
2/22/2018 2:56 – Facebook Post

11:37 p.m.

2-21-20 18…



… The 4th installment of quiet an intense day…

First lets start with the setting, equation presented to me…
And the play set up,

First here are the Key players which the scene set up of the Key Players…

Deanne Ennaed
Al Fredo
Paz Onion….

It began earlier today with the play with Kemi Sara 50 Pounds – 66.16 usd.
See the Sacred Portals….
And then the Harmonious Delay with the Play of Dawn Piercy and her decision to send 33 usd.

These monies these two ladies sent are more than support, they are direction from the E-Spirit world.
It is a code 50. E.O.
66 see Sacred Portal me as my E.T aspect coming out of the Black Hole.
and 16 Horizon & Dawn.

And then Sacred Portal 33… Which is me now as the Nightmare, having endured it- which obviously includes, the fact that I had to stand infront of the entire world as post for 6 years that a Human being can Evole the Species and bring an entire Species to Extinction.
While observing, watching as each time I felt that it was complete it being delayed.
Yet literally living the truth of it manifesting privately…
Horror beyond your imaganining… And all the while knowing that through the number of Facebook friends, each representing portal I had to pass through and attain, a number which I had to work through on the ground passing through scene after scene, set up after set up with people, who the wrong step, the incorrect expression while using the sword of Truth could lead to fatal consequences.
You could not back away, or refuse to play the scene, set up- you had to naviagate it along with the sword and the word.
Over and over again…

Right now the number on my world Icon is 42.

Recall the date- and the Two Ladies Kemi and Dawn..
Both codes came today, making a total of 99.16 U.S.D.
99 is Sacred Portal “Outing the Factor of Contempt for the Human Race.. Victorious.

What is that Factor of Contempt…
The Spirit of Jealousy.

Now let us go to the set up.
Allen Murray is the person whom both codes are coming through.
And according to the script, the chosen representative of the Spirit of Jealousy was Indentied and confimed by Allen Murray.
Herman Hubbard of room 4-003 is sitting here in the T.V room, from New Orleans, N.O.
The man who took 50,000 usd from the Hurricane victims of his home town.
Note the amount 50,000.00..
Note the code sent to me by Kemi Sara.. 50…

And recall the devastation of Hurricane Katrina,
Allen Murray told me he had people there who spoke of how they were treated. How the food was first come first serve often thrown at them.
And how fights broke out which the the authorites, not all would laugh.

I had been the force which manifested Hurricane Katrina,
as a Wizard I did it with the aid of my Grandmother.
I was of course Challnged to proove that.
The weather in New York was 78 Degrees today..
78… When I passed 1078 Facebook Friends…
I am back at 1079….

It is an all time record, meaning it has NEVER been 78 Degrees in New York city at this time of the year Ever.

Fritz Venneiq will testify to my play with nature and Pelham Park and perhapsdespite witnessing Nature respond to me did not believe I could and did… He being a Nature Boy..
Michael Frazer M.F his step brother, was the witness to Ancent Modern Art and Science installation I manifested covering the Entire Loft of Hells Kitchen as did Axel Love during Hurricane Katrina.
The power of Hurricane Katrina was not to hurt people, but to cleanse the Air of the Voodun from West Africa which hasd been sent there and used as a pit stop.

The Hurricane served an dual purpose of cleansing and also exposing the truth of the Levee’s and the contempt for the Poor and ethnic minories of New Orelans.
I and the E-Spirit felt there was a better way than striking the United states and the children….
Femi.. Olu Femi is a Yoruba name meaning “God Loves me”

I am very aware that the Sources, the Wizards and Shamans wished to make me pay.. 2005 was the years and for 12 years not only did they war with me, they also sought to discover how I did it… How I was greater than their greatest wizards… Me a mere … Me.
You will also recall that Michael Frazer was directed to give the a Dagger from the Wizards of the Atlantis an E.T Druid Dagger as after he came by my invitation to observe the installation.
The Dagger represeneted lord of Wizards.. The Chief…
Recall the Kolo diaries..
Recall the Brother betraying me…

12:52 a.m
Spirit of Jealousy and Hypocrisy…

Her Man Hubbard..Old Mother Hubbard who lived in a Shoe…
Sue at the Green House who sent me on a Wild Goose chase or so she thought- to find those who walked the earth before Adam
and then sold the green house Building for 25, millio dollars…

Recall how the Puerto Ricans considered, themselves not black ( not all) but I understood the truth of that I had lived with a Peurto Rican who could not get over how educated and cultured I was and then had sought at all costs to dominate me when he saw that I was not allowed to use violence against him…
But he leanred to be even more afraid of my anger because terrible things happened to him, so terrible that when I left he told me how he would call out my name while enduring the consequences…

12:33 a.m

Allen Murray informed me that that H Hubbard was back in the room and that he had been sent away and brought back.
And for the first time I saw the contempt which curled on his face when he spoke of him Comtempt and disgust.
Sacred Portal 43 is the portal of the Door of Life… D.OL…Eternal…
D O L E… that is the bed he was occupying, E=CMe4/3 which would indicate that it is this creature who is the rep of the Evil Force moving through Humanity.
Those of you who recall the play with this Creature, who had thought that he was the one who had got me moved after he took sides with the Old Man Bed 4-007, the representation of the of the Evil as Malice and gossip.
The equation of thie rnames form the code H H And E.D..
Edwin Dominque… The Desire to Dominate out of Jealousy.

The old man can is that virus which uses others, hides behind others and moves them to war and conflict and at the same time getting what he wants from the conflict… A war Monger…
Yes this is a play of the Erik Killmonger… E.K.

Yes… and the creature who was occuppying bed 4-003 who sought to make peace with me whom I scorned, but instead turned to Blair Andrews to speak, Blair looked at me and spoke to him quickly with my back turned I did a thumbs up.

This Creature then decided that since I said No, and he can not take no for an answer, deiced to find a way to pick a fight…
He chose Jimmy Kimmel.
Each night he would come downstairs at night when I was in the T.V Room and intentionally change the channel after the news, which he dared not challenge because of the size of Igbo Anthony, but me, he felt the less dangerous of the two of us, he decided he would try and provoke.
Just as is the way with Cowards, the last time he had sought to provoke me he had run down stairs to the secuirity and I am sure because of the way they gossip here, that he sought as many of them I had confrontations with me to get back at me…

None have and certainly none has been as stupid as this one, who I had warned him again and again that he was being used…

He used Jimmy Kimmel for goodnes sakes!…
J.K… 10 11… Galaxy 1101 IC…/ E Ga La XY 1O 11 C.I..
replacing it with Jimmy Fallon… J.F…10 6…. 16… ?!
It is aligned to me also.. TODAY… Sacred Portal 16…

But the message and the set up was clear…

The First person I saw this morning was Curtis the discourteous..
and I saw him again when I came down to the Back Yard in the Afternoon and again in the Evening…staring balefull at me…

I saw Blake Andrews who came down when I got back this evening… As if if his spirit came to alert me of the set up.. And that I was being asked to perform an Assassination…
I even told informed him that this was my role… Assassin…

1:02 p,m
10 2..J.B.. license to Kill..

I saw Deanne Ennaed post and comment of No one can Change the world…
I knew it was a direct challenge.. indirect and her quoting which I found ridiculous of a 102 year old woman who had lived through World War II and her being asked if anyone can single handedly change the world….
And the womans Answer No!
I found it ridiculous… a womans opinion because she was 102… Being Experince…? The voice of what is possible..
They also said that a Black man would never be elected…
Dear Lord if I listened to what people said, if the world innovators listened to what the what people told them they can or can not do…

I made a simple comment, “What of some one Evolving the World”

I am very aware of what I have beeen saying am doing and the response of the World.. I am at Delta Manor am I not, but like this imbecilic creature here who thought that he had got me kicked out of the room only to discover that I have been given the best Room and bed in the Shelter, supposedly…

1:11 p.m.

I also saw the post of Al Fredo .. of everyone linked at the subconsious level and that it was about bring that which was in teh subconsciouss to full awaremess…

Are you seeing the play… anyone knowing of my work and my declaration of what I was doing from as Far back as 2011 to 2012-13 when with Bill Hung I was given the go ahead by the E.T and the True Ascended Masters to put my plan in motion..
but to my chagrin I was forced to do it the way of the Ascended Masters of the past…
Which I protested most vigourously.. which was to pass through human portals of this mind set…!!

Pax Onion’s then posted evidence posted over and over again with supreme intelligenc in respose Al fredo’s post of how he thinks and sees independently of the world and that the immpossible is possible or something in that vein.. which was basically about the connectivity of all things.
I really did not pay attention to much to it except that I tried to share it on my page but I could not …
But it was basically about Dark Energy and the evidence that Humanity had all the pieces of the puzzle to link and effect reality .. aided by the comments of many people who felt that confirmed the connectivity of all things…

So if all things are connected, it would thus simply require finding a way to fit all the pieces together and make it rise to Human Awareness…

Which any fool can see I have been doing manually while fighting the Spirits of Jealousy in the Spirit realm- the Wizards the Shamans the The Humans and the impossible condiions money used against me food shelter…
And idiots such as this one here..

I sat here, and watched as he arrived… he sat infront of me not realizing that not only I but others had been watching his play.. Including the camera…the secuirity the staff…
I did not realize that but I saw him flexinng his muscles as if to show his intention…
I am always at the computer when he switche channel, every one here knows I watch the Jimmy Kimmel but not really…
I really do not care.. I am usually posting…
I like observing it but if anyone wishes to watch something else I could not care less…

He did not seem to realize this…
I was indifferent to his play…
But today even as I sat eating and then seeing the set up, decided that I was not interested in being used in this stupid play…
But I went to test the waters and told Francis Frick.. F F.. 6 6…
Yes Kemi Sara code that I would use the computer after him just to see.. the play…
Before the news was over at 11:30 p.m he changed the channel not really asking anyone, before I could stop myself I voiced my protest..
He muttered and decided to change it anyway, and ended with “You always want to have it your way”

At the moment when I was going to get up to voice my protest more firmly, Francis Frick vacated the computer..
It was too late, I had ased him to use the computer…
So I turned to the fool and said that ;You simply wish to pick and fight and I will not even deign to argue with a man obviously deranged….
And he is… not welll.. he speaks aloud to himself which was the cause of our contention..’Master yourself I had finally told him after trying other ways to help him.. ” he other guys had already judged him.. imbalanced..

I felt a quiet anger that non had spoken up ecept the action of Francis.. But then Igbo Anthony stood up roaring about the evil he has seen in people and that a man 100 years old had done so much evil and nothing had happened to him. He had destroyed so many lifes…
He spoke of a man who is a lock smith here who breaks into peoples cases and steals things and how he had called him out and how they had taken him out then brought him back in…
He stood over the Evil Herman Hubbard who grew afraid thinking that Anthony might do something to him.. It was obvious that Anthony was alluding to him, I knew it, the fool knew it and all rhe room knew it even thogh he spoke in Igbo…

I knew why they had gotten away with it… For so long.. it was because you guys also indulged it, when convienient…
And then the person took it for granted…
Every one here knows when I call a person out depsise what they repesents.. I do not speak to them.. I make it so obvious and I stated why and I call it out…
Just as I roared to this fool, addressing he directly, even as Anthony stood towering over him but still refused to address him directly…
I did..
I said what I would do to him…
Why Francis Energy moved me to the computer at that crucial moment…
But I was the one who had asked Francis to use the computer…
I had seen the set up.. sixth sense and knew even as I left Starbiucks that I was sure I had one more post… that of the 33…

And after I left the room I gathered that that those who had not spoken up for 9 months and let me carry each night the confronations whiclk allowed them to sleep.. that now it was hellish and now Allen Murray could see it more clearly…
They are the ines of Evil.. he said, Both he and the Old man..He could see more clearly because I was no longer there…

And so that is how they got me to the computer…
To post.. to link to fulfiill the code of 33 Sacred Portal 33 ..As the Beautiful aspect of it… D came to E…
Not Deanne Ennaed.. D.E… But David to the E family…

i let every one know what I am doing…
It did not matter that for 9 months in that room they were allowed to get away with murder and because my expression and equation was thwarted delayed did not mean that it was not working…
I knew it was I checked…
Same as the last six years…
or the last 17 years…
the last 28 years…
Sure I was stunned, sure I was betrayed..But was I made a fool of… No, because meanwhile I entertained the world with possibility, fed imagination, provided food for thought and transparent knowledge and techniques to cleanse and save lifes…I did not provide Hope… Or even Faith…
I added Knowledge to Humanities Knowing.. with Drama and Style Flair and Class in transforming my page into aN AMPITHEATER…AND A Lecture Hall… where my Voice and Being Boomed out to the world…
And a true story…

while I fought to make the impossible to them.. Rise…
78 Degrees New York City…
M W 78…
Black Pather 5th Highest grossing movie of all time…

1:55 a.m.

That is who I am

1:56 am

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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