
2/25/2018 20:48 – Facebook Post

5:55 p.m.

E-E E…

There is a moment when Frustration and Disappointment …transforms to Incredulity and Exasperation…then to Resignation Acceptance and Indifference.
And all Interest Fades…

F.D…I .E… R.A.I… I.F….

But this is not the case with me.

I am aware that this is what I am meant to feel, by the continual demands of yet more solving, resolving, equating, linking and weaving.

But there comes a point when One observes that Ones work, Ones achievement, is Victorious.
That you have Done it.
Reviewing the evidence, every day, to see the facts, that you have solved the greatest riddle that ever was, or whatever can be.
No one can take this away from you… from me.

F.D..I.E… R A I…I.F… simply IS. Fifth Dimension I Exemplify. the Radiant Awareness Infinity… I Fact…

Factor of DIE… The Ray of IF…

There is no If’s, Buts, Maybe, I got it right.

6:08 p.m…

There is no iota of doubt in me, because I relentlessly pursued, verified,documented the Facts, the truth of my equation moves Humanity, to alignment to the literal sequence, and be information of the Plan-E.T, I had been forced to do manually, ( for truly there was a much better way than this)
I have observed the movement of Everything Everyone Everywhere ( E E E) moved, to the perfect response to my posting, to my dismantling the blockages and maze of this script of “Onwu.. Nature Morte” – the Nature of Death, to reveal, unveil its Truth.. Transformation.
That a Human Being, can raise his or her frequency, his Electro Magnetic Field to defeat the lie of Death, to prove its Truth, which is Transformation.

I have witnessed my own physical transformation, studied the rise and the pull of my body, my skeletal structure adjusting and aligning. And I have observed noted documented for years, the pulling it back out of alignment, An intentional force, which pulls all that which I have aligned physically, mentally, emotionally, “spiritually’ Historically, the Sum total of Expression back out of alignment.
I have observed and endured this day in day out.

How can one doubt, when one has already achieved that alignment, when you are aware that something else is pulling it back out of alignment.
How can you doubt when you have built a beautiful city, woven an extraordinary tapestry, prepared a great meal, made love which sent you to the Eternal Plane where a smiling face winks at you “Hey Dude.. Hey Jude…you made it”..
You did it.
It can not be denied, the evidence of that Doing, may be destroyed, but you did it.
You know you did it.
You know that you created that tapestry.
Prepared and ate that meal.
Tilled that land and created that perfume…
Saw the face of God? An E.T.. A Winking smiling face staring back at you after that sensational “Ohhh!” responding with “Ahhh”

Penelope in the Odyssey wove a tapestry and dismantled it each evening according to the myth but it was seen, witnessed..
Ariadne gave Jason a thread to go down into the Maze to destroy the Minotaur, even if no one else witnessed it, he did do that.
It Is.
It is in Existence because it Manifested.

It does not matter if All deny it, or that it fades from memory of Humans..
it does not fade from Existence..
It is written.. inscribed in the annals of Creation .. it is.
And always will be.
It does not matter the forces who seek to erase it, to eradicate it from living memory.
It is and all that is required is to recall the way you did it to manifest it again back into Existence, Creation in which ever dimension of Being you are in, even in one which has no memory of it, It is still in Existence Creation because Existence Creation Is… Constant Infinite …
E C… C.I…
And Existence will Respond E C= 5 3= 8…
with Infinite Harmony.. C.I…Fact.. “Ready or not here I am…”

*Rahul just stopped by, he brought me another book..
Just now… “Jim the Boy”…by Tony Early.
“Radiant, Knowing, Pitch Perfect.
A Swift, lovely book”
Quotes the New York Times…

It has a picture of a boy standing alone on a knoll.
I have a picture like that sent to me by Obiora Kanu,
which E C H O.. Existence has confirmed through this script as real and true – it shows me in a memory which has been forever present in me, of a me as a boy sitting on a knoll with a Bird on my hand.. Birdie.. See sacred Portal 20.. Lady Echo.”…

7:48 p.m.rd is the symbol of Flight.. Astral Projection.. A.P ( Allen P.. Allen Murray.. A.P.. A M… A P A.M.. E L A… STEFANOTICE… Pan…The Bird in Noah’s Ark… ? No, Yesh U-AH Arc..h… Saw a child with a bird in flight emblazoned on his T-Shirt, so obvious so apparent that it was meant to be seen)

It was when I first entered Creation and I was the only Being Alive in Creation.

Jim The Boy… J..T.B…
Tony Early…T.E… Anthony Early.. A.E…/ E.T… E A..

Just before I came here, after posting, I sat down to have my breakfast, Tyrone was seated at the computer to me right…
And the news was on, they were talking about the Violence of the school shooting.. a young man had voiced a passionate but intelligent expression of the current adult world running this reality.
Then an older man, a politician in all which that word implies, began speaking about Gun Control.

Tyrone surprised me when I scoffed at the ridiculousness of the idea of arming teachers.
He felt that it was the solution.
The Bill of rights he quoted .. Milia to have the right to bear arms if they feel the threat of the Government turning tyrannical…

I stared at him incredulous… Don’t you realize what you are saying?
Teachers, the intellectuals, the ones who are the caretakers of the future generations, who are meant to help in feeding nurturing the youth to finding solutions, evolving society from the brutish barbaric past nature of man, now bearing arms…?”
Don’t you know anything about Human Nature of this current mentality…?
It will create a situation where the indication would be to respond with violence.
Gangs, War … It okay for Teachers to bear arms to protect the children.. The youth.. Do you not realize the message which you are sending out…?

He spoke of fire must fight fire…

I spoke of going to the square root of the problem as to why youth was so in despair of the reality of the World, the barbarism affecting the purity of their ideals, the still untainted vision of Being in Existence.
Have you forgotten when you were young.. a youth…?

He responded by speaking about the Media and how it was the cause of the manipulation of reality, the scrambling of children and the youths minds.
I spoke of the S S and the use of Propaganda to which he responded that that use of the media has always been in use…

But I pointed out that America had used that power as innocents, creating films, selling an idea of the America Dream which captured the imagination of the Entire World…
It was beautiful, naive, innocent.. it inspired the World and made America looked up to, idealized as this place where you could be.
The corruption came when the powers that be, saw the power of how the Nazi party were able to use Alchemy to use that same technique and power to create Fake News, and Propaganda which appealed both the Heroic Nature and the Basest nature in man. That use of the Ego and the possibility to destroy…

He looked at me… you know who control the Media…

Of course, I knew,,, The Jews…

They had responded why a Never Again which transformed into a rage which spawned Evil.. the same Evil which their Philosophy which they had perverted, preached Exclusiveness that they were, and are special.. Chosen by God and everyone else not good enough…
Oh I knew that story very well, Christ had come to revert it back to its truth and see what was done to him.
That ancient hatred for the Jews can be traced by that philosophy of exclusiveness… “I am better than you”
Superior to you… It is a disease which has spread through out the word .. and to ancient times…
Egypt Rome.. The Songhai and great empires of West Africa to Persia to Constantinople all were based on inclusiveness, the common sense and common denominator of being a Citizen to unify rather than divide for that was the only way to mantain order trade and for these thriving civilization to flourish.
Ancient Nri was a perfect model of inclusiveness and they were the original HE-Brew Race… Sorcerers of Instant Manifestation Harmony…

But not the Jewish race,

There is nothing which will inspire hatred in Humanity.. in People other than exclusiveness, that idea of one race, or people being divinely selected as better than others.
It creates not only resentment, but it moves a fundamental essence in People to rebel, to make you prove that expression.. And when you do not, but practice that art and expression with audacity sustaining it eon after eon despite the response and reaction by the world.. by people…
-That it does not work.. that it is not true.. that it is not an idea model…

Well the consequence…

Stalin killed millions …
So many dictators have destroyed millions upon millions of people, entire races have been decimated through out history and time…
What makes the Jewish peoples Hollow-Cast any different from the others…
The Brutality, the effeciency…?
But what about the cause and effect of adopting a Religion which you plagiarized from Ancient Egypt, West Africa and Nri… and perverted it to a system which over and over it was proven as not an effefcient model… Inclusiveness do not Exclude…
It creates Isolation… Fear…
Share.. we are all connected.. and then you wonder why these youths are all feeling isolated by this system created by a people screaming “Never Again” – who go into a place already occupied and create a state… Israel in 1948… 7O years this year…
Sacred Portal 48… Death is Evolution Transformation…
Everyone knows if you do not Evolve with the Nature with the Times you become Extinct… Why have they not evolved their ideology after determining that it does not work../
That it goes against the fundamental nature of being i Existence and that there is a Plan.. A Blue Print of Existence in being written which IS… Which no amounts of denial refusal will change….

You are not the “Bee’s Knees…”.. B.K.

You are not Special… in fact you have become the disease.. the Virus..
See my sacred portal 70… See the code of my mother who is the most open minded person but who told me privately as a youth that she does not like the Jewish race… or Jamaicans…
It was her experience of understanding them not as individuals but that nature of Superiority.. One to the Whole Human Race.. the White race and the other to the Black race of their Origins…

7:16 p.m… * Note the Time…
G.P… G.U.Y… Pierces… G.. P… 16..1 6= 7…
Momento… Momentum… Motion… Movement of Jah People…
J.A.H.. People.. There is only one being who can assume the role of the letter J rep balance of Everything…
That is the Source… J.B… A O B…
“A Swift, lovely book…” A S… L.B../ B L U E… S A I.D…
Swift is what Jay means… J.. Swift Victory..”

There is only One J-A-H.. People which includes A.L.L.. Naturals, Naturally.. Inclusive with Exclusive Rights …
They Bill of rights can not be amended.. then it does not exist…
All things in nature are refined, evolve…

7:21 p.m… G.U…
Todays date is 25th… letter Y…

Kemi Sara Dawn Piercy.. Emmy Guy Guy.. Splendor… Pierces the Veil of Veronica and Victoria…
Erin Oduduwa.
H.P.H….Full Circle… The Spirit and the Flesh…
Incense Show bread table.. the Holy of Holies…
Jeru Salem…
Formed as the Temple by me at KEW Gardens 2012-2013… sponsored by Billy Hung… 2012… 32.. 2013.. 33… 5 6.. E.F…
Daniel Maman.. “Go Antiques” where I we bought some of the furniture and then from a very modern Persian man and his store, then from P.C Richards…
All Inclusive.. I excluded no one to build that temple…
Only the Unclean… the Unnaturals…

Only one visitor.. Eric Lile Brown.. EB.. Me..
and Llama Knights who came to the ground floor…

Cleveland then joined us… E T C… Then Igbo Anthony to my left… A,, E T C….

And here at star bucks.. the Eric, Kyle both of them “White and Black” and Yasmine…


I sat in between a guy with the letter H on his jacket… and MIA a 25 year old fashion plate who I like… sexy… M.I.A… 25.. Y…

And now seated to me left is Black Rob… I know a “white” Rob Barr who lives near Niagra Falls.

7:39 p.m.


No I have no doubt.. not doubt whatsover because I am curious so I investigate.. the Truth by landing the Facts… C.I… / I.C…
Then I See that there is a hold up.. and why…

Israel Cotto…I.C… Isreal… IS real..
A People can not contend with God.. the very nature, notion is ridiculous and to name State.. Country that.. and the Jeru Salem… J.. ERU.. ( Jaymes.. ERU.. IRU.. Means Face in OI.Nri Igbo…Face Book… F..A C E… B.O O.K… E…)
Salem.. Means Peace… See my mothers code and mine… see meaning of the name Fritz Venneiq…

Peace Bee… Pride Beautiful Pride in Being… B.P… Beautiful Pride…
Black Panther… scratches you out….
Tsunami… using your story of Aaron Moses and the Parting of the Red Sea… Contend with God- Harmony…?

LOL… SMH…. Watch E.. Respond..

7:46… p.m… by saying.. you are not Real… Cease to Exist and depart oh so painfully paying every cause and effect as you go… J.EWS…?
No such thing… H.E.. BREWS… Weather -Perfume…

7:48 p.m

I received a coffee from Kyle Brown version- he is 19…
He had given me a coffee yesterday at 54 cents.. free…
I knew that there is malice here, and so when I smiled at him publicly acknowledging him. I knew that others were watching..
And that one of them would reprimand him..

When he served my coffee, I noted that he did not ask me if it was a refill or not but pressed the full price…
But he could not meet my eyes- he had simply followed his heart and his instinct and had been reprimanded for it…
I knew … And knew who had pointed it out to him…

I paid for my coffee, and smiled… I am the Source Creator…
8:29 p.m… Yes Ms Brenda is here, on the Woods side with Robert, I do not speak much with them, I am tired of Hypocrisy and Gossip not matter who used you as a avatar…

But I just spoke to him briefly and realigned his frequency…
Don’t listen to gossip, find out the facts for yourself and you will be fine…”

He got it…

8:54 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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