
2/24/2020 21:01 – Facebook Post

4:34 p.m

Now that is interesting,
I just had a brief conversation with Liberty C Liscomb
She told me that a code she sent me was a total of 34634…
She coded it as the full circle of 767.
I saw it simply as 34634 full circle, then I paused, for the last almost 6 months on the 29.

Yes, Anne McHugh is 29 today.

The intelligence, “prompts, stimuli impulse come through my activating her to become a sort of relay messenger of what is further required of me to code or post.
*(Perhaps because I have become increasingly bored with this play of Manifestation Script. And thus less attentive to linking the thread for your benefit to see the break down of The play)

She too had recognized her role, and this miraculous manifestations..

4:43 p.m

I paused, after noting the desire and will to post has reached the point of disinterest, mainly because I can read, and I am fully aware that the play is done.
And that Manifestation Harmony is being so slow and pendantic.
At of course, there is the truth that this was not meant to be undertaken by A MAN
One Man alone.
This original play was created for ” The Chosen Ones”

5 1.. 34634. 767 Liberty stated.
I paused, “That would mean, if what I am reading transmitting that I am expected to link 3+4=7
I am expected to post, to add expression to this play 3 4. Order and Balance to merge 3 4 to 7.”

I actually laughed.

I saw no way for me to be moved to post anymore, despite Liberty’s spirits desire that I do so, and the power behind this play

51 was the code she had also sent me.
I knew what it meant.

A play had begun the moment, I finally got up.
It was 9:07 a.m
I had taken John Mack Nourishing Necessities card and brought it out from under my black bridge, as well as Libertys heart shaped card out of a black Velvet Bag on my Alter Table.
I had a vague idea about it, but I could not, truly can not be bothered to read and translate.

5:00 p.m

767 by the way is Sacred Portal 76 123 True Cocksure of the First Dawn Awakening
And is Libertys numeric code.
67 is Ferill Gemino. F.G
767 is full circle .. 20 T. 1520 Apex Number of Facebook Friends attained.

5:51 p.m

.. A Harried Man, I am in this play, demands demands, demanding.. on all fronts.

Ferrill just got in, the moment I called out aloud
“You got me, !”

Suddenly Ferrill presented me, with a gift of wrapping papers called Mango Haze


Adam Waldron A.W sent me a message.
It was relevant, and it not only commiserated with me by understanding my state of exhaustion but also, an apology for not being present.
And most relevant of all, he noted a code number.

5:56 p.m

..138 he said, its everywhere and even his apartment number.
13.8 M.H

13.8 is the Age of the Universe, used on this template it reprsents the Full Circle of Creation e.g Speed of Light.
Thus, a person in this play Matrix Play and aligned to it, also are on that frequency.

Some of you may recall, that play and anchor which was aligned right to John Mack and even more so to his sister Holly MacDonald.
8 13
The 8 is of course Constant as is the M.
One side is Numerical and the other is Alphabetical.
It represents the Full Circle.
The beginning, and the End as in where a Circle begins, and where it ends.

I recognized from his intel that I was being asked to re-enter what has become for me personally a most tedious, tiresome and inordinately cruel play.

51. 34634..
E A. 767.. Really.

I went out much earlier with Baby Jeron.
We took a walk and with my getting up at 9:07 a.m
97 links to John Mack in my own public and personal blue print.

Its 6:07 p.m right now.
F.G. * Who happens to be hollering outloud over a Video Game.
I couldn’t help but chuckle at the passionate outbursts.

Sacred Portal 97 is ” Brain Cranium Light of Existence” I.Q of Existence

So, I kinda already recognized that this day was already alien to intelligence and it had to do with the Alien Council or Babies, and of course Alien Father.

*6:12 p.m right now. Smh.
That’s Ardens Birthday, he just came up with Ferrill.

He had recently set up a Basketball ring to play basket ball, a game I had played up till university and had been pretty passionate about but more for the mediative state it put me in, and agility movement.

I have not been able to do anything with my body, I wished to dance again, move, have control over my body..
Even just walk, without this 24/7 irritation of adjusting my body.
Its been 17 years of 24/7 controlling a body which is all disjointed.

And posting 24/7.

6:19 p.m

After yesterdays posting… The constant linking and computations.
The riddle of Existence, the play, the point being reached over and over…
Do you know, I still do not have my missing front teeth?

And a place of my own, peace, from all this Evolution Awakening.. E A. – A S. E.

No, I wished peace, no more linking.
My body was relaxed as I decided to hook up with Baby J
It was way better than decoding undercover in a family of 5 kids and 1 parent present here.
But the play does not seem to leave me alone.

I walked down, to the bottom of the house, I had spied a Basket Ball which I had supposed was Ardens.
But when I got there, it was a much smaller version of the ball.
I picked it up, and took it to the Basketball makeshift court and at the same time as I bent, I saw a black bow tie.
I did not have time to wonder how a black pin on Bow Tie, had gotten there.
My hand automatically picked it up and my mind placed it.

6:29 p.m

Nnamdi and I as kids had been made to take photographs, each wearing clip on bow ties.
I recall that picture taking so well, because instead of adopting my usual quiet face I opted to smile and convey my true sunshine state.
The Smile which became my trademark.
Its wasn’t a mask or fake, it was my conscious choice and decision age 7-8 to reveal my inner nature.
Perhaps one might even call it a form of rebellion.

But I smiled, and that photograph was used by my parents, grandparents, everywhere I went that picture was used, even my passport.

Out of all my siblings, I was the only one who chose to smile.
And I began to smile, not realizing for a long time that my smile was some people felt was magical.
I was called Sunshine alot.
And people began to assume by that smile, and the sound of my laughter, that I found that people assumed that I was naive, and had a life free of worries.

It became what many called my charm, along with my sense of Humor.
I realized I like to laugh, and I discovered my truest nature.
I liked this.
It was me chill and humorous, easy to smile laugh..
Until I could not take it off, people I soon realized only wished to see me that way.

I began to smile, to deflect my consternation and bewildering way people spoke, behaved, and conplained.. whined.

I found it interesting that my teeth so complimented on, would be so intergral to this Shaman play.. that and my body, which was one of the main reasons I was led to modelling.
My body has always been pretty out of the ordinary, especially as I reached my Twenties.

And it is these two things which were taken away.

I picked up the Bow Tie, and with Jeron now in my arms, I looked at the minature basketball more closely.

1996 Western Conference, it read
Then B 11 93.
V K V”

Wait, I said to my self incredulously,
Is this a code of the play?

96% Dark Matter Energy
B. 11. is K. And A-A 93 is I.C
And V K V is 11 22 Full Circle, my mothers Cecilia Onu and David Romans birthdays

I just laughed aloud, threw my arms up, and said to the Heavens on this Beautiful Day.. you must be joking..

6:56 p.m.

I went back to play with Baby, and put it out of my mind.
It was cool hanging out with Jeron, I did not even think or reflect for a moment on this play, this work.
It made me realize just how much this play had taken a toll on my being.
How deeply I loathed and despise it, despite its genuis, its no fun when your body is literally your source of Torment, or what frequencies were allowed to do to it.

My body was relaxed, wanting to fully stretch, muscles and my skeletal frame like Toffee, and then suddenly, constriction.
Liberty went to her Green House.
I had intended to walk over, such an amazingly beautiful day.
But my body, the stabs of pain.
I took a shower, smoked some weed.

7:04 p.m

Only God, the One True God can do this to me.

I went upstairs, moving to get release, and as usual there was Arden comning down the stairs at the exact same time, ” Ha! Its here”
What I enquired.
” The Pump for my basketball”

7:06 p.m

” I can’t do this anymore” I said again and again to.myself.
Sustaining the Truth of Evolution Awakening alone holding the thread.

No more interest in it.
I had heard him tell his mother about his Ghost Camp stay.
The people Nine Ten..
The names.. all formed a code.
19 years of reading peoples E-Spirits and 64 Homes later, this is what I get?
And my Eternal Brother Line so recognizable in Arden, but also his own literal behaviour mirroring his…

7:11 p.m

This is not right, this can not be right..
How can this be the play- its impossible, impossible and since it is, why give in to such a play?
Fuck This!” I have wanted scream!
Fuck this and walk away.

And that is again what I have been pondering day and night since I had solved and equated this last 19 years to Jon Jason Lee and the Jump Man Quantum Leap 2-29-2020.
6 months to the date I arrived here.

I went outside to breath, I took some garbage out and on my way back, I stared in mild disbelief, as I saw a Red Bow on the small dividing wall.
Mechanically, I picked it up.
I now had a Black and Red Bow.
B O. W
15 O 2 Facebook Friends.
O O 2
O O B.
B O O Double O. Double U.. Double W= 23.

Bow.. This Awareness in me is always making me Bow.
Bow and Arrow * Delta Manor Archer Street.
Sagittarius Bow And Arrow.
Bow in the painting from Tree Sage

Bow is also forms the sign of infinity.
Two Loops.

What was I expecting to do with this intel?

Did you see my posts yesterday?
Why am I still in the play of Shamans Wizards or is it that Awareness Harmony called God?
A G.
E- A.G. A
E- A.H A.

I don’t need the Truth, its in me.
I do not need any of this, you do.
Ah.. And yet, I can not go insane because I can see read decode..

I wished to whisper, to the deepest quiet in my soul, not this continual cruel posting of revealing myself so naked, while all others sit back or are used, and gain from my constant torment and surmounting ..
” How could you do this to me.. or any living being..?”

“Mango Haze”
That is the gift Ferrill gave to me,
M.H. 13.8
Manifest Harmony
Man Harmony

Ardens Basketball
And the smaller one I found in the back yard.

What are you trying to tell me?
Manifests Harmony..?
Manifest Universe in a play of which the Humans are used to bring non ending pain, who fill with resentment when you do the work with them and do not also help them in their personal lifes.
You live in their spaces, you are doing a Existential Divine work.
Of Endurance and Patience.. for who?
Shadows, illusions..

Y A H W A Y.

I just want some peace of mind.


Most people in this nightmare care only what they gain.
There is no Fair Field or Fair Play.
My value as most understand is my use, its for gain.
See me?
Ah then if you see me.. truly see me.

Adam Waldron told me that I needed to have Sex Lay down with some one, and that I needed a Hug.

He right of course, right down to Anne McHugh name.
And Hugh Grant Circle.
I have known of this code since I Hugged David Greves in Istanbul during my production
“The Story of Colors”
T.S. O.C ..
C O S T.

Tree Sage Ogbonna Chizara

Its interesting that it forms the word C O S T in the mirror backwards.

How much does it Cost?
And tell me who pays “The Bill.”

7:51 p.m

13.8 / H.M.
Infinity Harmony Manifests Matter Homme.

And Infinite Harmony is A MAN
This is what I had to prove.
I have proven and proven this again.
Over and over, again.

In a World, which constantly denies, and refuses to acknowledge the presence of The Source in a ridiculous play and set up meant to humilate, blame and shame.
If I am the Source, then those who deny him are meant to immediately fade from Existence.

8:00 p.m.

And if not, then this is.. all a lie.

And I then went to do some

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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