
2/23/2020 21:28 – Facebook Post

They Lived Before Adam.

T L..B A

True Life. T L. 20 12. Tom Liberty
B A. Bartus Anastasia

2012. 32. 5.

B A. 2 1 = 3. C. B A C. K.E. ( 115)
From King UD Chiukwu

From the late Prof Catherine Acholonu

I just saw this “Like” appear on my notifications.
It was after Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula post on my page.
And a tag from Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna
And intel sent to me by Liberty C Liscomb on a subject we had just been conversing about Ethiopia – The Horn of Africa.
Sheba and of course, the Crown Chakra.
Representated by the Color Purple Violet, or the other way, the color Red.

Catherine Achulonu

Apple Cider
Arden Christopher
Awareness Consciousness
A C 1 – 3.
Sacred Portal 86.

C A- A C
A-A is 27.

Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahmefuna
O J A / A J O. “Angelina Jolie O .. ” Beautiful Messenger. 11O.
Sacred Portal 110 ” First Last, and Forever E Family.

C A. / A C.
O J A / A J O

I first encountered the late Professor Catherine Achulonu on a web site “by chance” in which she was holding her own, in a chat forum in which intellectual white supremacists were ganging up and trying to ridicule here.
That was somewhere around 10 years ago.
I did not know that Jasper who was a student of hers had observed my interaction.

6:00 p.m

I had defended her work, having found myself having literally been moved to my astonishment by what appeared at the time the Song Lines of Ancient Memory which traced back to the Yoruba and the OINri.

And the story of Manifestating Harmony in Perfect Timming To The Point.

What was the Point?

A Full Circle.
Perfect Symmetry
Perfect Timming.


Which brought instant manifestation which is in the OINri Igbo memory, including my own bio family.

I had recognized this, this pathway I found myself on, my physical body seemingly possessed by an ancient power of Ancestors- in search of the Truth.
The Lost Way.
The Lost Path.

Yes, you may call it Miltons Paradise Lost.
And yes, that is what Liberty’s interest in the books by Philip Poleman ” His Dark Materials”
Hephaestus the Black Smith.

And yes, my 2004 True Creation Story, has embeded in the Title The Story of S H E and Paradise Lost was never Lost”
An my empirical evidence, where literal Energies, whom I instantly recognized by their feelings Sensational as being of my Family of TEN – The Elegant Nomads, had physically, Energetical had risen in me, to recount our story as the Original Beautiful Ones of First Contact who had come in this world through what legend had described as the Egwu Onwa ” E O” Dance of the Full Moon.
Traveling and descending to this world through what is called in the West: The Astral Plane.

Sound Waves… Frequencies actually.

My Voice… Yes, Jasper I am told by many that they love the sound of my voice, and have been offered Voice Over, work.
But there is a particular reason that I am not using my voice publicly.
Its is because DNA is sound, and because the Sound Waves in Air Space, and in our densified bodies, also made of Air Water Salt Space, had been compromised by the use of Sound and Space by Humanity as well as Ancient and now Modern Scientists who understood the Secret Power linking Sound to Sight.

I had to go deeper, deeper undercover, beyond Sound and Sight..
Color – Blind.
To be able to transmit the Beacon Frequency of the Eternal which can be called Energy.
And even deeper still, to Potential and Ore of Energy ( Its Birth) and link it to the Source Expression
( S E. Supreme Expression, S A Supreme Awareness. / E S. P. A S..T. E A SS. (8) P.T
See Energy)

That is the only way, that beacon could by pass the clogged up, chaos filled “void” created by the babble, Noise which filled with Air Space and which moved The Human Beings and even their bodies.
Many of you, most of you are possesed by the past. Most of you are not even aware of it, but the inability to bring clarity to the nature and purpose.of Existence, The Plan.
The confusion of the use of expression- the word.
And the Truth.
And what had been done to the use of the Word.
“Ezi Okwu” E On
Meaning, ” The Literal Pathway which the Truth Cuts through like a Knife through warm butter”

The Story or legend of The Beautiful Ones arriving in the Begining of Time, and indenting the ” Programmes, Song Lines, E.M.Field Frequencies of the Play of Human rising, germinating as a Green House, plants with a Mole ( Mole Cule) of the E implanted in them.
The Molecule of Evolution.
That beacon which when ” Feed and Watered” would grow till a movement.

A Seed which the Body, energized and activated Magnetized becomes like a Circle and a Needle.
A Golden Compass- a Silver Needle ( Ag is Silver) .Pulling Thread. P.T
Perfect Timming until reaching the Point.
Consciousness Energy.
Conscious Expression
C E which generates Energy Photons
Clarity ( E P C. 5- 16 3 / 3 16 33 is Liberty’s Car Liscense Plate ..33 represents the body.. 33 Vertebra. C C 3 3 represents Two “Cee’s Consciousness 69 Ying Yang, Day Night D N. A
Awake Sleeping. A S)

It was not really about the Full Moon

7:04 p.m

74. 11 28. 10. 1O. A O.. 1 15
1 15. 115. K E/ E K
( 7.. G. 7:13 p.m. G.M)
A. G

G: A G. 7: 1 7
G A F G.
G : A F K G
Y Chromosome
Y=25= 7
G. Gold.
Crown Chakra is Violet and then at 2020 Vision Hindsight is Gold.
Gemino means Gemini.
Gemini Man
General Manager
The Golden Compass
The Golden Body. “Kim” means ” Gold”
The Silver Line. Fil Gueria. Thread of The Warrior
To link to E


* I shared Liberty C Liscomb intel about Energy in the Air discovered.

Ying Yang is 69
Black and White …
People .. ?
Division of Races?

7:22 p.m

No, a Video Game set to mirror the day and age of the Awakening.
The World since 1976 Video Games
1977 Star Wars.
76. Liberty was born
77 is G G
7 Chakra is Vision 20 20
7 20 / 20 7

And yet The Body as the Golden Compass was constantly meddled with by the past.
The body picking up so many signals, frequencies and most of all linked to Ancesteral Dna, desperate to find their way to Miltons Paradise Lost.

I had done my Professional Degree in Urban and Regional Planning and minor in Architecture.
I had sought to pursue my University education by returning to the West, where I had been born, but when I sought to leave, I literally felt a force keeping me in Nigeria to do my University.
I did not fight it too much, but I was aware.

I decided to do my degeee, in honor of my biologicaly ancestral orgins, which included Arabian.
I did not really live in that consciousness or reality, but I felt an intriguing riddle, especially in the mythologies and legends of the O.I.Nri Igbo and especially in my own bio family including my own Mother and brother Nnamdi and my sister..

My research led me from one First Contact of Beauty to another, in what can be called the full Spectrum of Evil-
One as Harmonious and the Other as Decietful.

The Beautiful Ones.. Beautiful Angelic Messengers. B A M
And the Missionaries, whom Liberty, just gave some hours ago, an exceptional description of inspirered by the Anasstasia books recounting.

That diease of ” The Other” T.O
A Counter Point to my O.T. apex of 1520 Facebook Friends
O.T. which equated in This Actual Video Game as 20 20 Vision Full Circle the T! Truth.
Infiltrate and deciece with Praise and Flattery the pure childlike natives who had never ecounteted guile, deception .. vieled intent of use of people Spirits, Emotions to be used to get what they wanted.

My Thesis began with the mystery of the Full Circle.
Not, it turns out, to be about the Moon and Extra Terrestrials coming down from the Full Moon but the cycle lunar cycle and the understanding of Pi.

And with the Consciousness of Pi understood, the Return,
The Awakening
The understanding that Paradise was never Lost.
Just people lost sight.
And that the ” Appel of Knowledge” and the Serpent .. Rainbow Serpent
Rainbow Spectrum
The Full Circle which can be represented by a Serpent

But the knowledge.. what was it used for?
To bring Harmony or Bring Fear… of the Other.
Is it that which links us rather than that which separates us the moment of the Split.
Did knowledge gifted by First Contact of that Seed planted which caused ” Homo Erectus”
Infinity Stands..
Infinity Stands Up to the Lie?
The Wrong way to percieve the ” Difference” as that which separates us, instead of that difference seen as that which defines as nature natural, so many varieties of flowers

A F. M

Angel Flora Mila.


Its true, I was being used by an Ancestral Truth, an intent to find “Paradise Losts”
P.L. A. .C.E
Arden saw me, and greeted me that first day in the code linked to sacred portal 51.
My very age code then.
E A.
Arden means The Garden of Eden” and “Love” according to Chris and Liberty’s intention.

It was never about the most Ancient Forest Peoples story, but rather the Truth of ” The Others”

Recognition as Family or recognition as Fear.

Liberty’s Home.. I have no authority, it is her Home and despite her recognition of me as Intellectualy and even Logically as The Source, the play with her is 3 D, the children though made aware of my being of Truth Love and even a Gentle Man of brilliance, they have not been encouraged to see me as I really am.

8:00 p.m

And the greatest work I have done with Liberty has been.based on her inherited fears.
All about Fear.

Arden recognized me as Family and to a lesser degree Aurielia and Ferill who both recognized me by instantly being in accord that they wished me to stay.

Of course, this is a play.
And if its a play, then it is Scripted, there is no Play Theater without a Script, and the need for a Script not suggest that there are those watching a re-enactment of that which already took place in Real Time.
As in C Speed of Light. Sol.
5th Sound Throat, Color Blue..

And If everything came from “Out of T.. Blue”
( O O T. B. 15 20 Facebook Friends O T. Being E posting)
And then a recounting on a Red Back Ground
Read Back Ground moving Blue Red to Purple Violet..
7th Chakra through a Needle Pulling Thead the Truth of Humanity.

Fear is this World.
Its not my Family not the D.N.A weave of a story of which had the notion of Paradise Lost
L. 12.. Lyra in the story of the Golden Compass
Golden Harmony.
G H.
Galatic Historian.
7 8 /
Sacred Portal 87.

P= 16.
P L A C E.
E C A L P. S.

Family ..
F A.M. I. L. Y. E. A H.

I was undercover OO 7 carrying the frequency of 5. The E
Rising through the D.N.A of this world to make rise and transform everything back to the E See.

S.P. L A. C.E.

8:23 p.m

17.96. Liberty intel from the World of Fear to the E.M.F of the past story, cleaned up in the Western Eastern
W E Story
Not really a Story of seeing the World and Each other in Black White .. and Grey.
Grey Matter – Brain Thought
Talking Heads?

Not its the Truth of Ying Yang being a Story of the Full Circle
96 = 15 letter O.
1969 .. The caption date of the Ethiopia Crown returned the Nether Lands.
Nether World.

8:27 p.m
8:28 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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