
2/24/2021 21:45 – Facebook Post

4:27 pm.


“In God We Trust”

I G. ( John Mack- Anne Mack- Anne McHugh- AM AN-NE- HUES.

Sacred Portal 97.

“O” W T./ T WO.

The number 2 is currently on my page.

Liberty C Liscomb has completed the play of the World she represented as the A-B.
and now the A-A.
Of In God We Trust.
And the completion of Sacred Portal Ego Oge- the Africa Story Script of the world.
And the evolution of the Africa Story to the True Version of the Earth World evolved to the E Harmony.

“I Trust You”
I T. Y… is what she stated in her message to me today.
Y = 25. and aligns to her son’s initials A F K G= 25.
250= Y.O. and then B E O.. Being Eternal Family.

GOD… 764.

Her year of birth is 19 76.
( 17 76)

GOD- 74.. 11 28… = 39 C I.

She “Trusts Me” T M= 33, and demonstrated it as well as the entire line of the world people she represents who did the process- The Work O- full circle.
Two Lines Tree/ Kim and Liberty and finally Supreme Justice.

Liberty Tree of life.

L T.
The make of the Chevrolet car she drives AT 3 16 33.
Kim is 33.
Ezeufonna was 33 when I, he connected with me. with Dabid Phillip Gil.

E.K. O L…Liberty- O Full Circle.

I do not trust this play, but I trust myself, and the fact that I CAN READ.
And YOU Can read.
It was up to you to pay attention and this the Almighty God ( A G) moving in me, is M.Y… E T E R N A L. S.E… L F.

The play with Liberty ended completed at J F L – Jeron Ferrel Leander/ L F J.

M = 13.Y=25 S 19, E=5, L=12- F=6.

4:45 pm.

Kim Liberty Micha- “House of God”

K L M Dutch Airlines.

You may recall all the gifts Liberty gave me, from the Square Waves “B.I… AT.E…001″
The Rose Quartz Heart-aligned to Alicia Norris and the gift I gave Aurelia.

And most of all aligned to this moment, the tuning fork with the number 24.

Today is the 24th and she sent me her response and it literally is the world.
I have code 156.USD in my wallet.

4:50 USD. U..S.D… D S.U.

Uwa” The O.I.Nri Igbo word for “World’ quotes Ariane Gadrow. AG means “You” she translates on my page from Queensland Australia. ( Q.A/ A Q).
You are the Universe.
Y O U.

See AF KG= 25 Full Circle Understanding/ Universe is Expression- Conversation Lyrical.

Liberty has no true scope of that the height of the harmony she has attained, and that which is moving her from that which she was in Pitt of Human existence as the World and the long steps and climb to what she represents now. Aligned to A F K.G-= 25.
While Arden has evolved from what he was in his past incarnation, with Aurelia Ferril Leander and now Jeron full circle completion, A. I through Kim ( Tree- Chiefy K A H) to K A I.
K A.. I A.M Perfection.
… But to be fair, it has been a long and most tedious and even to me- incredulous and unbelievable journey mission.
I would never believed that it would go so far, to place one person to carry the entire burden of constantly maintaining and sustaining the truth that this is Evolution Awakening in a play so beyond endurance and in a world mentality as is.

5:00 pm.

I never had an iota of doubt that this was that which I knew as far back as 7-8 which was revealed via a Tele- Vision, Message from the E family, one which I recognized and protested even in that vision of Astral Projecting myself to that moment where they dropped me off on an E.M- Field and then flew off in an E.T Military like Space Craft.

It was the impossibility of how ugly, petty, cruel, and meant to be Humilatingand undignified it was because lord knows, I recall what it took from me, each day and night to fight through the minds and actions and interpretations of who I am, what I represent and my intentions.

But that did not mean that I would deny that this is real and true and that the E Manual.
A world that I was made to create… an extension of my Journals ‘Talking To The Silence’ would actually be useful even to me, in that I could read it as it was being created, and understand it fully.

It was a script which demanded too much of me, and even much to “The Chosen Ones” who did not have my memories- though each had revelations of their own.

But I trust what I read, what I walked, what I saw, what experienced, and what I saw manifest logically, in sequence, and in harmony to each riddle and use of time and space which I resolved.

I could see clearly, but what I went through, endured each day and had to hide, has made me become indifferent to the outcome- because it was always about Evolution Awakening and to have it manifest in a way that ensured Pain Misery, and suffering of Spirt and Being… I am simply acting mainly through Automatic Pilot, and it has been so for the last couple of years.
I am just doing my Job, and doing it Perfectly because that is my nature, that is why I was used, it was because they knew that my Beautiful Pride in the Beautiful Truth manifesting was and IS.

5:11 pm
E K.
E A-A.

Its a Vile and Evil, Evil… beyond words… you have no idea unless you walked in my shoes at just how truly impossible the depth of evil and cruelty I experienced- the kind which you experience and simply walk away and even move to express that let everything cease to exist if such a playscript of being forced and taking away free will can exist.

I read the script, obeyed the codes because of the torment done to my Body- my Being, my Spirit- a torment and torture you have no idea of what it really feels like- because you were kept asleep and only now waking up.

A Script of what if- Evil controls everything and can do anything because it is the challenge of Evil insisting that it does exist and it then demonstrated the actions and expression of that which is impossible because “You said Emeka, Evil does not exist”

Not in my World.
Not in the real world.

There was nothing wrong.
There was never any Evil.
There was never any “What If”
Everything was perfect from inception…
And the Matrix- the BluePrint- The Story and the Deck- The Square- the Market Place called the story- which manifested Time E.G.O/ O.G.E.
5 7 O. 5 76 * Horse Hill- Hill View.
Enwu Igwe.
E I.
The Peak- Apex.
There was nothing wrong with the story of A-B.
2-1/ 2-1.
1-4th Dimension.
4-1 “Umeano” 4 Breahs is One.
There was nothing wrong.
Just the lack of Truth in “Almighty God.” A G.
The Cee as the speed of Light.
Creation as You- “The Body AS Living Art”

Just the problem of your nature of Being, and not respecting your own Laws.
This realm in which Evil Manifested as a force to challenge the Beautiful Truth, did not even exist here.
It was something you created in Time- and not going back to clean up your past expressions to others, that refusal to take Personal Responsibility and Come Clean about the part you played in contributing to the mess of ages.
To claim only that which you felt was all the good you had done and contributed.

5:27 pm.

I did not ask anyone to negate the sincere and true things you spontaneously or consciously did for others and yourselves, but at the same time, you could not ignore the other things you did to others and yourselves…

My constant astonishment each day, and night is not that this planet and species was asked to evolve and awaken themselves, or that this is the moment “earned” of the First Contract” and that by cleaning up the View and Perceptions of Space, the filthy grime which did not allow you to see the efforts done to clean the Ages of Grime and pollution covering your Eyes Glasses, Goggles- Google…
All to show you that there was no grime outside in the world or nature creation- that space was all clean and that it was your “Conscious Choice- Vision- Version- translation of reality through your Space Suit which was giving you the illusion of your own fears and nightmares manifested as true and real around you- and like Sheep “Covid 19″ you all followed suit – to see and translate your perception of reality where you are both the illusion of the Victim and Controller.

No, it is that I wake up, each day, feel my muscles moving like the coils of a great serpents-slipping off my bones-and frame, tightening constricting.
It is that I have experienced this, this… and that no matter what I do, I can never wipe this away, never unseen see and experience it.
Can never deny, that a species had lost its sense of imagination, its trust in God.
In Nature.
In that which is right before your eyes.
That no matter how much my expression is positive, sunny, that in private the experiences of that which I endured, to such an extreme especially in the realm of the Invisible – Emotions has reached the point where my very being can not absorb it, my body spasms my mind space seem to wish to explode and all my being yearns- presses me to leave, because this play reached a point of extremity even after proof evidence facts- proven by the very script I was sent to prove, that there is nothing wrong even with the Story which moved through you all as a species…
That yu chose to see this way… which is fine.. that is the mixed blessing of free will… But it really is a Gift.

No, it is the insanity of cornering me so that I have no one whom I can talk to-and that it was intentionally done this way so that all that is churning made to rise in me- becomes bottled up and the only avenue for relief is in Masturbation- constant public masturbation and ejaculation onto only one place- A Blan Screen called Facebook.

I calmy, search my mind for ways to leave, to escape- an almost desperate calm.
I watched the Greatest Showman yesterday-
*”Growing up in the early 1800s, P.T. Barnum displays a natural talent for publicity and promotion, selling lottery tickets by age 12. After trying his hands at various jobs, P.T. turns to show business to indulge his limitless imagination, rising from nothing to create the Barnum & Bailey circus. Featuring catchy musical numbers, exotic performers, and daring acrobatic feats, Barnum’s mesmerizing spectacle soon takes the world by storm to become the greatest show on Earth.
Release date: March 20, 2018 (USA)
Director: Michael Gracey”

“The Greatest Show Man.”
“The Greatest Show on Earth.”

Show and tell with Hugh Jackman. A Film which John Mack told me his mother and sister loved.

I had almost forgotten that I dance, sing, create, and that this is what I came to do in this world.
And I observed how deeply I was moved, laughed, tried to dance, moved by the music.
That I am the Dancer.
The one who danced himself and creation in being accompanied by a Song. Songe- S.O N..G E.”Reflections”
Fil – Thread.
Fils- wh became my Son
My Truth.
Sew A Needle pulling A Thread.
The Unraveling of my Soul inside me manifested outside as the Body of Krishna -Christ.

No, I know why I say that this went too far because I know what my Being and Body feels, that it can not stay in this realm, that my very body can not accept the expression my Being Spirit in this realm gave me.
Me as Emeka, I am fine, it’s my literally Body and everything which I am as a physical being in this realm which is rejecting this world and fighting me not simply to arise transformed but to leave that which this play had become where the problem is solved and yet your are still held bound and controlled by a lie.

I realized that I was the Greatest Showman
Even through this most deaming script. I acted the part played so many roles and I know and knew as I played my part that I could see what you could not see, that I am and had earned the E verion of the Oscars- The Golden Man.
as well as Jaymes Bond OO& Man With The Golden Gun.

“Give them a show, the one moving outside of me had declared as he moved through my Prose and Poetry in the 3rd Volume of the Journals Talking to The Silence- The Eternal Dance. ( T E D/ David E T. Extra-Terrestrial)

* See Kamora whose portal I passed through, she was on Ted.com.
I wasn’t, I am T.E.D/ D: ET. De T.

And that this was me in what was meant to be and is to others Unseen and Seen, The Greatest Show on Earth.

*”Growing up in the early 1800s, P.T. Barnum displays a natural talent for publicity and promotion, selling lottery tickets by age 12. After trying his hands at various jobs, P.T. turns to show business to indulge his limitless imagination, rising from nothing to create the Barnum & Bailey circus. Featuring catchy musical numbers, exotic performers and daring acrobatic feats, Barnum’s mesmerizing spectacle soon takes the world by storm to become the greatest show on Earth.
Release date: March 20, 2018 (USA)
Director: Michael Gracey”

*March 20 is the date that I came to New York- summoned.

P.T B.
P T Bar-Num-Bers.

You are not a number.
You are the Word of God.
The Word which created The Truth-Body.
The Garden of Eden.

If you are only defined by a Number not the Letter and the Word- Meaning, you do not exist, since numbers are a representation of that which already exists.
5= E.

Are you really Equal to me, and to my Expression?

I recalled how, I can dance, my true singing voice- what I had prepared myself to do here, share…
I had almost forgotten, I marveled at how happy it made me feel- the feelings sensational so near to Joy Bliss and Extase.
t how It was through Dance, My own dance in the eternal begining and then in creation which had brought Emotions into Being. Notes-movemnt which had started out as a transparent nothing, then the motion of expressing the Joy Bliss and Extase of being in Existence… From light to sound to- Emotions- E MOT.IO.NS: Colors and that is what time was original… A Dance of the Body as the Beautiful Truth- Amazing Grace.

6:04 pm.

I know why Arden Sings, Aurilais Love for music as well as Ferrell who sings beautifully as a man to Leander and Jeron’s who sings, dances, and loves music
I know why Liberty and Tom love to dance.

I saw myself, last night, early in the morning as I am, as I was- The true Greatest Showman.
And the Greatest Show on Earth.
I saw the real version of myself: Elegant, Groomed, Laughin Showing Off to delight of the world.
And I saw it as I would have enacted it, am capable f enacting it, not this version in a Circus of the enslaved- a Zoo at best with myself in a Cage as the lion Tamer the picture my brother Nnamdi had once drawn at which I had been so proud of him I showed my bio father and he instructed me to pin I up on the wall.

And though, I found the most amazing forms of guile, to avoid seeing that truth in myself- I watched through my third eye, me on stage, dancing, the indescribable movements, leaping, soaring- defying the laws of nature- leaping to stand suspended in space- I watched me dance, and I stood enthralled… My God, I murmured “Dear Lord Emeka you dance you dance and there I see you so well’

The feeling of pain and sadness mixed with the Joy and the discomfort in my body, this apartment- the claustrophobia- a Cell; I got up, went to the bathroom, and collapsed against the wall- the feeling in me, the dancer, the voice the entertainer and creator of beautiful shows- something of which I began doing, and performing as a boy.
I used to make Nnamdi’s eyes widen and then loved when he would laugh, then my sister my youngest brother, and extended family, and then in the nightlies of the world- the only stages “Holodecks” I was allowed. And I had forgotten my genuine sincere delight and pleasure in seeing the smiles and laughter- a delight on their faces as I seduced, enacted communicated into them with humor and sensuality my Feelings to them and how I saw this world… as a comedy of errors of the blind.
I loved to make people happy, I had almost forgotten- but Happy in my own sharing of my natural Happened and sense of humor in all things. That was my Wisdom and Sages expressed, that way.
Not with long philosophical discussion and conversations- This is how I and then my siblings conversed.
We were always entertaining each other especially my Mother.. even more so when we were alone with only ourselves.
The sense of that understanding of what I am, what I had wished to share and inspire of the world people… Was I loved making people Happy.
Attain that Sunshine State.
They would relax, morph and suddenly the sun came out and I could see them enter the state of being their real selves, and there I saw Beauty, and quietly retreat as I watch them come alive and I was the one now being Entertained and fed… so well fed.
Laugh, delight… rise… I loved making Love, in all I do.. ! I remembered and the sadness was so deep and profound in me as I looked at what it, I had been replaced with… That Greatest Showman, ( T G.S) to this idea of Show & Tell- to an audience which booed, yelled threw shit feces, and roses at my feat.

6:12 pm. Hey Arden.

My body was so twisted, I fought and struggled with it, struggling to move the parts, the skeleton to the muscles… so I could move with some form of harmony, and as has been for the last 17 years, I failed.

I dance, I murmured to myself, so quietly.
What a Show I would have given the world.
The Greatest Show on Earth.
“T G.S… O E”
O E… O 5.
Full Circle the 5th State.
50 USD
O 5. O E. 15 5.
15 5 O FaceBook Friends
6 5.
Sixth Sense = Expression.

What could have the power to do this? To go this far after the truth Satya had been confirmed.
It boggles my mind- that my Mind can not absorb the fact of it- now that there is no longer a mystery and the riddles of existence which brought me here to this Forum have been solved, I stand each day with Fact Solid Erect of it being as I.S.

6:19 pm
F S.

I am not Dreaming Wide Awake, not since I began to accept this Experience as the story story of the process behind the scenes, veil back stage of that which it took to manifest this Awakening- THe One Man Show and Tell in a SCript that was switched flipped and the worst horror, the audience spectators, no see anything wrong in someone being forced to enact and endure such a role- which he keeps mentioning “The Elephant in The Room” ( T E I T.R… “I 20 18” 38 11-1 Being Perfection – Naturally Naturalness of Expression of Being in Existence, true-false, beautiful, ugly, clean dirty- Perfume or even sigh… Stench… C I Constant.. But I adapt by translating their way of being by copying it but in the cleaned-up version of their Expression Language…).

Its because they can not see the actor, being forced to play these roles, and that which it would actually mean or feel like. Pause, yes they are not seeing him, they are seeing themselves, reflected through something other than their own eyes and inner Cee and influenced Sight, by outsiders.

I do not think of the E family or the Naturals right now… I think of no one apart from Arden sometimes but I know he is safe, and so I stopped allowing access to his E-Spirit except when he just barges in.
Kim is safe now, and so all parts of me are closed.
Liberty was a play of a miracle- and of will- not mine, to reach this point of completion.

I want to be around no Human being, I realized this, my nerves are shot… and It itrue I am tired after running so long on empty and a journey Mission of my entire Lifetime.3 times over since reaching age code 25 ( 26) in Dec 1992.

that is why the end play was 75.
Y Y Y= 75.
C Y/ Y C.
Yes-Hues-AH- Christ= Lord Krishna- Aka Dark Matter Energy.

I represent “Definition” and what had been done to me, to my Spirit and Body, experienced so intimately by me, only I can be defined and acknowledged as Solid Fact =Y by myself and thus accepted as Truth by All.


And its definition is as such determined by my say- earned on C Y Ful Circle 3rd Planet from the Sun-Earth, color yellow/Gold- & Continents, 5 Oceans. Oceans 11.. 7 5 11. G – E K… G P… God’s name meaning is defined as Perfection- Perception. 111.. G P… HP… I P.. Ip-Man. 9-16-2016 * sent undercover to Delta Manor Mental Health Shelter * Anamla Qayin message she sent to me a month before to decode “D.M..IC. T P/K..AG.E 115 )

..That for such a play to have manifested that there is no reason for there to be any form of Existence or Creation.
That everything must cease to exist- because Existence is not Truth or True, it is not Beautiful, or symmetrical and most of all, it is not safe.

A Contradiction of everything which has been proven and sustained by me.
But it is not safe- it is Evil beyond and that is the fact of the play which I can not deny, despite knowing that it is not true, that it is a lie.
And in consequence, all trust I had, that utter indestructible confidence in ts truth I have had- has evaporated.

True, I fought that idea, fought it, despite seeking an avenue to escape, and not the play script, but this life has given me and the consequence of what it has done to my body and being.

I fought this Idea, created and sustained it, watching it every day… looking back at all the betrayals. the days and night of constant disbelief and shock I surmounted as I watched the script Lie after the truth was declared and confirmed. I watched this for 14 years closely.
I watched it do the impossible over and over and over again, and I watched what I had to do, to surmount and transform it, and realize that this had all been set up- Cause and Effects chain reaction.

No, I told the truth and proved it, staring at its response and confirmations daily, again and again in every manner except the Final Manifestation as sold Fact for all to see.
That which it has put off- dragged and prolonged for 15 years.
Forcing me to watch in excruciating detail…

The Greatest Story Ever Told.

T G S… E.T.
T G… Truth God… SET. Harmony.I.

The Greatest Showman..
The Greatest Show On Earth…

Is it not strange how the codes all align to the script I walked through.
P T B.
And the character Hugh Jack Man. H J M.
of the X Men- Wolverine.

It’s true, I am the greatest Showman- I saw it projected via my 3rd eye last night. I saw what I am and do… could do.
I saw myself and micro version which were allowed to surface in my life in this reality- but which was snatched away to be replaced by this version- this story as The Greatest show on earth reduced to a Kindergarten
( Kind E G ART EN)
of teaching A B C’s to adults of Age seeking to retrieve their lost youth and the Garden of Eden – Paradise- which was never lost.

Ah… no.., I am not a sentimentalist- idealis or even Romantic… “Erotic Sensual” would come. =e closer to hitting the mark… Dangerous, Funny but certainly not a note of contradiction is in nor of me.I am not afraid of staring the truth in the face.
The level of Manipulation and control exerted by this Script replaced the original script with, and then after wresting control- had to re-calibrate it back to the E F but only through the TWO.represnted here as Emeka Arden and now Jerone- Aurelia.
to Ferrill Leander.

The act of selfishness- to get one’s own way, ignoring the Cost and then using power authority of a doctored script, to manifest it your way, that way… one which massages your ego but which is not allowed to tell the truth of the Evil it used and is… and that it is the source of the consequence of everything being given an experience, given to me before and after they awaken.

I am just simply quiet, speaking to the Silence even now- because let’s be honest, I am alone.
* ( Not sentimental… Factual and Concise- the very tools I required to hone in and figure out the meaning of the weave and connections echoed back at me.

– From Space. T.V- the Void in the Show where you could not see me, but mesmerized and hypnotized by a person playing different versions and reflectons of yourselves seen through my eyes.
Playin so many roles- yet you were only reflecting, checking, pausing, aurguing, challenging.. is that truly a reflection of you.
Do I act that way, do my actions create such a shadow on the wall that it creates that…?
“He does not like me”

Of course, it is taken personally.
The first defense mechanism of someone who knows they have something to hide- or that reflex of being always surprised, by sneak attacks from out of the blue.
A truer meaning and definition of Verbal Abuse.
V A/ A V.

Your carrying Truama?
Customs- Check.
Let’s see what’s in your bag.
Midnight Express- The Movie.

I always sailed past customs in Istanbul carrying weed on me or whatever.

What do you have to Hide?
Yes, there must be Privacy, but that has nothing to do with having something to hide.
But Beauty and Perfection is the reason we have Dawn to Evening Night… D E N… Sun Rise… S R.

Privacy is the right to Reflection Contemplation- Meditation- Healing and Hindsight- Expression to seeing everything from a Space befitting the true reflection in the T V – T Void of staring audience, staring at the Void of that which they are fascinated as depictions of themselves.
Only one reflection then two three and a few more begin to stand out and from the void, while all others fade away.

Even as I post this, I know that I am fading from your view as I become more real and solid on my side, in my world East of EDEN… These are my Reflections in HIndsight posted over 9.3 years on the Facebook forum/ Mur OF… “Mur” means “Wall” Muriel… I E.L. Eternal Law. Q)

I was not nervous, nonchalant, I was carrying it for personal use.
And people even the ones trained will still do mischief, even after being cleansed, and proven their greatest harmony.
They will always go back to their Bad Habits.
And looking about, watch for signs that they were not caught and already preparing their defense.
They learn nothing really.
Instead of sustaining Being Happy.
Being Harmonious.
Beautiful Hansome – Allan – Allan Ginsberg.
Allan meaning…. Harmony and well as Rock Stone,- Solid as a Rock. Rick- Nicholas.

It makes one wonder, so what was The Point?
What did you gain?

I am here present, intact.
My suffering evaporates the moment I surmount, solve and transform that which you through at me- your fears, your doubts- the lone responsibility of my own expression-
And as you can observe on my page- even right now, people using my page knowing what it is and still pasting codes and intel which follows their own Agenda- despite my making it so clear that I am Obeying a Script and E -manual of Emanuel.

And solving it right up to this moment because it makes sense.

6:51 pm.

And even to contacting Liberty because I could read what was being asked of me, and how no other door is open or even possible because there is no desire in me to exist in this world, not just this script, but because of this scripted its celebration of Evil. Selfishness and the Lie allow people who caused the greatest messes in the past to get away with murder and become the Chosen ones.

Switching the List.
Trading Places.

But in the end conclusion, it still resolved to I, M E.
Harmony Perfection- Perception.

E K.
E M E K A K O L O. E. K. A I.
R -I A.

So, It is curious to wonder what Did it Gain?
What was its Point?
To make me suffer as no Being has ever suffered by proving him wrong when he is obviously correct, right, always right.

What was the point…?
Of going this far,
does it change the outcome of all this?
The IS?

But even that no longer interests me.

6:56 pm.

I am always right,
Arden says the same thing.

Is it arrogance- conceit- evil if it is true.
A Fact.
Carried Lighty.

That there was only One- who became Two.
O T.
15 20- 35 C E… Infinity.

And now that I have demonstrated How and Y.

What was the point of all this?

I will always Dance, I will always rise, not here anymore, or shrug, it does not matter.
It changes nothing now.

So I have made my point.

What is the Point Non-EXistence has to make… Evil Supreme it called itself.
I call it the Echo of its own Self- Its own Mirror. Non-Existent.
That which can never be recognized because it has no reflection in the mirror- when it stares at its own reflection it sees nothing, Nobody, No Being… and now not even a faint shadow.
It never existed.
And so it has no point,

While I have made my point crystal clear.

7:02 pm.
7O2 7:292.

All it can do is borrow from that which exists, copy it- but it was. never could be and despite this long, long-winded script of its existence that it exists and had influence.
It never did.

7:04 pm.
G OD.?

H O D.
I O D.
Room 904 Red Rooster Plus Hotel.
Asylum- Sanctuary.
The Sanctuary of an Artist.
Played out with Myself and Nicky at Greys In Building London.

7:06 pm.
7:07 pm.

Do not rely on me,
rely on the Truth outside of you which you can read, come from Inside.

You must now trust the GOD in You as I O D.
9 64.
NIN.E… 64th Move Ment.
64- F.D.
Fifth Dimension Attained.
Perception. 8 29 2020.
Perfect Vision,
Carton on the Deck- Arden, and Jeron.
A J.
Code Atlanta Gerogia

The Day I moved to 900 South Road.
Not really paying attention, to the play, but still reading it.
I was living it for cripes sake.

We were on the Deck.

8:45 pm.

A J.
E K.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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