
2/23/2018 2:47 – Facebook Post

I really just wish to go home…. really.

12:29 a.m.



B-W-T.R… U T H… E… ( 21..Feb. H..8…E 5)

B.O.W… T.O.. E…

*Its a message from the realm most of you are aware of but can not see to me… and the Truth I represent, challenged in such a Script in front of the entire world, going against an entire world…
29 Years- 1988 when I left Nigeria representing Africa America Pangea… Yes H.H.. Herman Hubbard and that play of who is the door of Life.
88 Years Weather record shattered by my succeeding in defeating them and proving that I am the greater Wizard Druid Scrientist… Artist than not only them, but even defeating myself as my past incarnation.. Its Sum Total.

28 is the code aligned to me as Jamel, defeating that which was aligned and linked to Blair Andrews as Emmy as the past. S.P 147.

28 years ago is when I began speaking to the silence…

78 degrees was the 88 years old record of the temp in New York which was defeated, with an entirely new record of 78 degrees which had to be to linked to MW78…
Nasa classification of the Milky Way…
Defeated by myself at Metropolitan Woods.

David Brewer.. D.B…

Angels & Demons is on…
Igbo Anthony put it back on after I watched Jimmy Kimmel just to her interview with Oprah, there was no computer available. And I knew that I was meant to post once more so I was mused to watch and see which computer woud be made available and at what timming…
After the monlogue Igbo Anthon wanted to go back to the movie, but I aid I wished to see the interview with Oprah.
He wished to dispute but I asked him if he was the Director here.
No place had been vacted yet at the computer and I knew it was an interesting repeat scene of yesterday.
My Authority…
He sat back down and enjoyed the Oprah and Jimmy Kimmel banter, endiing with her calling Jimmy Kimmel, America’s Little Brother.
Next up was the Lead actor of the movies “Call me by my Name”-
And that moment Jean who is the big guy almost as big as Anthony, who wears the Dark Blue, Royal Blue Jacket with the world Yale.. ( yes as Yale Lock Smith… Black Smiths… Yes Igbo Anthony and his expression about the wicked ones who opens up all locks.. Yes Chidi Ejikeme, 1987 Nigeria who looks Prince who went to Yale University and is a real Prince, who began my training that I would have to come to America and break the Lock on the Door created by the Western Philosophy)

Jean is the one who got up..
Jean Morgan J M ( Peter Nyarkô spoke about Micheal Jackson and a song he made me isten to that he said he was listening to when he forgot that his phone was on his lap and it tumbled onto the Subway tracks…)
Micheal B Jordan.. Eric Killmonger.. E.K..
I am the Original and my twn C.Boseman… S.P 147 B…As well as Emmy S.P.. Elvis Presely and present now as Jamel Salter…

Jean Dortch.. Fey Mirach.. Amoza Born.. all the portals 3 I had to pass through.

After Jean got up.. Yale lock.. Awka Black Smiths- Linked to the OINri King Priests- the Descendants of Eri- the Sky Beings and linked to Okigwe the Igbo Kings of going back Ugwelle code O.. 690.. 69 O .. Last coffee 69… 15.. Letter O.. Okigwe…Igwe meaning “King”that I was Nnamdi Obiekwe Umeano.. 5-4-1969… ( 6X9=54… 5 4 April 5th… Jos, Northern Nigera…”)
And last coffee yesterday 680…68 O… David Roman Nicholas 68…14.. N.. Nsukka… 5A Ibagwa Road)
Proving that as far back as then I was aware and am aware and was King.. of the Igbo’s as well as Eze Nri.. as well as Owelle of Onithisha.. Odududaw.. Nok.. Hausa Fulani… the list goes on…

O N …E..

After Jean got up… Kwame who was sitting beside him, and who is from Ghana as is Peter Nyarkô originally.
I sat where Jean sat and saw a racecar Dunlop ( my grandfather used to distribute their tires and parts) it had the number 3 on it…

I then move from that post after completing the post of Claudine Bev, “F.M B.A”- which is when he moved but not before I saw his E-Spirt made sure that I saw that he was playing Sade… S A D E.. Sex And Desire ..E.. Emeka.. Royal Blue Jean 5th Dimension.

Jean Kwame… J.K… 10 11… Yes E Ga La XY C.I..
1;11 a.m..
1:12 a.m.
See Armondo son of Dawn Piercy born 3-9-2008…
3-9-28… C.I.. 28…

Now, before I go on, I must mention a play which took place with Clevaland and I..
When I came up and saw that they were wacthing Dan Browns Angel&Demons.. after I posted the code to David Brewer’s post.
He wished to tell me something, but first I required a witness to the post I had done for the future.
Blair Andrews was here, but he had failed the test of simple courtesy and respect just as Dee had before him.. After all he recognized me as Anubis..
i did not speak to him but Cleveland rose and spoke to me.
After showing him the evidence his eyes widened and he stared at me, confirming twice that I had written the post without having any idea that the film was on…
Then he recollected him self and told me the story of one of the guys here, a white guy called Karl… who wished to be liked but was as many here, faking hiding his true nature.
Cleveland spoke of how he had witnessed how ther was some food and things being thrown out of the kitchen by Moe and others. When Karl called out “Now you Monkeys can feed on your Banana’s. To Cleveland shock, not only did none of the men protest, 5 or 6 actually got up to take the Bananas ( the last batch of men coming here had gotten prorgessivily worst and worst and more and evil just as Kerywn Vincent had predicted a year ago when it was already bad… He had wept to Cassandra to get out of this place – because the reall awful Demons where coming..
Clevland could not help himself and spoke up!
And Alexis who just happened to pass by, had also heard the comment and came into the room asking who had said that.
No one responded.. Again Cleveland spoke up.
He was taken to the office and given a dress down.
He came back after 6-7 minutes according to Clevaland and starting to vent- It got to the point that Cleveland again called him out saying, “You look like you need a Hanky” because your are drippling…
To cut and long story short he had a melt down screamig he was noy meant to be here ( amongsts Black and Peurto Ricans etc…of who are the majority)
He eventually was led out in handcuffs…
He is no longer here….
I told him that all that mattered was that he spoke up and that the others who did not are really monkeys as Karl stated-he of course was a Baboon..
But Cleveland was a Man.. he spoke up..
C.. 3 was on the Sports car on the computer…C.. Cleveland and his twin prover Stevan.. two in one…

Please see our original play when he became my Facebook friend- He spoke about controlling the weather.
I said not he.
I spoke about how in 1982, the year I was supposed to have not done well in my G.C.E..And S.A.T. Entrance exams, I had gained entry to the newly established Awka State University.
I came 3rd in the entire state, and was meant to study Beer Brewing.
I knew that there if I came 3rd in the entire stated in an entrance exam which was at the same time as my other entrance exams, that my resuls had been meddled with.
I was aware of this even with my professional degree which I gradauted with an 2-1, 2-2.. Which was just short of a firs class, but both 2-1 and 2-2 with honors in 1988, but then suddenly a scandal overtunred the Head of Department.
A 4 years program had been exended to 5 then almost 6 years.
I knew it was meddled with…
I knew that I had to leave and that I was being held back from leaving.

I believe that I have already answered the question of the Frequency… of how we reality can be affected.
I wish to add that the same can be used for taking out the “Gene” Jeans Blue Genes..
No Genetic Manipulation but rather using sound and frequency to Weed out all those who have the freqencies and waves which can not evolve.. Jellousy Haters, all those mean and inferior non exisence characteristics of the lower creatures…
One can weed it out strand by strand as I was forced to do, or do it as I first knew it was meant to be done and was the orginal Plan et…
Simply raise the Bar…
Raise the Vibration of Everything in Existence Creation, restoring it to the Original Eternal Frequency which including the planet.. the Universe .Everything..
Meaning that Existence would no sustain… the Lie..

See my original post 5 6 years ago…
I spoke and was doing that equation and proving it the most effecient way to get rid of the Unnatruals..
– Through a Selectie Plague…

1:41. a.m..

It worked though out the Ages..
But this one is Intelligent Discerning, Discrimating.. by Design

B D… E

E B D…. 11 28… ROOM 4 B.. BED 4-0018..19… 17..

Jamel S.. 7-17-1984.
E Now 1985…

1:43 a.m.

1 Message and 35 likes on my page…

A C.E…

See A C E… F A C E…
A C E..is also an aid group which help the Homless find employment…
One of the functions I preformed here.. free of charge… Recall Ace.. who would any time he read the Bible and was in mediation and came oustide he would see me…

1:45 A.M

I was fully aware it was me, getting all these guys good homes…
And knew those who knew or suspected because I would see of hear from them outside of the shelter…
I heard from Cartlon the other day… 7 17.. Hip .. tax refund…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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