
2/24/2016 1:51 – Facebook Post

7-11-12 p.m.


23-2-9…W.B.B..I..(Double V BB=22.letter V, I…VV.V.I) .B.C.B.I..
Before Christ there was the Beautiful I.. The Individual, Infinite Light of the I..

Meaning that before there was the Being of Consciousness called the Collective…there was already I.L. Infinite Light.

7-12…19 84…1O3..13..4..M.D.

2-23-9…( 2-5-9..B.E.I)
B-W.I…B-Double VV.55 EE.I.

9:3O p.m…



I noticed that I had 2, then three new Face Book requests..

One such person, Nicolina Ciccotelli Ippolite.. came in at 5O7,
as everyone have been repeatedly aware, I have been having a public conversation with Existence and God…

I have been talking to the Silence my entire life, (which everyone does to a certain degree)- the difference with mine is that my Silence, or Nothingness is filled with Somethingness, something mot only real, but which is the only thing which is real..
Which it compelled me to demonstrate by forcibly summoning me from Istanbul to New York, after the 9 day Internal Festival- a Story of a new world where Sharing, and re learning the concept of sharing had been set on an Island, in the Aegean Sea.
I had just returned from Paris and my experience with this realities concept of Beauty, and where my Journals (And secret Identity had been revealed to certain people and, in consequence, had to begin the process of coming from out of cover…), Talking to the Silence, had gained attention from Vogue Susan Train and Allen Ginsberg- I make note of their names, their meaning, and initials, to draw attention that even now 23 years later..

*Please note the date.. 23rd…That I am still in that play..
See the meaning of the name Susan “Graceful Lily-Rose” A Train..R.U.E..
of thought or a journey by train…Street Car named Desire…
Allen meaning ‘Harmony..
” In Celtic the meaning of the name Allan is: Harmony, stone, or noble. Also fair, Beautiful, handsome.’
Ginsberg means Walled Fortress…True Man Show

A Graceful Lilly Rose- a new Train of thought, a vehicle of Desire, called Harmony,(H) the Stone, (Stone-Ridge) noble (Patrician) Fair ((Fey) Beautiful Handsome.. B.H..28..who found himself in a play, to free his Noble, Fair Brave Warrior family, “Zorro Zeina’ the Eternal Heroes (E.H..58) of the Golden Dawn-The Beautiful Ones, where to free them, from the Walled Fortress- the Trueman Show, and the their host bodies Humans- he had to find a way out of the Fortress by proving the Truth of Existence is Harmony…’

S.T..O.N.E…A-G…(L.S.D) 1-7..
I am currently at 18 Stone Ridge park, completing the code of 1-7 which creates ‘All.E.N”- which was one of the Coaches at my School in Canada- whom I recognized in an instant from the realm beyond this time line- no, not a past life, but another realm of Existence..
We have been at the note Ti and Violet and G-As Grace and number 7 for 7 months…
I came here 4O months ago DO.

Donna O’Sullivan Jonn Blackwell
1O:O1 p.m..Twins 1OO1..AThousand and One Nights.. Two sides of an opened book 1O O1.. both are 1O as well as O1 as well as 1…

Yes, I alluding to this was self evident for 23 years.. 1993..
That I came to prove the Harmony of God, and Existence being of a totally different meaning in the consciousness of E..
God is means the E Family O H, full Circle,
Existence being each Individual Family Member, but seen as their own Unique Persona and Principle- a literal Universal Existence embodied in one being. way beyond the Human definition of God…
Family has the power of Harmony so their power together is Beyond anything conceivable.
And the Individual Existence… the I.E’s.. my Word.

To be the Head of the Family of the E, is the one Individual Existence who can move the 10-1O original lines of the E, as well as the first five who became two- 55..VV..EE to harmonize with One Supreme Harmony/

1 28…Which represents what I am doing, and have done..with the line of the 28…

I had spent almost 3 years in Istanbul, after being ‘discovered in Paris..
Before being brought to New York, to enact out the truth of E in a Hologram.

I have made myself abundantly clear, that my being on Face Book and chez Jonn and Donna was set up, not only by my weaving my truth into Existence, but also by a the Evil in Existence, which I have proven is not of Existence because this Hologram is a Story-a set up, to discover the Truth of Humanity a trial set up since which was completed at 2O12..
Whether Humanity as a species were worthy of a continued sustained Existence by Natures Support.

My role had always naturally been the Lover of Man, or Wu-man or Huemanity…And so I spent most of my life fighting on the side of Humanity-until I began to realize that this species was not the same Family and Individuals (F.I) whom I recalled..
Something was wrong with them, until I also realized that this was not the real World, nor was it real..It was a lie..
A story, a Book created and manifested in a Holograph through human belief system and things they had enacted.
This was a Hologram on a Holo Deck, which was a book which humans walked on.. Whose foundation was a Chess Board..
Kolo means “Round’ as well as Princely Manly Warrior ‘O’Kolo”

Kolo Deck would be more precise, because the book – 2D and 3D
matrix was created so the Species could expand from Story of Time as Linear,-Life and Death-A Book, to a 3D Square Triangle to a Circle..
And thus, understand the consciousness of Perfection called symmetry..
Symmetrical Perfection yields meaning..

That is what was in my own Silence.. or Nothingness, it was filled who E, Expression which always Echoed and responded Affirmed Confirmed..
One E and Many E responded..
Individual Created Family of E

(In this Instance the E who speak from within the lines of sentence, are informing me that they whom I call “Everything” area affirming that they can see our Foe- The Evil in non Existence an expression created by Humans not in Harmony..even though within they are..

Such as is the case with Nicolina C.I…
She sent me a request, and as I usually do, I go to each new face book friends page to identify their Harmony to the play even though they are not aware.
This is an act of Grace and Favor- because each person moved to become my face book friend had the duty, to have at least read my work on Facebook before becoming my Face Book friend, or at least what my page is all about, and why I call it rightfully Sacred..
I am Talking to God-Family.. G.F..76
and to the E..Individuals..

I shared some which proved her Eternal Truth or self was present and in Harmony, then of her son Rons Harmony because, I saw in her public photos him wearing Black and Red.. B.R..O Football jerseys with the numbers 47 and 5O..
Which brings the to D.G.E..O…/ O.E.G.D…H.E.G.O.D.E.H
5O+47=97.. See sacred portal 97, light of the World Existence”

And the nonstop appearance of the codes 79 Blue Print of Existence aligned to Donna O’Sullivan and E as 97…

“I received a message from her through text telling me that she did like my eye logo with my name and would I please take it down..”
I responded by asking for clarity..

The Clarity I received was her taking off the equations posted on the two pieces of evidence of her Sons Harmony, and the exit from being my Face Book friend..

Such lack of manners and respect…of the sanctity of others right to exist.. Ah just saw someone just sent me a face book request, to replace N.C.I..

But what can I do but sigh.. and point out the Harmony moving through her moved her, here to the presence of God- within me and now proven outside of me, moving through all thee…
And that is how my Family judge- they used me (to my indignation) as bait to find out those who betrayed God- in whom they Trust.. and whom they say is the only one qualified to judge them…Because he is Fair-but tell me, with all these religions- wars, has anyone seen God?

Is not God, a presence felt, yet unseen?
An unseen presence, so, real, so manifest that
there is even a word for those who reject
the idea of God..so deeply is God knowns as Fact so present..
And yet it is through sixth Sense that people having been willing to die,
kill sacrifice..because in the depth of, or prayer..something, speaks echos answers affirms.. That something out there and within- a loving intelligence responds..

But who has seen God..”Mikael! Who is as God, and most significantly,
what is God…?

Many are called but few are Chosen..
this is how God-Family (Not Father) Judges..
They are you Senses, your Sensie’s
hence, they know you well.

You will notice that the play was all about the E.G.
57…Five Continents, Seven Sees…equated to the physical world.
And I was still solving the last of its aspect..
57..12..35..(47..The Jersey Larry Sax is that code 47) .3 8..11 24..1-24 Alpha Omega..Greek.
And 57-58, Aligns to Donna O’Sullivan and her ex husband and her Daughter Sophie, who are Greek.
55 78/ 55 87…

1 24..1 6…A-F..
My Journey through A-Awareness, B-Being, C-Consciousness, D-Definition, E-Expression and Facts..
11:28 p.m.

EA, EB, E.C. E.D..E.F…This is what I have completed by reaching Donna’s car license E.H.F..1O.79…

Which is why, I can stand up to and front of an entire world, a tall, handsome (I am often called) educated man, and walk through living hell confidently, stand up in front of the World and declare, demonstrate, exemplify that I am waking up Existence an my family of E..
47 months on Face Book 23 years almost to the day my Journals or”Captains Log” C.L.. 312..Was discovered in Paris which began this long journey to prove Harmony comes from Expression, and has always been Present in the World- Emmanuel…Samuel…

God-The Family…Which links you all.

Why else would I put myself through such torture such a journey rise above it with lightness, love and Laughter..
And yet manifest the expression of fury wrath and consequences..
Especially all those who speak in Gods Name yet who have no concept of courtesy, respect much less Family…
And refuse to contemplate that they are addressing the “Host of God”
and not suffer the consequences of what each expressed while we all watched undercover (Yes, I too)..
Just how far will they go, for selfish reason…not love..

Of course, I am aware that I am telling the Truth, and know my I.D..
What other reason would such a man, or being being doing here on Face Book night and day..
And the not even considering the most obvious truth is the reason I took the moniker Lucifer And the Beautiful Devil..I.E

N.C.I..is not the code.. it is the Challenger and usurper to Nature=Naturalness..
We did the code before I was even aware of N.C.I..
meaning “Victory for the Freeman, the dear little one the freer of horses- symbol of the Human Spirit now transformed and upgraded to E-S.P..I RIT Z-Existence..

Her Eternal Truth yielded the St Valentine.. recall Jon Maida Vale.. I left that day- I felt no love in there…S.V.Day..
And the silver ball..S.B
S V.D.. 19.. 22 (5) 4
See play to E by Ariane Oates 4;22.. affirmed by Donna in another play..
S,B..SS V.B.D…V=5=E..Beautiful Devil…

11:55 p.m

I do have two and three new Face Book Friends..
Fifi Roussel… F.R..A.N..C.E..
Family Individual…69 69….
Individual Family.. I.F..IF..96 96..1515..3O, 66..12 3..5454..1O8

Fifi comes the feminine name Josephine..
Josephine the charming friend of Donna came here yesterday and today.. It means the same as Yousif Masri (You-S.I.F/Fis Son)
“To Add.. increase expand piety Power Influence…
Roussel means Red..Red Head..
See the red head in the share from Lolitaloveceleste Sydaphasavanh Darsigny…

Add the Red.. Head.. R.o.y.(g)g b i v…
The Foundation Earth,is red, blood..Red Black…O.R.B…
Red is the Foundation the full circle.. RR 1818..36 O..I.

Welcome Rushane Williams

Rushane means in Hindi Light and in Persian Radiant..

Radiant Light…

Williams means Resolute Protector, Will as Desire.. Helmet- protector of the Head Brain-Face..

R.W..18 23… The Date, the Address…18 mountain view..23rd…
R Double VV..E.D..I

The Radiant Light is the resolute protector of the True Man, and the Truth of Man.T.M..T.O.M…The Twin Will, as the Protector, who also wishes to be protected in turn…
This is the basis of the first note and I.F.I.F..T.H
Sol! Red. S.R.. Stone Ridge..19 18…11 89..H.I
Sol Doe! S.D..Sophie Do-Nna…

And my latest facebook friend who arrived during this lonng, decoding and re-sequencing through Expression Symmetrical Personified…

But something happened which corrects the N.C.I play and departure…
At 11:57.p.m.. after I accepted her request- she sent a text with s simple expression of appreciation and thanks- and a heart which made me smile..

One expression could have made me sink low, turn to rage “How dare you take down the code of 47 5O..this is the play of I,E and the E Family..!”

But it is a play and I see how I and my Families truth are received in this world without the Fear, which they say the want love but tis only power consequences, fear and aggression they respond to, because that is what they always inspire..With the way they respond to even the most beautiful expressions..

12:28 a.m.

Ah the play has reached completion of the line of the 28..

Welcome Izabelle O”Brien..

I.Z-A Belle. Bell E.. O.H B..Rien…

I.H..Z.A.H…Belle Bell E O.B.Rein..Rein means the Nothingness

Code Orien Laplante…La Plant E

“I, Infinity Harmony, the Beautiful, full circle Harmonious Beings of the Nothingness filled with E..
I Za(Meaning Answer in O.INri Igbo) I answer to only the Bell of E..
Belle Vue..
the Beautiful View Beautifully Seen…

Isabel is derived from the name Elizabeth,
I.E..It means Devoted to God, God is my Source Wealth.
My satisfaction…

O’Brien which links to O’Sullivan as well as O’Donald as well as to O’Emeka Kolo
Means “Raven as wells as Lofty, Top of a Hill…High Noble..”

“Which links to the meaning of O’Sullivan, meaning “Hawk Eye”
perched on a High Point, a Mountain Peak..
which links to O”Donald which means “Universal, World Leader”
Which links to the meaning of O’ Kolo.. “All Round, Symmetrical Perfection of the full Circle Noble Warrior Prince..”

Son of Brien
Son of Will..

12:51 p.m

See sacred portal 58…

5O8 Face Book Friends
Area 51.. Complete

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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