
2/28/2017 19:41 – Facebook Post

4:05 p.m.






Before I go into the encoding and decoding of my three new Face books friends.

I would first like to Honor Flor Elena Medina for her Harmony, and that it is noted for the Future.

I would like to also mention Hary.S..

And Vivian Lavey…

I do this as an act of acknowledgment of their Harmony but also, because credit must be given where credit is due, even if there was a consistent betrayal to me personally, I am aware that it was not personally directed, but rather a question of doubt, and literal questioning and a desire to understand, while each having experienced betrayal and hurt in their own experiences.
And of course, there was thee question of understand me, my expression…
To get used to the idea, of there literally being forced to understand a long forgotten language, and a consciousness only landing in this realm by my constant expression….
The long forgotten language is Truth, and the consciousness..

I only focus on that which is Beautiful.

But this world had forgotten what is Beautiful. despite seeking it obliquely and unconsciously in such a way that that it appeared hideous- in advertising, in money to buy people places things which enable them to get closer to Beauty.

The interpretation of it in this world is an abomination, and suddenly my prose “Take A Ride With Me” ( T.A.R..M.W), written in 1992 in Paris- a Songe in which I traveled with my E-Spirit outside of time and space to view the Sum Total of the Worlds Expression, of what is had become and what It had to return to be..
Beauty and Grace I had written had been sodomized, and made into something so gaudy, painted in a caricature of Itself, vilified while desired..
Yes, the mob in the story of Lot and the Two E.T whom the people called Messengers of God- of course, an expression which was the product of their time…

They were two aspects of myself…
R and E.. R.E.. N as Nenad M. Djurdjevic line, and R as Rob Barr line, who have now evolved to R.E…( 18 5…23..W…V VV.. ) through 2+2=4…D… And then 22=V=5… And 22 22..88…2 (8)
R.E.H……+22.. V VV..
*See sacred portal 110.. “Cocks of the Awakening.. the Sure Fire..Certainty.
R.E.K..O… My Family..

See them as the Two Boys in Sacred Portal 87 “Returning the World to their Senses and Sensie.. And in Sacred Portal 100 “Pan and the Music of the Fifth Dimension.
You call them the Cheribium and Serpapim
Cupid Eros

Ovid, Metamorphoses 1.470-74. Cupid = Eros = Kama. See wikipedia.

Cupid’s cult was closely associated with that of Venus; in fact, his power was supposed to be even greater than his mother’s, since he had dominion over the dead in Hades, the creatures of the sea and the gods in Olympus. Some of the cults of Cupid suggested that, like Mors/Thanatus/Letus, he was the son of Night (Nox) and Hell (Erebus), and that he mated with Chaos to produce both men and gods.

He is frequently invoked as fickle, playful, and perverse, and thus often depicted as carrying two sets of arrows: one set gold-headed, which inspire love; and the other lead-headed, which inspire hatred.

His twin by (Freudian) affinity would be Mors or Letus/Letum, i.e. Thanatus [Thanatos], god of non-violent death. (He too is the son of the goddess of night, Nox [Nyx; see (Hesiod, Theogony 212, Homer, Iliad 14.250, Pausanias 5.18.1, Seneca, Hercules Fur. 1068] or Nox and Erebus (Hyginus, Preface, Cicero, De Natura Deorum 3.17); strictly speaking, he is the brother of the personification of sleep, Somnus [Hypnos].) In Roman sculptural reliefs, he was portrayed as a youth holding a down-turned torch and wreath or butterfly (symbolising the soul of the dead).

From Sean Sturm Blog
The Broken Vessel.”

Cupid Eros C.E
Eros/Amor.. E.A..
Thantos/Mors…Letus…Letos.. T.M… T.L… TIME…TILE..Vola-Tile.

Actually it is really an Equation;

C.E A.T….M/L…( M=13, L=12, 25… Y…25 7 .. Yellow God-Gold… Earth Zorro…. 100..107..17..8…H.)


C.R.E.A.T.E….H… Harmony Infinity…

You see they are all the same person…
A Riddle…My Sons and Fathers, ( F.S) now my Brother and Lovers…
and now, my Daughters and Mothers ( D.M) as Sisters and Lovers
My Family, aspects of My Self, My Soul, now evolved to become One and Independent.

R.E to the most Ancient Egyptians- so identified in the Book of the Dead was the counter part of Ra..
Ra is the Son of Re.. And Re is the God who is within.

See Sacred Portal 120.. The Sword of Truth wielded by the Hero as FRIT.Z carries a Sword with the Names Re and Ra on the sides…
R.E.H and R.AH.
R.R…18 18..36..39O…9 O…I.O..
Inside and Outside.
Spirit E Sacred Portal 90.
The the 10% which is unaccounted for?
T.EN.. The Elegant Nomad… The Elegant Nomads.

R.AT..M.W… The Milky way a Rat..?
Yes, that was its illusion of a Great Mother Father rat giving birth non stop, over and over again to Consumption greed destruction, mindless will to survive…
But for what purpose?
It was the illusion a nightmare which the mystery of the perception of not knowing had created for the matter consciousness..
Magic? A Spell..Erebus Hypnos Thantos .. Nyx the All Encircling River having a Night Mare… at the perception of what Existence was Is…?
No, it was the reveal the S… S.T.A.R…M.W…69…
S.TAR 69

What does it mean in this Reality… Star 69..?

“*Once upon a time, here in the USA, dialing *69 on a regular landline would give you the last number that called you, and offer to call the number back for you. Assuming, of course that the caller didn’t dial *67 before calling you… which would block the calling number from being retrieved

S.T.A R… 69 which is what MW really represents…. 15..Letter O.. 54…E.D… O.E.D…Perfection Eternity Defined…

All defined… all one had to do was name it and it would respond to Its Name…
What is O what is E what is D…?
O is 15=6..Six sense moved to Fact…
54 is 9…I..
F.I… Fact Face Infinities Idea…
54 is 20..Truth..2O..B O.. Beauty Full Circle… B.F…Best Friend H
and 9….
Truth Beautiful…O Full Circle a Fact…
29…B.I…Being Individual .. I.U…921 Face Book Friends..
Individually Unique… A Snow Flake.
Emeka K=11.. Rob Barr/ Nenad M. Djurdjevic Reps Sipirit and Embodiment..
18…R… Radiance… and the ‘Math- MAF -MAP-PAN’S NAP stops there…

So you see Beauty was sought after but in the “Consciousness’ and a Rat… and what does a Rat focus on? What where does it Breed and what doe sit thrive on…
In that its desperation to survive..?
It will do anything to survive.. to live…even eat their own young.
infect, diseased Kill…
Until the S.. The See the Splendor and Radiance of the Family of T.EN.the original and first Truly Beautiful Ones Rose and proved the Truth and the True See of Existence is and was never to simply
But that there was a mission, a purpose and that the Galaxy was made Beautiful, Everything was of and is of Beauty and this was a,
The Reminder….
To chose what to focus on.

So I understood the points of view of those who had lived in and with the consciousness of the Rat. just as New York is infested with Rats…
Just as the World…

Splendor and Radiance is what the end of the piece of Prose Revealed would happen to dispel the awful of vision of the World and See which I recall even now so vividly in that journey with Spirit E my Spirit, my Awareness.
But nothing could have prepared me for living in it, it actually and for the next 25 years living that daily and having to traverse that idea of the Rat Milky way as the Galaxy..
Redangelstar Galaxialove…. Seeking my Daughter Gloria…
Glorious Clarity..Beautiful Pride…
5:08 p.m.

I accept and I understand but I do not forgive.
I forgive only when the person rises and comes back to their senses, when they clean up the mess ( Hurt Suffering Mess)
by actions and.. good grief not words…

Doctor Gauge, who scheduled me for my next appointment on 3-20- 2017… which indicated in the Spirit realm that I had completed the 16 years since my arrival on that date, 3 weeks (21 days earlier to 921 Face Book Friends)

5:11 p.m

By Proving the Truth that all came from within.
And the desire and the rage of the Mob to “Know” the Two angles whom L.O.T…L.T/T.L.. 12 20…Letus Thantos…2012…
Royal Mayan… Son of my Host… 32/32… 55…5 5… 5/5//1…10…1O.. 25… 11…1…8….)
was that reminder of that which each understood that the Two Angel E.T represented, These Beautiful Ones, was that the DNE..The “E’ Planted within them, the DnA..the Awareness even in the DEN which was had been transformed in a Cage a prison, which was really the Garden Of E EDEN…E.S.P…Planet.. Lay within them..

But they had no access to it any longer, forgot they way to express it but did they not see all around them the reminders… And Lots example… The very reason they let him dwell amongst them…
They were in the Lions Den…the Animal world… The Jungle Book…

..Did you notice that the Jungle Book won the Oscar…
Did you notice that La La Land.. LLL.. 36.. Won 6 Oscars…
Did you notice what happened in the End with Moonlight… M.L.

Did you notice the Codes… J.B..007.
La La Land… 6th Note is LA…Los Angelos./ Sol! EG..N.A..
14-1..( The Room I sleep is 5A number 1-14..
5001-5014…51 to 514…
See the Sacred Portal.. 51.. “Sex God of Creation..”
5 and 14… E.N… Evolution of Consciousness to the 5th Dimension
Eternity… BRO..OKE… SHIE..L.D.S… Endless Love… E.L..

La Sol… 5th 6th…

And Moonlight… Moon (Sacred Portal 2-3), Light…
M.L… 13 12.. 25….Y…Yellow…Gold.. Earth..
“Black Boys appear Blue in the Moon Light..”

The Moon action on Water and the Atmosphere…?
Sine.. S.I.N.E… S.I…I.N..E…

In Celtic it means “The One”
In Arabic it means “Friend”
In Germanic it means “The Point” of a Sword…
E N..I.S…

The One, friend, the Point even at the Point of the Sword
( See sacred Portal 7..”And Where do you think you are going with the illusion of a Broken Heart..?” B.H)

Celtic Arabic Germanic… C.A.G..E….

Yes, all those films…

Jungle Book… An E.T man undercover J.B 007
in the Zoo…Lions Den Rat Race… R R…

La La Land… 66 Fiction to Fact.. L A.N.D…E 66 12 L & E.. not 666 The Mark Of Man is he is a Beast…
Something which pissed off Women would say as they expected tenderness on their wedding nights…
See Moon Light.. the Code is A24…
See sacred Portal 24.. And what was imposed on me by the Wrath of Woman…For how many men entered her…
Forgetting those who entered Her and brought her to…
Ah. .. St Theresa of Aviles…. With the True Point of the Sword…
Sacred Portal 8… “Love links to Desire…”
To E….

J.B…007, La La L.(Cee Consciousness ) A.N.D ( Links DNA)
to E….
Through Moon Light…
Working at Night…

5:51 p.m…


At once a vital portrait of contemporary African American life and an intensely personal and poetic meditation on identity, family, friendship, and love, MOONLIGHT is a groundbreaking piece of cinema that reverberates with deep compassion and universal truths. Anchored by extraordinary performances from a tremendous ensemble cast, Barry Jenkins’s staggering, singular vision is profoundly moving in its portrayal of the moments, people, and unknowable forces that shape our lives and make us who we are.
Release date: October 21, 2016 (USA)
Director: Barry Jenkins
Box office: 23.3 million USD”

Barry Jenkins… B.J…J.B…
23.3… W.C… B.C.C… 5 3…

La La Land…
The story of Mia, an aspiring actress, and Sebastian, a dedicated jazz musician, struggling to make ends meet while pursuing their dreams in a city known for destroying hopes and breaking hearts. With modern day Los Angeles as the backdrop, this musical about everyday life explores what is more important: a once-in-a-lifetime love or the spotlight.
Release date: December 9, 2016 (USA)
Director: Damien Chazelle
Box office: 341.1 million USD

Damien Chazelle.. D.C.. 43..
34.1… C.D.A… C Da Enlightens…

Jungle Book….
An epic adventure about Mowgli, a man-cub who’s been raised by a family of wolves. But Mowgli finds he is no longer welcome in the jungle when fearsome tiger ShereKhan, who bears the scars of Man, promises to eliminate what he sees as a threat. Urged to abandon the only home he’s ever known, Mowgli embarks on a captivating journey of self-discovery, guided by panther-turned-stern mentor Bagheera, and the free-spirited bear Baloo. Along the way, Mowgli encounters jungle creatures who don’t exactly have his best interests at heart, including Kaa, a python whose seductive voice and gaze hypnotizes the man-cub, and the smooth-talking King Louie, who tries to coerce Mowgli into giving up the secret to the elusive and deadly red flower: fire.
Release date: April 4, 2016 (USA)
Director: Jon Favreau
Featured song: The Bare Necessities
Box office: 966.6 million USD

J.F…K… 10 6
T.B.N…T.B.O.N… And I have lived with the Barest Necessities for 16 Years.


The Black Panther,
Tiger… Ravi Sings Cat Tiger C.A.T..
Story of Pi.. and IP Man.

Papa Jungle
Had a face book friend whom I met at 114 Steps called Henri Mogwli.. recorded here on Face Book.
Prince Panther…

Albert Santana”s Generation X Garden
A Gorilla consciousness rising in me..
Isaac Calvin McCullough the witness present…

I told you that this mission derailed my own plan to tell the Story as a Film Director..
But I did it, made a film anyway, affecting all to make rise all with the Beautiful Truth…
S.T.A.R….69.. O.I…F.R… F.R.E.E… Freedom Song… F.S

And so doctor Gaughe who is leaving to open her own clinic in new Haven, just as Chelsea, the truly one clean spirit working here recently got a better offer- there is nothing left here- for the ones who had something have all been safely navigated out of here.
Do they know who really created their escape route…
From Dewight Smith to Kerywn Vincent, to John Dudley to Chase Barrington…?
I am indifferent…
But Guage told me that because of my sensitivity to sound and what it is doing to my getting no Sleep or Rest… that there were no private rooms here..
It was not that I required a Private Room, it is was a necessity…
And the person who had assigned me at first a room at 5C had understood that as common sense, not some idea of giving me Preferential Treatment (P.T) though Lord knows I deserved it..
After all this is not my Evolution Awakening.. it was yours…

But today, the main room was empty this morning..
And I slept and rested not enough to regenerate but enough to ‘travel’
and I saw myself in a Car after a brief play literally and going home with my family- in this reality…
My Uncle Sir P was there as his truest aspect.. and others…

I slept from 9 p.m after responding to the Post of my going Home by Flor Elena Medina, and returned to this dimension at 1:00 p.m.
and observed a message from Vivian Lavey stating that she will send the Money Code tomorrow…

9 to 4… I.D…

See the Meaning of Oscar… The Golden Man.. and See the Golden Globe…

It means Divine Spear.. in Viking…
Which is confirmed by Dewight Smith being the only one of those still a Face Book friend.
And more by Kasper Lomholdt Serup rep of the Viking line in this Face Book Script contacting me yesterday with words of Appreciation and some intel….

It also means…
“Behind the Name: Meaning, origin and history of the name Oscar. Possibly means “deer friend”, derived from Gaelic os “deer” and cara “friend”. Alternatively, it may derive from the Old English name OSGAR or its Old Norse cognate ÁSGEIRR, which may have been brought to Ireland by Viking invaders and settlers.”

Academy Award of Merit”, as it is actually named, was coined by Academy Award librarian and future Director of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Margaret Herrick. Supposedly she bestowed the nickname on the statuette in 1931 when she took the job as the Academy’s first librarian. Upon first seeing the statuette, she remarked that it looked like her Uncle Oscar (wheat and fruit farmer, Oscar Pierce, who was actually her cousin. She later stated the similarity was from the fact that he was a “Texas farmer of dignity, austerity, and commanding authority.”)”

Doe a Deer.. Friend… A Farmer…From the Lone Star State…
Dignity Austerity, Commanding Authority…D.A..C.A…
19 31…
Wheat and Fruit Farmer… W F.F…D VV FF…

I just saw 31 year old Rahul…
He got the job and then described the “Supernatural Events’ of how he got it…
He showed me the message of how the “Founder” of this company dedicated to bring more women into the forefront of the Technological Age, had sent him an e-mail but to give him the Job, in the near future..
He had responded with a text which was elegant gracious.. his most natural self..
And then before he could send it, he receives another message, from the founder, stating that they have space for him after all..
Could he come in tomorrow.

He saw me and I beckoned him over, he looked truly handsome, radiant and a bit humbled because as he spoke to me, which I realized he had been waiting to do…
As the dinner he had bought for me, he knew where and how the source of his getting the job came from.

I smiled and said congratulations on having realized that your most Natural and True Nature is what people value more rather than my mental nature…
He looked at me… I am nervous about Tomorrow said the 31 year old…
“Do not go into the mental I said… stay in the Naural..
And he suddenly remembered smiling radiantly…
Yes.. Yes….

I will come in here tomorrow and let you know…?

It never occurred to him, that after what he had put me through and I had endured of his insult to my Truth and my going out of my way while in a Shelter and doing the Riddles of Existence.. that I might not wish to see him..
Just as I had not gone up to him where he was seated, waiting for me… to come to him…
That I despised being given no choice to be at his disposal..

It never occurred to him, that with all good wishes, for him that I did not mind never seeing him ever again…

So Flor Elena Medina I saw myself going home..
And Vivian Lavey has finally agreed to send the 50.. E.O
Equation tomorrow…

And yet would any one be surprised that I would never return my attention to this World or Humanity…
And you know the scariest thing..?

..They probably will… and even complain…

6:40 p.m.

Hey Alanis EL Blanka

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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