
2/28/2015 4:06 – Facebook Post

12:53-4 AM.


L: E.C.D


Le E CD….
Being Harmonious-Be Harmonious…

I am kinda knackered.

I have had a life in 15 years…

And no break from this weaving before I came to Facebook nor since.

To find oneself in such a position of weaving and proving a Consciousness into Being and Existence with an Unseen Consciousness while fighting literally activated Ghosts of humanities time on earth…
Expression which filled the Existence of the “Space” of time, while proving alone to this unseen seen is Force that right, Exemplified by not being able to deny (not matter how inconvenient) the Truth of what you read..
And what is happening to you…

That you can read and understand these frequencies.
That you have access to Memory
That you can see the Unseen moving and using the Seen, as Anchors Avatars to relay information.
That you can see a force which you personally know can not exist..
Does not exist..
Evil moving through the world and you can see its source and what it is doing and its intended direction
All Invisible yet so easily visible…
Tap into a Frequency.

I thought the physical reality of what was- is happening to my body would catch the worlds attention.
It was so obvious that my body was literally acting as a radio
I could literally hear songs on my radio and I could see the images the music invoked and the words.
I could match these songs with literal events and before you knew it…
I was there in those worlds…
And my anchored physical reality..right here would affirm it.
That though I was in New York I was in another realm at the same time.
Time and space all existed in one place – access was a matter of sensitivity to the Frequencies

I had my own inner music which was a sort of forcefield..
My Natural Harmony..
It was as if my music, my inner song became my space suit.
I was Niel Armstrong a man not lost in Space .
But always in a bliss and sense of Extase living in my own space suit.
I could travel anywhere…
I was protected by my Harmony..
Nothing outside of my inner song was real

Yet something wished me to hear these others songs..music which it forced me to hear.
Bombarding me with it day after day…

Time 1:23 pm..
Sacred Portal 123,,,
* So I know where I am…
What I am doing as of this moment…
I am enacting out the Battle to bring Harmony Infinity as a Consciousness now into Being.
I have succeded in doing it with Voice and Expression and my own personal embodiment of it my whole life..
Now it is meaning it morph into physical being..like music in the air entering through the pores of the skin and as a -since matter is but saphire Wide Open Space ..O.S..
SO! -a needle pulling thread!”..
* I have to use humanities Archives and the only clean ones are child like…sigh…

The 5th Note…E…Evolution
Fitfth Element…really the First..
I had to prove Air and Water
Represented by Neel Akash and Clark Narayana..
Nara Narayana… Path of man…
Shubhi Gautama…walking the earth…
That the Body is made of Nothingness filled with somethingness Orien Laplante…
LA plant E…

So now we are at EO…
Passed through Don Diego…
The 44…Birgit Stein ..
The Ether and the Rock…
Then now with blessing from N A.C.N/N CAN…Prove that Naturalness can Transform and Create as well as generate Energy through expression…
Melissa Galvan…

Okay so its about Grace…

Alright here goes…

I traveled to this places against my will..
A strong wind had carried me up, Spirited me away
The music was so intense insistent.
Don’t get me wrong I am the Space Cowboy the Pi-Rate..ah…
The Explorer ….but in my own space time..

But this wind “which skakes the Barley” stunned me by it force.. The music was crescendo…
It was operatic but my inner music prevailed
My Natural Harmony but I was no longer in worlds where the red carpet leading me to its beautiful song…
I was suddenly in worlds and experiencing horror upon horror…
Waves crashed into me…
Father the Guide the wind….”what have you don”!”
Mother Guide had become sadness…
Father Joy a furious rage…

The wished to show me the worlds and universes of this world….
I am Father Joy where is he…
The wind songs were so swift…
And finally I gave in and paid attention.

But I never stopped listening to my Harmonious inner song.

It turn out all the urgency was about the end of human existence.
About aligning all aspects of time and history to the one truth.

It was about sacrificing everything I knew to be of True Existence for sadness of mother and father not as I but a boy turning into a man.
Fear Confusion Isolation Sadness…

So I watched as the Wind bound me and the waves crashed about me of this urgent tragic and overwhelming song.
I watched with quiet anger..
“Is it for this illusion that you have repeatedly disturbed my inner song…do you not realize than on Truth there is nothing wrong?
That it is your disturbance of my existence and its beautiful song- which plunged the world in turmoil because I am Harmonious Being Graceful song.
And if you had not disrurbed and disrespected my truth right from the womb, interrupting my life and it’s natural.Harmony, to train me all my life to fight this ” great Wrong” naught but an illusion you both gave power because you did not pay attention to the one most beautiful truthful song.

That all was and is already in place before I was born in this world.
And all that was left, was to let me be and sing aloud my inner song.

Instead you forgot I who I am and that I came before the two of you, manifesting nothing but Beauty, so what made you think that I would not already have a plan which took care of you 2…

Instead from the age of 2-8, and from then ever since, you did the unforgivable of binding me to your view gone wrong, attention to not the true

For if you had simply sang the song of Beautiful Being you would have seen that my body of song would have protected you.
To walk through the greatest illusion and a space suit covering you.
Of Lightness and Light- the Cee of what is true.
And your song your Voice, of Harmonious Being Expressed Naturally so, would have broken the spells of all the madness in being and all thier living hells

I came to see a song of Being…
Not to be your slaves of an illusion of being and focus attention on those things. Which has made you slaves.
I am the Song Arch Angel Raphael 11:28..
Whose came to show the meaning of true power is Freedom Song…
Of natural Being of Awe and Majesty royal that in heralds simply by being in Existence the Tarok the Royal Robes of Purple Awakening all the slaves…
To Memory not by being your example “Mother” or the Teachers Pet “Father”.,,
But a natural song and way of Being, which awakens you to who at what you are


Man Hue Manity and the Song Alone it is the Awakening
It Is the Song of who we are.
The Beautiful Ones
Self worth personified
In our Simply Being who we truly are.

Not characters such as ISIS Nebuchadnezzar Jesus in a human story book..
If you are Athena by Nature be her not of these silly human stories be her because that is innately and Naturally who you truly are…

The Original Version the Humans Minds lost in Imagination plagerized…and corrupted .

And so I come full circle back to my Original Song…
And Ode to Royal Existence and the Truth of who we are…
The Eternally Beautiful Harmonies Song of S O.I…
Going home….
3:O5 A.M.


3:O6 A.N


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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