
2/23/2016 16:21 – Facebook Post

2/23/2016 16:21 – Facebook Post

Theoretical Physics…
The Science created to understand Nature…
That which is already created.

M.K Noted that Science is Off by 1 to the power of 12 Zero’s..120 in understanding the Cosmos..

My equation points at the precise equation of the cosmos as being 12O
1+2=3…O… C.O.. And that C as in Cosmos, is Consciousness, and Created C=Speed of Light…

But while the modern day scientists, just as the ancients ones, looked outside of themselves and to Nature to formulate their “Theories”- but as I have constantly stated.. Nature is not the Source, it is the manifestation..Nature is not the Blue Print- Human Beings are- Are ability perceive the world comes from our own consciousness..Conscious C..
Human beings are the literal embodiments of L.C.. Light Consciousness- Expression Energy..
To understand our World, depends on the Consciousness we chose to percieve reality…
And the only way to be aligned with the true Light Consciousness, is to align ones Frequency to Naturalness- Which is the very expression of Nature..
Naturalness is the source of Nature..
Thus, by only being in a state of naturalness, can one perceive and begin to understand Nature…
And to Understand Nature through Naturalness,
then as I found myself compelled and instigated to do,
was to make my own life an experiement, with myself and my Life, being the Experiment, Subject and Observer…
I did this consciously for 23 years,
And its was through observation that I first discerned clearly Patterns..
Which I began to read..
And I began to realize that my life, by sustaining a naturalness and natural way of being, I began to to be able to read, nature and even align with it, but most of all I began to read “Naturalness” which I have also called Harmony…
And the Eternal Truth…

Now, N is the code used to reflect Nature..
Letter N is a Sound..
but it is also a logic sequence,
14 equates to the letter N..
77 is 14.. We have 7 occurring through out Nature and even our bodies..
77 14 5..(1+4=5)…
A logical Progression.. G.G.N.E…/ E.N.G…5- 147..See sacred portal 147.

Great thinkers….

The only difference between me and the Great thinkers of the world
is illustrated in Sacred Portal 14 “Evolution of Consciousness’- it shows Four Faces of Man- looking at Existence through the same view, but the last a Boy, the L.A.D
(Life And Death), shows him facing and pointing to a totally different direction..

I went within, and not outside..
I kept a Log book called Talking to the Silence, which later drew international attention for publication..
I created a exhibition called “Portraits from Within’
An International Festival of bringing forth from within daily settings of the inner world of people..
I have spent the last 15 years rising from Roy(g)gbiv..do re mi fa so la ti,
and demonstrating with experiments, and made films, books and wrote papers on my establishing how Humanity are not only the contain a blue print, literal inner compass, are televisions, radios.. but also contain the eternal truth..
And that my literal life took over once I went deep enough within to the Well of Zam Zam..A-Z..
And what I discovered and experienced as a Scientists,
was an adventure as I ascended the elevator of Sound, Color, Notes, all from perceiving the World from the source vibration GG..N…E..
E,N G-A. E.N.Do- Ti… E.N R-V..1-7

15 years in New York..Letter O…
27 Years since I began keeping a Log..

Which aligned every where I lived, went, people I met, numbers of houses, street names, everything aligned to meaning..
Space Time=ONE…Again see the Code.. O-N-E..E.O.N (Expression O.H=N)

Expression manifested Nature Creation…The C..
Because everything in Existence Manifested in Completion
L-C..Full Circle E.O before we could see it with our eyes,
but to see beyond the veil can only be done by Energetically aligning your Eyes to see first through the Third Eye (First Eye)

Great Theoretical thinkers..
Sponsored, celebrated acclaimed for creating theories..
Whose “offshoots” have created a new technology which has not really aided human evolution, because the Human Consciousness has not been aligned to the Technology and thus, instead of it being an aid to human evolution has become its deterrent- causing a rapid de-evolution of Human consciousness instead.

I am not a theorists, I am a realists.
I am not proposing a theory
I am explaining and demonstrating my own applied discovery,
and manifesting it, into reality and am detailing the entire process,
the Way as I am doing it…

And yet, with everything I am doing, already existing in the World of Ideas and Science, religion philosophy Art, is the amalgamation and application of things the Species already know, but feel they can never prove, just like Theoretical Physics..

My work, and consciousness has changed every person I have met,
it has transformed their life’s, rescued them from oblivion, despair,
it has morphed their life’s, brought children to those who believed themselves barren, physically changed peoples faces and bodies..
All through Expression Conversation…Harmony O which elicits a response…

And why do the hundreds of people not come forward and testify..
Shrug, its Energetic even magical, and when they rise or the transformation take place each one has given me, or my work acknowledgment, praise..profuse gratitude but it only last a moment…
Until they begin to question was it really Emeka and his work which transformed my life, or was it really bound to happen..
And even if he did do this, no one else knows, and perhaps people will laugh at me for exposing what this person…
Or that it is impossible that I can attribute such power to one person..
instead many turn around and deny…
“I did it myself..It was a fair exchange, I gave him food and lodgings and he paid his way..”
Forgetting what they gained, how they were before, and the intense work I did with each one of them while explaining how it all works…
I found it distressing and so shocking how they all eventually denied
even doubting what they experienced, yet convieniently forgetting where they were before…
And the quiet desperation and my arrival in their life”s ‘Your an Answer to my prayers”
I have watched this process for over 27 years,
and the last 15 with intensity..

Alone, broke, body seeming broken…
What would have I done if I did not know it was a play..?
Turned into a being of Hatred, who would literally access the power and co ordinates to obliterate the Species…

There is no feeling to describe such a betrayal..
This convenient stance..
After all the Work was Energetic, Unseen,
but truly seen…
In the moment, but there is no paper trail, no invoice contract
nothing to prove the amount of Work put in..
Though nearly every one who did acknowledge did
express the value of my contribution or E consciousness and science as priceless…

But as I have observed, it is so much easier to deny that it was from E..
So much easier to give the credit to some one else…
This is what I live each day, right to this very moment..

All because I went in, and and came out with an offering to the world..
Which revealed to me the Truth of many of this world..
And why this species within are beautiful..
but as the illusions of themselves.. they are the sources of Evil Beyond anything I can ever convey..
Which is why of course, I move forwards because it is a play..
2:39 p.m.

A play to cut out the source of Evil, and observe how humanity play..
And identify the Evil, and cut it out forever…
Sacred Portal 12O..Sword-
By proving that such evil has no business being in Existence..
And the Truth of the Species lie within..

But outside, they are of 1 by 12 Zero’s…000, 000,000,000..(3-4 groups 3 4 12..7..1984..Yes Big brothers watching you, J.C…D.(G.Q)..H.)

Which is why, I am so glad that this is a play, in which Humans have no influence or say..
In how and who or what we cut off from this play..
This Evil beyond evil consciousness and way of perceiving, and controlling others, by punishing them and taking away.. credit of which was all for your benefit, in order to say, nope not him, he is worth nothing..

But I already know my Value and what I have contributed to each house hold, universe world..
And those who really matter, the Eternal Truth within all of you,
those within who are moving you, to respond that they too are witnessing the Evil this play has revealed of the species- so cruel, and so indifferent..
so far away from their True nature and consciousness..

That given my experience, and how far my work and truth has been discretely palagirized and then credit given to another, right to my very face..
I smile because, you, and that consciousness, are not long for this world…

For Love does not acknowledge what does not Exist..
For Existence is Expression, Consciousness Harmony O..
which echoes and affirms true..
Even if I am alone amongst 7.9 Billion people..
I have made it to the Person representing the Blue Print of Existence Code Black Mercedes Benz (B.M.B Being Manifest Being) E.H.F ( 5 8 6)..1O 79.. Code 1 Full Circle of 7-9..16..7.. 63 F.C..
79 is sacred portal Blue Print of Existence.. and is represented in this play by Donna O’Sullivan…DO.. the First Note, First letter A(E), Red the First Color (Eric the Red)
Code David Arro Racz…
A.H.A (18/81) D.A R…/


3;O2 p.m

Which is why I am manifesting this into Existence as a Human and E.T..
and by the time, tis complete, it will be way to late for apologies..
because undercover we have seen what we have seen, and completed the Weave based on the Actuality Reality of the responses while set in the present..
Which manifests as the Future…
And reason for mixed blessing…

For I have reached the Blue Print of Existence and activated It- and Her, and He, and as you have witnessed S.HE is resplenant in Her Expression as the Sixth journey to E Full Circle is a Fact..
And so I have activated the E.T weave..
The Blue Print of Existence 120 USD in my Wallet for the last six Months..

3:15 p.m.

3:O p.m

3 6..9


So lets see Humans not really being Human argue that they are with a Sword..
Which manifests when I allowed to end this play of Words..
And leave Face Book…
and the Evil Nature of the absurd cruelty and evil in humanity
Who unlike the Healthy, Nadee Nakandala..
who expressed and recognized the Truth in just three days..
5:28..3 Years till the very day (19th) which she became my Face Book Fiends..
5:28 hertz..
Donna Born 8;28…code 57 58… 55 78…55 87…

3:2O p.m

32…”Erose Kali”
5… E.K..

3:21 p.m


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