
2/26/2016 15:29 – Facebook Post

Extraordinary Intel…

Which aligns with this play consistently pointing to Bali..
I noticed that while I was moving through portals representing Ancient Egypt that Bali Indonesia, kept on making an appearance along with the play of Ancient Egypt..

I wrote a great deal about this,
and of Jon Jason Lee,
whom I came to New York with,
is part Javanese, and part Celtic (Irish)
which aligns to Donna O’Sullivan who works with a company set in Bali and is of Irish (Celtic) American origins..

Today is Ariane Oates Birthday (Happy Birthday!..:) )
Today is the 26th..
A-O is Alpha Omega…
* See the meaning of Infinity I posted..

The intel from K.M…speaks of carbon dating 26,000 years ago..

“The results were immediately intriguing producing evidence of deeply buried man-made chambers and yielding carbon dates going back as far as 26,000 years. This was the last Ice Age when our ancestors are supposed (according to the orthodox archaeological model) to be have been nothing more than primitive hunter gatherers incapable of large-scale construction and engineering feats.”..

And observe the truly hideous response from those who despite this miraculous discovery, went to such lengths to not allow the truth of this discovery, which forces the entire world view to change…

P.S. Bali Java.. Indonesia ..Ancient Siam is the setting for the movie
“The King and I…Etcetera, Etcetera, Etcetera…”
Which has appeared through out this Face Book play reference sacred portal 9..The Fair-Oh.. The King and I, as well as Father and Lady Harmony…
Yul Bryner..B.Y…
Deborah Kerr…D.K…(Donna Karen..Lady Purity)…

Donna O’Sullivan friend Debra Knapp Rinaldi….D.K.R…
is based in Bali, I met here and she was in perfect Harmony with the play…
And Donna recently mentioned that she is currently in Australia…
Where Ariane Oates is…

Indonesia Egypt…


26,OOO thousand years ago..

Alpha Omega…

And once more, the parallels…
of a discovery, which changes the world view forever
and the truly evil, refusal by others, to accept the evolution of knowledge through facts..
And just how far the world will go, to fight the truth and facts being revealed to the World..
This has been my story..
The Doctor from Indonesia fought back..
And I have fought for 26 years, since I first met Jon Jason Lee
when he was 19…he was born 1971..71..(7654321=8)..
2:2O p.m.

22 is V..
2:21 p.m is B.U..Being Universe..V.A..

2:22 p.m


The Truth Alpha Omega..
Indonesia has in its Cosmology and Religion..
Beauty portals as Temples
and the portals of Existential Death…

2:33 p.m.

All this has been logged, and deciphered on this Face Book play over the last years.. Right to Joseph Stern, who had ancestry of orthodox Jewish, memories of both ancient Egypt, the Menorah and who worked on a Jewelry company based in Bali where he had a house and later married there too…

And so this is the affirmation of that long equation and riddle solved…
26 years later..

2:26 p.m..
2 26..

2:28 p.m

Beauty is Harmony..
and those against Harmony..
Existential Death…
by I.E…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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