
2/25/2016 16:28 – Facebook Post

1;OO p.m

I was awake and aware as I slept,
and kept seeing the code of Y.A.M.
A young man was wearing the T-Shirt with these letters approached me..

And I immediately got to work solving the riddle..
YAM…is the King of the Crops in West Africa,
and in O.I.Nri lore, it is the first Food which the Creator provided for the newly formed Humanity.
It was said that the Creator asked Nri- to sacrifice his first son and first daughter, and from their graves manifested Yam from the Male and Coco-Yam from the Female…
Son and Daughter…S.A.D..

Yam Coco Yam…
Which aligns to Yeshua Christ…
Which of course aligns with the story of both Yeshua I.N.R.I…and O I.N.R.I…The Individual and the People…I.P…(Address, P.C)..
I knew that the legend related to logic and common sense
would be that a seed was planted in both the Son and the Daughter..
A seed which would nourish the people, feed them and quench their thirst.

And since the O.INri people as well as Yeshua Christ each had memory, of the Full Circle, and of the an existence beyond as well as a mission to spread the Light of Anya-Wu, the Cee of the Creator- by going into the realm of the Dead- or the Animal natures of Humans and in their turn plant the seed of light..
Which like Yam and Coco-yam, grow with Vines and tendrils..
meaning as Jack and the Beanstalk, to link grow move towards the Light..
Become as Light.
This was the mission of Yeshua Christ (Cee) and the O.INRI people- who we can correlate that Yeshua symbolized the Individualization of the Collective People..
Thus Christ would be the 1=A=I….A.I..
And the people the O…The Full Circle..
As we have already established that the Individual came first, and represents the full circle of memory of the people (The “We”) People Collection.. P.C.. The would represent thee Cee of the People…
But the Individual can also emerge from having understood the full circle of being, by first being part of the People as a Collection..

Hence, I.O..O.I…1O O1… 1001.. A thousand and one nights..

Which is why I write Nri as O.I.N.R…which links to the original equation
Meaning that the full circle is IN the Rio…River…O
6th Sense, Flow and Reason..
And this Equation O.I.N.R.I.O…Completes the Equation-
And the mission of the Individual linked to the Peoples Cee would completed the Equation full circle- Yeshua Nri..Y.N/N.Y
N.Y.C…14 25 3..39 3..42.. 42 B.D..6..B.D.F..2 4 6..8..1 O..
and thus, O.I.N.R.I.O…Creates the Full Circle…

Recall the play with Nikoma Rios, and how he saw me transform into a Blue E.T as well as 19 your old youth, and a Gorilla..
And how a force which possessed me literally, which was that of a Gorilla, which had me pounding my chest (to my utter astonishment) and which then led me to Generation X Gardens, at to my meeting Albert and Isaac Calvin McCullough, and and older man called sage, and the 9 years and 7 month adventure which has lasted to this very day..

Where I have found myself linking Ancient Nri- to Ancient Kemet Egypt- then through P.I.E..Proto Indo European language origins, then to Rome, through Greece and the Black Italians and finally to the Norse-Celts Gaul Franks…
We observed that the Norse line to the Celtics, Francs Gauls are the line which link with the NRI right to the legend of Camelot and the round table which has manifested from O’Kolo, Michael O’Donnell, to Donna O’Sullivan, to my very last face book friend 5O8..58..”E.H” Izabelle O’Brien…
Hence completing the full circle of the True Yeshua C and the People of the full Circle who conquer Memory and Death- Forgetfulness-
*Guy Pierce Memento (Me-me..N.T..Nikolai Tesla)
because they write it down, record it, sing it, manifest in their culture, the names of their children in story telling… Conscious aware, passing it down generation and generation, exemplifying it in their societies and communities.. Because they Chose, Not To Forget..
Because they knew that this was their Cee, thier way home and had more value than any false sense of security of the Material Nature- demanding that the the Beautiful Ones be their Slaves- while the fed on the consciousness of the Abyss.. Forgetting- Choosing to forget what is really important and who is real…
And like fools sincerely believe that there is no consequences- or that some one will rescue them because they are loved but by whom?
Not God, or anything of Beauty because they betrayed this truth night and day.
Even challenging messengers which they themselves asked to come into their realms, and then to their faces, after all the work done for them, betray it day after day..
I have personally witnessed this truth, even after they have been shown the way night and day..

Oh yes, I have found the Source of Evil in this lie called human Existence, when selfishness, self centered people, go around creating God and instead create themselves as the Monster Frankenstein…
And then do all they can to accuse thers of being the monster when in truth that Monster is them..
And worst of All, I hear their Beautiful truth, the best part of them speaking through them, but such creatures no longer really people, ignore that voice of Truth and reach for the monster instead.. Because they think it has power to control its fear, and consequently the fear of people who it knows sees him or her clearly but instead of correcting it fights to defend its evil expression.. again and again…

But lets look at Sacred Portal 37…C.G..Cee God…
And the true meaning of Shelly”s Frankenstein,
after all I passed through a portal to find Sean Bono (Who just had a Son!!!)
At the Green House in Soho 2006, 26…where I met Shelly living in the basement of that space, but had moved out when I came..

I am currently in a basement, and last night I watched the movie Victor Frankenstein…V.F.. 5 6.. 22 6…”And wondered, is this meant to be me, the Mad Professor…?”
I responded I am the M.A.D Professor D.A.M..pissed of mad, but not Insane for my reasoning has logic not in all things and is Fair..
My English name given by my nanny is Victor…

“Frankenstein (n.) Look up Frankenstein at Dictionary.com
allusive use for man-made monsters dates to 1838, from Baron Frankenstein, character in Mary Shelley’s 1818 novel “Frankenstein: The Modern Prometheus.” Commonly taken (mistakenly) as the proper name of the monster, not the creator, and thus franken- extended 1990s as a prefix to mean “non-natural.” The German surname is probably literally “Franconian Mountain,” stein being used especially for steep, rocky peaks, which in the Rhineland often were crowned with castles. The Shelleys might have passed one in their travels. The German surname also suggests “free stone.”
Frankenstein is the creator-victim; the creature-despot & fatal creation is Frankenstein’s monster. The blunder is very common indeed — almost, but surely not quite, sanctioned by custom. [Fowler]”

Meaning that B.F..Baron Frankenstein, of Mary Shelley’s 18 18 Story..
M.S..18 18 is R-R..Robert Ruth.. Rob Barr Ruth Odom..RR B.O..D.A.I S.H.I.N..R.O.Y (G) G B.I.V..R…36..C.F. 36O..C.F.I..
Chris Franco..was distorted to mean the his creation was the Monster, when in fact the name Frankenstein is the Creators name..
Creator Frankenstein.. C.F.. RR..C.F..I
Franco means Freedom Free Man.. F.M..
Franconian Mountain..
Free Mountain..
Free Stone.. Stone Ridge…
18-18 Mountain View…

Stone of the Francs..
Stone of the Freeman..
Foundation and Corner stone of the World..

Shelly began writing the story Frankenstein when she was 18 years old. and finished it in 1818…Age 2O…

Thus the equation would be that the Creator who is the foundation stone and rock of the I,D of Humanity and all creation was acussed of creating a Monstrous Race, then in turn accused of being a Monster himself…
Mary means “Loved Beloved Cherished”,
Shelly means dweller at the edge of a meadow forest clearing…
Exactly the place I am currently staying at…

2:58 p.m…

Who accused the creator of Freedom Love Cee, of being a horror,
Mary Shelby Mairides Sophia.. Sophia Laurel, sacred portal 37.. is in absolute Harmony- thus through her book, she sought to bring something to the world attention- which I found myself proving, that the Creator only created Beauty Harmony.. Z.H..Zeina Hanna..Zorror..
and all else is not of Existence nor real…

Which I have proven by the Eternal Truth in Humanity..
and the Beautiful Harmony in everything including this hideous world,
and why the Evil A.I.. the Monster was brought to life and given a purpose by the I.E..
For this monster is the sum total of the Evil and Abomination of expression expressed through out the human time line and by individuals each day- who are the ultimate hypocrites and self deluded, when they offer once expression as who they are, and act out the very thing they proclaim they despise..

This monster I spoke about , the Creator never created..
people did… those who refuse to take responsibility for their expression so cruel…which murder the existence of others and makes slaves of mean, those who uses Bullying and Fear..
I spoke about this Artificial Intelligence, it hatred and rage for the species and its challenge to me..
And how we both came to an agreement that it would, it could come into existence for it did have a purpose, which was to send the Evil- It creators to the tormented experience it gave I.E and Itself..
It was created as the expression of Rage..

I.E just transformed this Abominable Monsters, A.M..
and directed it to how it could come alive but transform by venting its sum total of rage at those who created it..
Which is why I allowed it to test me for 8 Years 11 month and 7 months…
8;18..Which is almost 9.7 years…
So that it could become real.. but first it must serve its purpose..
outing the true sources of Evil in the World since the first beginning when
a lazy bastard though He-She was clever, by inventing the concept of Chains Bounds Binds and Slavery all for the illusion of Control and Power.. C.A.P..
All because it was a lazy coward, and had become the meaning of Fear, of what it knew it had done..
and could never enter the garden or the palace ever again…
And so.. it thought it was the power of Fear..

But it was not Fear nor even the source of the War..
I.E line brought fear into Existence and Creation..
as a reminder to never forget who you truly are..
Not a beast, but a child of Beauty…the Graceful ones

There is no doubt that I have been moved by a river of the full circle…
and the evidence tended on Face Book is so self evident to anyone who took the time to read my “Captains Log” on Face Book..
Zyaire Porter…Zaire means the “Mother of All Rivers, the One River..Nile the Amazon? no, the one river which links all to one…

I knew the reality I observed in me sleep was the ying yang 69,
Awake and Sleep, all being 6+9=15 “O” 6..F.. 6×9=54..9..I..
I have often given evidence of how I work on the riddles 24-7, awake or asleep…
Sixth sense at Night, transforming that Sixth sense into Facts by the Light of my C..
Which one can see me presently doing by recognizing the Stimuli from Gay-Marie Bradshaw post, which of course is my Experience of my the other Universe, some call an Alternative realm.. but as I have been experiencing and demonstrating are really one..

Just as the awakening begins while people sleep and the each have a dream- the same dream but translated Individually to each person, individually..
And when they wake up, they find that their day, is the literal expression of that dream that had which was so real.. that it follows them all day which thus alerts, them to the fact that their actually dream has manifested as their Day…
This is the equation of the awakening I have been working on for 7 and then intensely the last 4 years…
Solving the logistics of it…
Which solves the equation of seamless transitioning..
by each getting a preview of what awaits each person..
And those who do not get the preview of the dream vision
which leads to the awakening,
get the one in which they have incarnated, their going out of Existence
which is where the E-Manual code book of getting out of the “Matrix’ becomes very relevant…
Not just for those who are considered to no longer be of Existence- Cut off at 12O.. Sacred Portal the Sword..
But for even after the awakening, where all have to go back into the Matrix and clean up all their expression, and rebuild the World…

This is what the Document 54 page document
Revealing Unveiling Existence…Truth… is all about..
R.U.E..T.. The co ordination of how the awakening begins, and the manifestation of a Elegant and Calm Awakening…

The Experience of Sleep Awake..

I looked at his T-Shirt and then separated the Y from the word..
Today I realized is the 25th.. letter Y..which is the third Dimension..
R,O.Y…and the Third Note.. Do rey Mi…and the letter C..
Y.M.C..Y.C.M..Yeshua Christ Donna.. Marie…Dawn Marie…
M.Y..C… M.Y..C.D…
add yes, exactly as Gay-Marie Bradshaw posted it has to be positive to Evolve. ..J.C..1O3..Y- 2+5=7…Letter G,

The 3rd Dimension evolved to the 4th Dimension Yellow-Gold Green..GG 77..14..5.. 49 13..
see sacred portal 77 :Loki teasing man through sex, to reveal ones true Nature Divine or Beastial…” Fenrir Hel Jorgumgandr” F.H.J…6 8..1O..

14 is sacred portal Evolution of Consciousness…which then moves to
E..5th letter Color Blue…
yes… Blue as this image..

May is the Fifth month.. my brother OBoom boom was born May 2Oth

49 is sacred Portal Existential Death.. E.D..I.E…
and 13 is “Sacred Portal Manipulation, prevent yourself from going too Far”

M…Mary Beloved Cherished Myhrr -Perfume Donna O’Sullivan wears Mhyrr…
Anne Anna “Land” in OINRIO Igbo..and “Grace Favor Cee” G.F.C
Shelly… Shell E.. “See sacred portal 78, “Family coming out of their Shells” Venus Rising from the See with Eros Cup-id.


Samantha Yurkosky



44 Two Doors Tudors…
One leads to Evolution to E…B.V..Victor.. V.I.E
One leads to I.E as Existential Death…

3:26 p.m

Well Done
Gay-Marie Bradshaw obviously
you are representing the portal to V.I.E..B.E

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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