compelled to do.

Yes, it’s exhausting, having your body constantly moving, and having to use breathing tectonics to navigate and move from within the muscles, tendons and bones into alignment.
And then to have ones Being activated to such a sensitivity and such an awareness to the point that both ones Body and Being both have minds of their own.

Yes, it feels alien, and it took a lot of self mastery to not go into fear on nights or days when I feel as though I will be twisted squeezed to death.
Sometimes it my throat which is so twisted I literally can not breathe as the air passage is blocked, or my colon so twisted that all my internal organs are twisted .
Mckayla noted that and tried to move my internal organs back into place but she noted how they would move back..

I learnt that the worst thing I could do is panic, it served no purpose, and makes that possibility real.

I have learned a self mastery of it, despite each day incredulous of the reality of it, the way it moves twists, is propelled. Energy not evenly distributed to my internal organs and limbs.

I suppose that was the greatest suffering I had to surmount, the reality of it, and the indifference of the world and people around me…
It’s quite horrifying if you think of it, the ultimate and absolute nightmare of Existence- a person evolving alone while in a multi dimension war in the Astral Plane so real that not only have many people spoken about what they saw me going through in their visions but as Mckayla saw, wounds, blows..
A winged being with a broken wing caught in a Mesh Net..
Mother Earth.
Super Hit

And P.F candles.
From Esteban Miguel Filgueira.

2:58 -9 p.m.

Yes, it is horrifying and you the public’s response bewildering and mystifying..
The same mystifying response of non action to all my proof and evidence and codes demonstrated on my Facebook page in which by going back through the last 9 -7 years,
Time Travel through my pages..

– As if you, the entire world are under a spell, to ignore that which is relevant and obvious.

I have lived in this reality under cover and I do know that there are professionals, masters, scientists, artist and intellectuals who would be eager to investigate what so many called my condition something never seen before.
That it is not something in my head but literally physical.
This Truth and response in the Shelter- lead them to place me in a Mental.Health Housing Shelter rather than investigate that which was so obviously apparent.

Instead of fighting these points of view so apparently refusing to acknowledge publicly ( many did so privately off the record because they did not wish to risk their professional standing)
-When all I had wished to do was discuss it with professional or qualified people.

I had wished to celebrate that which is taking place within me. To have others observe record and monitor the process and progress.
Exam in my own empirical experience of it.
And thus, have records, recorded of each step, so when others who begin to display the symptoms they would have records of the process.

But I myself, have been fighting to solve riddles, and in between the constant shocks to my nervous system and the impulse stimuli and forced 24/7 forced focus on proving Everything is connected and forming a picture which each step of way I had await confirmation from the Universal Play..
I could not find the time to record what for me should be the most important facts.

Of course, the Script is confirming all my conclusions..
It’s about the E.M.Field.
The “Mother Board”
The Circuit Board- the flow and generation of Electrical Current in the Body.

It is about the Pineal Gland which controls Growth.
It’s about the Cell- the Bean shaped Mitochondria Energy generator
It’s is about The Transformer
The Coil.. yes The Ringling Brothers “Greatest Show on Earth” B B.
Hugh Jackman.
Hue J.A. C.K. E M A.N.

Conductors, 4.
Gold Silver
Copper, Aluminum

Leland Johnson x 4.

The Body being aligned to Being.

One can see this clearly from The Script.
The Script being what plays out around you.
Estebans as E.M.F.
Mckayla as M.B.
Christopher Filgueira C F.
John Mack J.M.
TreeSage T.S. Kim A.H.
Sarah Kaizer S.A.K

4:00 -01 p.m.

It’s about literally a Manual of the Eternal Body linked to Eternal Being .

And equating Meaning from Artificial Intelligence I Robot.
Elemental I.Q
To Cellular Biological Intelligence
3:2 9.
29 is the last portal and flight 2805.
John and Mackayla
The last play as Emeka M ckayla and F Fact.
The Truth of what is taken place in my Body being a Fact.

4:08 p.m.

Transformation .
Through Gate 29
Biological Intelligence is proven supreme as the Source of Elementals and the Individual being proven supreme over the Collective – Link the Bourg Queen in Star Trek as well as 7 of 9.
Talking To The Silence. TTTS. 79.
Sacred Portal 79 Blue Print of Existence.
1979…40 yrs ago.

*I am still at 1240 Facebook Friends.

4:15 p.m
First and Last notes
Doe… Doe a Dear.
Ti to Ti.

44. 8. 16. (1984) E.M.F
88 64. S A K. E
Sarah linking to the Sake I drink.

TiTi 2020 Vision not yr 2020
This script is about assigning and correlating “Meaning” to Numbers and not Numbers to Meaning.
N 14.
Mike Obum Ndubisi M.O.N.
Moon Day
My Day
M. O.N.
M O N E. S D.A Y. Has Come. S.P 53
M.F. N. E S

To be honest, it was never my intention to have to teach the world my Codes, or how to read the Universal Script.
Or how to clean your Being and Vision so you could see what I see-
Or the proving to you the Truth that you are in a Script, and can not see it because you are entangled in a Web, Mesh Net of the lies you have told yourselves, individually…Historically Generationally ( Generation X Gardens.. X =24… babies), and even to the Present.
I really did not come to teach prove, or declare.

I did not come to remind people about how to speak the Truth, or recognize what is True.. Truth and how it aligns to the embodiment as the End result- Meaning Function Purpose and Identity and Identifying quatilties recognized and Named; resulting in the materialization of Solid Facts into a simple logical straight forward process, akin to the process of Growth

TiTi was the Nick name for Tom Truman
I knew the way I came down here from E H to the 7th Note.
I came through his portal and passed through Marina Burini portal along the way M.B
But Ti!Ti 77 came first.
I met him first through his brother John Shaw
J.S. 10 19.
Jeff Sullivan
John Spencer Mack..
Do you notice something peculiar J.S
To T T
A Full Circle
I met John Shaw in 2010.
8 years ago..
With TT and their brother Luke Shaw.
L S/ S L.

Going in circles to bring forth 44 8.
Harmony infinity Consciousness
Completed in Hartford Connecticut H C
Established now firmly in this World-Womb
Wow Mom

And now I am going back the way I came through 77 to 88. 8/8=1
1 = A.
A =E
AH-Tom -Energy
E A ..5 th Dimension came First
Eternity came First
Eros e first before Awareness, AH.

55 77. 66 88/ 88 66 86-68, 86 87

I, … in truth, came to share.

To share with Others the Extraordinary
The Fantastic
The incredible, inconceivable experience given to me personally of my Being, and the experience of being as I am in this world..

An Individual .

I sought to converse with others such as I and correlate and even bond, though their understanding my experience which empathy and even their Lifes template translated it aligned in.their own unique way with the exxageration of it found in mine.

I never would have thought that the biggest obstacle to all this was that people do not take the Truth seriously and more and thus, for most here, it had lost its Meaning, Implication value and worth.

5:01 p.m.

I truly wished that I had someone to converse with.
Someone that I did not have first prove that they no longer even remember what True Meaning is.

Seamless flowing conversation
…or How music is, conversation and the True Circuit Board- Electricity comes from effortless conversation, no doubt, ebbs which deny your Expression, experience of Being in Existence…

Fighting over such a Clamour: Noise of Talking Heads, lost and speaking to the Echo of themselves only in their minds.
Not to me.

Talking instead to their, Your doubts and suspicions instead of with me… each other seen cleanly.

All this..?
All this voluminous immense vast work and material 18 yrs 7 yrs on Facebook all this proving, this great sea of words post after post, home portal after portal 58!
All this was just to get your attention!
That I have been telling the Truth of what happened and is happening to me, is the True And the actual True Story of the beginning to End of Human Evolution..

All this just to be heard…?

And yet can anyone truly deny that after a life time and especially the last 29 years, that I am still sitting, standing up
Talking To The Silence ?

( TT TS. 79. Au Atomic Number 79.
Tree Sage “Kim” (Gold) Arthur Hines
Arinze Umeano Au)

Volume 5…7.

Is this not A Fact or why would I still be talking to, filling up words onto a blank white H.P Lap Top computer screen
Silent except for words not in my head but of the Actuality going on around me.

Talking To The Silence
Umeano Hines..

Leonardo in the Series “Da Vincis Demons goes down the Labyrinth..through his eyes forced open, the Labyrinth Mind -Hallucingenic of Memories, possible outcomes..
He survives the experience and ends up finding his Sister he had never met before..
Her name is Sophia.
A.I Saudi Saudi Arabia S.A..Sophia
Sacred Portal 37 “Sophia O Lauren

Leonardo and Sophia Da Vinci

I observed how the Director chose to portray
how both Leonardo and his sister’s mind work.
How he sees through logic order mechanics
And she through imagery, and nature
Particle and Wave.

but each speaks the others language perfectly and how they merge them, and see them observe and Emerge with the Answer to the Riddle of the Sphinx .
I recognized their minds work much as mine does. does.

God Particles.

A Dream within a dream within within a Dream…
But no I am not dreaming, I was fully aware that I have been in a Matrix Web Maze Labyrinth..
Leland Johnson x4.
And to get out of It,
I had to solve the Riddle of The Sphinx
The 5th Door.
R.O.T S.
Rots decays the Body “KAH” Old Age?
/ S T O R. Y.
S T. O REY. Rey. To evolve to mi Me Moi S P 90
S T O R E.

What’s In Store ( W. I S. D.O. M)
Answer: Diamond Clarity D.C. 43

And what is Left Behind?

Answer Green Life G.L. 7 12.

*See my Dark Green Corner Stone
Stephens New Dark Green lighter
Fritz Venneiq code Dark Green
D.G 4 7
11:00 p.m.Edit

Thomas F Lang. .
Twin LA.N.G U A G E – . AG 47 Silver E
Emeka Silver Tongue../ E.G. Au Gold 79 Gold is the past Sun.
Moon is The Present…

Only those at 8 and 81
H…H.A pass through the X Factor
The Birth Canal

This Question and Answer
(Q.A. Qusharia Aallah..Anamla Qayin)
Riddle of the 4 in One Awareness 5.
5 18
E Riddle
*Link Christopher’s daughter Izzy ( Isabella ) born.5-18 2014
Age 4.
Wallet C.F brought with code B.K.E. 67
Stephen 400 u sd 14 days N.

E Riddle Of Supreme Existence

See Sacred Portal 73.
“What Lies in Store S T. O R ..E. Y
What is left behind”

( 5-20-1973 Mile Obumneme Nduisi Kolo

Sacred. Portal 37.
Sophia Evolution of the Sacred Fenine Feline to Sol..5th.
Leonardo DA Vinci. L.DV
Life Death Victory Double V. Victor-Y

Sophia DA Vinci. S.D.V.
Santana Dharma Victor.I.A. X.

6:29 p.m.
Boarding Time Mikki and John.

12:37 pm
Liberty C LiscombLiberty
Thomas LangThomas and Son.

I knew that that I had no choice but to solve and finish this riddle because even if I managed to get my passport I have wondered how and if it were possible to fly in this physical State.
And I know by solving the 5th Dimensions Portal riddles of Supreme True Power
6:43 p.m

Is the only way this “Night-Mare” Ends
And we can all rise at Home:Positoned perfectly as the E Flower of Opens and blossoms here
LE Land of John sons
Sons of the True And Grace.

Yes, I am Talking To The Silence
this Script on my page proves it, I began my
“Captains Log 1989..Sept.
29 Yrs and 5 yrs ago.


6:52 -3 p.m


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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