
2/24/2016 20:05 – Facebook Post

From Donna O’Sullivan


Code in the E consciousness break down…

B.O..D.AI (Sacred portal 53 “One D.A.I..Has Come”)


2O…DA…(Echo response is from Father) Who is Harmony undercover in Nature..
O Rien La Plant E…

Code Robert Francis Kennedy… Born Brookline..M.A

Robert- Famous Bright Shinning..”Radiant Light”
Francis means the Free Man..
Kennedy actually is a Girls name…It means Head, Ugly and Helmeted Head..
Which of course in the feminine would represent Medusa..’Ugly Head”
While the masculine meaning would be a warrior, Perseus-Poseidon…..”Code Guy Pierce..G.P/P=G..16=1+6=7..G..
sent to the Gorgon Medusa -Athena..
The Three Graces and the One Goddess
Three Gorgon Sisters.. 777..21..and the One Cee Athena Wisdon..
21+3-24.. Todays Date..2-24-9…

Athena Medusa..A.M…

A.M.P.P..Which brought forth Pegasus Chrysaor and Belle-ro-ph-on-e

“Chrysaor is the brother of Pegasus, and a son of Poseidon and Medusa. Chrysaor and Pegasus were not born until Perseus chopped off Medusa’s head.”


A,M.Planet Personal Cee -Being Harmonious.

Bright Famous Shinning, Radiant Light is the Free man, the warrior who slays fear and death by transforming it into a Spring, a Brook, a river, a course of miracles which transformative powers to heal and to cure and make one Fly and of be of Supernatural powers(Ka El.. Superman), all from accessing the source by confronting death…
See sacred portal 86..”Helmet Protector -Alexander H “Defender of Man”- The Truth of Man…

John Fitzgerald ..Grace and favor of the creator is the son of the Spear of Destiny..Rules by the sword..of truth.. Came-Alot..

Ugly Head?
Helmeted head of a warrior who sought to bring transformation to the World by shedding Radiant light..to the world..
President and Chief Justice…

7:O5 p.m

75…12.. 35..
35th President…

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