
2/23/2016 18:12 – Facebook Post

2/23/2016 18:12 – Facebook Post


Yes, the codes of the Holograph can be read..
Which is obviously what I am decoding and encoding at the same time and the Dne sequences…

The codes were created to show and give evidence that the Species have always been safe.
The E line never required codes to exist in creation, but the Human Species went so much out of their mind and hearts, that a mission was established to prove that the Hologram could be easily read and that its meaning for being created was to prove to the Species that they are safe..
And that it was a template to educate Humanity to see, and know how to read…

I never required to read to know that Universe is Harmony, which is what I went down to prove at age 22-23 in London when I began keeping a Captains Log…1989…S.H.I…One of my code names…
in my journals called Talking to the Silence volumes I-V..

Which is why this part of the play I loathed..
I am not a Teacher, and I did come to this world, or to Face Book to exemplify to people how to read, A B.C…
A nursery school!
Quarantined Zone…

Instead of a University in which I am addressing the Elite Officers of the U evolving to the E… Consciousness of Universe Evolving to Consciousness Existence…U=21, E=5..26..
Code Z.H…Alpha Zeta..

The codes which I have been posting for 47 months is how to read and decode the Holograph- Created by my younger Twin, E.T.Consciousness…
E.C.T..E.T.C… Which represent a whole line.. which is why I had to go through all these people-portals of the lines…Sigh..

Once the leave the Holograph, you do not need the codes,
you enter “True Life- Sacred portal 43.. 43 12 7, 19 84..

The codes I am decoding in this sort of ‘Enders Game” E.G (57) play in which I have used in another rendition of the E play- in which I have been the unwitting Pawn, to Knight Bishop, rook Queen Q, KiNG..
A Chess Board and a Chess Match ” Yes very similar to Harry Potter-Ronald-” but a bit more intense, between two Awarenesses..

Which is the literal manifestation of a 54 page document called “Reveal Unveiling Existence…R.U.E’
Which Marina Burini will recall, that 5-6 years ago I, excitedly realized as I explained my discovery to her, that that documented had not only manifested, but was literal the play we were in, I could see it, others could only see glimpses of it..
But it required the delay of my having to explain while I played these two awareness, and was used as their Pawn, until I began to find a Way to out manuevre these two Awareness…By adding my own perspective to the point of their Play….

The play, as demonstrated by the large but quietly elegant chessboard Jonn Blackwell showed me, was not between Black and White but was between Beige as in Amber..
Code Amber Elaine Manning…E.A.M..
and Brown the Earth…
What is Beige on Natures Template of the planet…?
What is Brown..?
Sand does not produce Life…
Earth does..
Death AND Life..
D.A.L… A Form of Bean…
L.A.D..The Boy… code Skidbwoy Oseman, Budi Lass
Chico Loco..C.L, B.L…S.O.L… C.B.S..L.L.L. (L=12 x3..36)

And so the Boy was the messenger..
Beige Amber.. Yellow Orange.. R.O.Y (G)
Brown-Red B.R.O..(roy(g)gbivr..RR=18..36..C.F..Circle Filled.
Eric Lile Brown
B.R.O..E…From the 5th Dimension..

*Please see the post I shared earlier of Donna O’Sullivan…Blue and Orange and Yellow Golden with the Earth as the color Blue the 5th.. E..

It was about Aligning the ROY(G)G..to G..4 7…4th color- 7th color,
sound vibration; Fa-La.. of Sixth sense to Fact…D.G.F.La.. 6 76-66 -4..

Bringing from Forgetfulness or the Blackness- Blank- the Evanescent White Light (Luminosity), which allows you to perceive, that what you had felt you had forgotten, was a Blank sheet (Of Snow- and G-Green Grass of Home- Skid; ) has writing after all…

Recall 54 The Bean where the play for 9 years was set…
Recall the photo of Donna O’Sullivan and her Daughter Sophie’s M,
framed photo taken long before I met her, at 54 The Bean in front of the Tunnel of Love..
And where Jonn was working 54 South Mountain Road..

The 4 Colors had to align to the 5th Dimension- the true source of Life..

Jonns Chess Board is made up Walnut and Maple..
WM/MW…World Manifest.. Milky Way..
W=23..Todays Date..
13 Age 13 “496” Dark Matter….4th Dimension 96% Dark Matter..
96/69 or simply physical sight is Inversed..
But True “Cee =CC=O.H.” First Eye Third Eye (13)
Sees and Cees Everything Aligned as one Circle with a Line
“Diameter Radius..D.R..Radar, with a Point..Point of Penetration and Entry..

Its all abut the 54 page document…
Its manifestation…5-6 years ago…
my brother was born April 5th 1969…
5-4-69…A person born 69 is 47 years this year…
A person born 96 Is 2O years old..
Revealing Unveiling Existence..
R.U.E…(Street..Car named Desire..)
47 20..
D.G..11 28.. 39…C.I..L.C.. 20= Letter T..
D.G.C.I..L.C.. T.R.U.E…

See sacred Portal 67… And 76.

And sacred portal 54.. ‘Explosion of Light Super Nova..
And a 54 paged document really an equation in worded form of the Route of the Awakening and the battle between to Awarenesses, seeking to create a Balance, but which required a Hue Man beings as well as a Human Beings point of view to really resolve..
The Deed to Creation and Land..landing..
Not a contest as to which principle manifested Existence..
or which story religion theory…or which person “Guessed”
the answer correctly..

It was in the Do, meaning if you “Know’ which principle manifested Creation Existence..
Then Manifest it..
Demonstrate Show AND Manifest Existence… Evolve It..

The “A.N.D” alludes to of course “Link” it through Dna sequencing of A=1.. the Alpha, to E=Alpha, D.n.e

D SAME… Open See Same M.E..
D is E…
4 is 5..
9= 4.5+4.5…

Note the Colors of the Holograph here..
Blue -I.V…

Blue Indigo Violet….B.I.V..B 4.. B D.. 42..L.S.D…
Code Realligion Mahant Indigo.. R.M..I
Room I…
5 76
12 12.. 24….144.. 168…P.H..A.F.H..
24=6, 144=9..
15 OH
6…La Fact…6 note.. F is 6th letter…A.Cee T..
4:54 p.m


4:55 p.m


5:O8 p.m


Donna O’Sullivan
J.H.D…E..B…(1O8 4… 52.. see sacred portal 52)

5:11 p.m


Emeka Kolo…

The codes will help those left behind, when they awaken to the Fact that I spoke True.


5:12 p.m


Light C.H.I.E

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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