
2/25/2019 19:24 – Facebook Post

3:21 p.m


Ref Chinedu Umeano


Arinze Umeano


Cu Au
Copper and Gold

Conductors of Electricity

Kim means Gold.

Tree Sage is Kim Arthur Hines
Arthur Hur.

I am the only one who sleeps in this house now
McKayla Rays and John Mack have gone to Costa Rica through gate 29.
Flight 6 29..
They return on the 8th.
C H .T S
S T. H C
Supreme Truth Hartford Connecticut.
They have gone to get the Intel of the last Truth of E.

Only Tree Sage, Christopher Filgueira and Steve Esteban Miguel Filgueira come here to the Yellow room

It’s a riddle and play

T S. E
C F. E
E.M.F E.

Can you read it?

The Source T S. E
Of the Circle Filled.. with 6th Sense is E
The E.M Field

First letters
E T C. E

Etceterra is to Infinity

E T. C. ( I V. ) E

Congratulations to Liberty C Liscomb and ..
Thomas Lang..
They have literally embodied at 12:37 am
The birth of the 5th Dimension represented right down to the birth of the 5th child a boy!!

See sacred portal 37..
Completion of Evolution of the Sacred Feminine S F..
See who is the Source of this..Y chromosome
A. B O Y
1. 2 15. 25 ..

It’s is complete at 37/73
Code links to my youngest brothers name Micheal Obumne Ndusi Kolo.
E B O.. E B F.. H.

5:19 p.m

His name means ” Who is as God?
Oh is it me who is doing this..
Life is Supreme, he is the Manly Warrior Prince
Of the Full Circle of Existence ”

… Esteban Steven

5:20 p.m time now.

E steban was here..

All three each arriving in Perfect sequence
Myself the only one sleeping here..
Tree was the first to arrive,
Then Chris and then E steban Steve.

E .T. C. E.. . I.

Do you recall the play with Tree ( Kim ) and his mother wearing the leopard print when I first met her.
Leopard – Magic of Africa -Pangea.
And the dread locked man who openly challenged me on the streets of Manhattan opposite The Bean cafe..
– He had spoken to me on the 4th dimensional language and play, he had spoken about how there was a witch who had a far greater power than me, who could throw objects on a leopard skin and cause objects and people to move towards her will without them realizing it.
He told me that she would demolish my power..

Recall the Mau-Mau.. ?
Amawbia my Bio fathers home town and a great “Voodoo” which lived there.
Recall the lore of Mau Mau..
Shapeshifters who would morph into leopards.

I announced by findings and discovery on Face book quite a few times over the years, after exhaustive empirical investigation that the literal past and what has passed, was not only affecting humanity and descendants of the True past sin, of not going back ( after realizing they made a false accussation proclamations which caused great damage and hurt…
And infection chain reaction)
…to clean up their mess..
Mess of Ages
Of Messagenges Angel Winged Beings..
“Birds Of Paradise”
Being of Beautiful Pride..
The Beautiful Ones who came into this realm from A Far Away Future
Parent within.

Collective P.T.S.D.
When your past captures you..
The riddles, questions beliefs which some how don’t make sense, actions to other’s

No time to go back.
To pause, rest ..
Contemplate and Reflect
C.A R.
In your Body The Car.
To Care for yourself and go.back in Time through your Rest Relaxation .. Read Creation Re Create, through Relaxation.. Change the past in the Present

No time to get spirited away

Too many distractions

Until you were no longer walking on solid ground.. truth fact ..
Suddenly your in a different dimension
Where all ideas not proven true or false exist..
Ghosts haunting a species
Sound used to move people
Sound linked intentionally to fear..
Violence.. to jump.
To expect the worst.
Flight or Fright
Flight because you are frightened

Adrenalin rush
Constant motion
“Got to survive”

Yes, the past infected the True View..
And in this space of The True not yet proven to be True, and that which is false not yet proven false.

That is where I have lived all my years I have lived this present incarnation on Earth.

Thus this was a place of war
The Astral Plane.
Terrible War
Realm of Imaginning tainted with Fear in its worst extreme inconceivable aspect what Fear to extreme can create.

6:02 pm

When Steve came in, I asked him to take me tons wine and spirits store, he went to a different one than I had intended.
It had a Dog on the Door.
I.knew it was a portal ..
At 1240 Facebook Friends, I am aware that we are still In the True literal “Out of Africa Pangea Past Play- now that it’s Truth, Road, Pathway “Ezi-Okwu ” ( The Way of Truth)
The Truth comes from the words formed by your tongue
Tis what you say which makes the Tongue the Spear of Destiny ..

Where you Throw or Lance it, created and leads you to your Manifested Destinaton

Mine was always Home.

The Fifth Dimension has arrived
Birthed symbolically in that embodied representation of as yet the child with as of yet no name..
The the 5th Child.
Liberty and her Twin Expression Christ Thomas.

12 20

L. T E ..C.

Jesus Lucifer
John Mary Magdalena

Twins J.L. 10 12. 22. V. M. Victor Michael.
J.M.M. 36 C F. 27.. A-A.. B.G…Blue Green world

6:19 pm

F S.
Feelings Solids Form

Feelings are Realm

Feelings are Sensation with Music Wave a story

Of Feelings Sensational
A Memory
Of a place a safe place where nothing goes wrong.

It all works out moment to moment
Nothing to Resolve

A Memory so so distant but present in everyone

6:23 p.m.
6:24 p.m

Oh Yes, the Dog place..
On the toilet top some one one had place a shot glass on it used as a candle holder..
It had been there for weeks until today I cleaned it and noted a red and black image which at first I thought was a bull but turned out to be a Dog.

I noted it.
Not knowing why.

Steve I saw later after we returned from the Dog Wine and Spirits had bought three box of incense ..
“Mother Earth” M.E
Super Hit. S H

And the one he recommended use
P .F Candlestick.

C F P…

Link F C 6-30
6 18. TL.E. Linked to Sarah KaizerSarah
Sarah Athena born 6 30.
6 3 O
6 3 6. Full Circle

P. F.C.
Perfection = Filled Circle
Eternals a Fact

The shot glass candlestick holder with red background and a black Dog ..
Descendant of the Wolf.

Incense Sticks on the table
3 Christopher is here, I met his brother via phone.


F.R E E.

M.E. S.H. E

Do you know what a Mesh is?
See Rays Mackayla her Conscious C enabling her to see me engled in Mesh Net Web of Lies fighting my way through a wonder winged being

See sacred portal 90
And 2 where Harmony my little sister lay dreaming and at the same time wandering. Imaging.. taking her fur the away to watch she was observing through a portal from Heaven on to the play on Earth
I called her my little sister harmony and my little brother john..

Cecilia Constance
Hera Mother of the Gods. Wife of Zeus
Caroline Hererra Cologne Perfume Virgina Mary Mother and Magdalene.

She distorted the truth unintentionally just as her masculine version ..
They started from the path but also pulled them back to the center..
The Truth is the path of Love
C B Consciousness is Beautiful
It helps you to See and Cee..
The Beautiful Truth of Existence
Exist Be.


6:50 p.m

6:51 p.m
Area 51

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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