
2/22/2017 21:36 – Facebook Post

2/22/2017 21:36 – Facebook Post

915.. Face Book Friends… I.O…

But I had a feeling that this was Booby Trapped the moment I posted it that we are moving from what should have been 914 to
917… but then became 912… and should have reached 915…
But instead it moved us back to 914.. Which is where we were and are, in the Beginning but only after a post a Pause
Tsu.. At 912…

I.L…Infinite Limitlessness…
by Adding the 2..A.B… We have added B..Being…
Which I was suspcios of anyway, since the “Bosnian Terrorist of Bruce Lee Fame” had been moved from bed 5009… E.O.O.I..
to Room 2..

So back at 914 Face Book Friends…

6:08 p.m…
68… F.H
Obviously Some One is meddling with this natural E Harmony…
6;09 p.m. I.F

66 89…Obviously…
David Nnamdi Emeka… D.N.E…
*Reprograming the D.N.A back to D.N.E…
(D.S.O.A… Sao..
See meaning of Sao.. in Portuguese

See meaning of The Word Sao

Portuguese » English Translations for “são”
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{A} são healthful
{A} são hale
{A} são healthy
{A} são laudable
{A} são sane
{A} são sound
{A} são well-balanced
{A} são whole
{A} são wholesome
{AUX} são are

engross how lodestar okay stellar stars in Vietnamese

*Still Stunned that I am encoding to memory, manually the D.N.E Evolution sequence from Delta Manor Mental Health Housing Shelter…
D.10-10 N.E.. D.1 O 1 O..N.E…S.. Splendor ( the E Family of TEN)
D 4..J.J…T.N..E… Using Nenad M. Djurdjevic… D.J..U.R..D.J..E.V..I.C…
D.T..N.E… Nor is that… Donald Trump..
Which is not correct ..
The Correct sequence is D. A-O…N.E..S.A.O…
D.A O…. Da Enlightens Da Enlightens Organization…
S.A O.. Stella Antley Stella Offorka..
N.E… Nnamdi Emeka…

D.N.E…S… B… A-O x2…Two Full Circles… Being…
-Which is where the man from Bosnia was sent to Room B…
B.O.S.S is the card I used to call Sir P my uncle…
N.I.A… 14 9 1…incorrect… I am at 914 Face Books…

B.O..SS..I.N.E….Being O S (Symmetrical Perfection S.P is the Sacred Portal the family of Full Splendor… Infinite Naturalness Eternity…O…
T..B.O…S. ( Bro O.K..E S.H.I..E..L.D.S.. Dao Soa..)
S.I.N.E…( SINE…W.A.V.E.S..VV A V E S.. Emily Stanton…
I lived with David and Naim on Stanton Street Lower East Side South…D.N.E…!)
Splendor I.N..E… I Naturally Evolve…

Which is why I had to link Nenad “Unexpected’
To Nnamdi-Emeka… U.N..Universal Naturalness Expected Praise Emeka…Steven Alpha Omega…

D is D.J..U..R..D.J..E.V..I.C…E Galaxy 11O1 I.C/ 1O 11
Alpha-1O1..I.C… Alpha Alpha… A-A
Alpha Omega ..A-A…

D Djurdevic means “George”.. George Clooney E..G.C.E…
“Brother Where Art Thou…? B.O.W..A.T…
George means “Farmer’… D.G.F.. 4 76…
Dette Grant…Francis.. Free Man…
4 76… Delta Awakening…

The Perception of Natures as Ancestors Immature.. not Ripe.. R.I.P..E…have been meddling.. again and again…
The Dead… Ghosts Memories Haunting people…

Just wasting my time…
Making me do this manually when it was and is already programed in Humanity…

Rahul who came in with the Book DUNE…By Frank Herbert..
F.H..68.. just as I was writing th code of David Roman Nicholas Nnamdi Emeka- Erike…
Finally understood the value of the codes…
To give you confidence, to make the fear of the Uncertainty, the Unknown.. The Great Fear in Humanity which created all this Fear and Evil… and hence this excuse to make me do this encoding publicly, realized when I pointed out that his mentor Matt Wallace who Mentors people… M.W.. Links to his coming here to me at Metropolitan Wood.. M.W and his asking me to Mentor him, and then rejecting me because I asked him to buy me a coffee and a sandwich, so he would recognize the value since he was always concerned about income…
But he has since connected with Raol Sidecar.. Who also rejected my my work, because he had no patience or belief that anyone could do what I claimed I was doing…

But today, he grasped it.. G.P.S.. It is for T.C.. Trust and Confidence in Existence…?
No, in E.T.C.. The Expression True Creation.. The Expression of the Truth of the Creator…

And I throw back that back in the Face of the Children of world…
Now that they get it…What about The Creators Trust and Confidence in you?

Let me, break the news N.E.W.S..( North East West South..Sacred Portal Crossing Death J.D… 104.. 1O4…14… I..14… 914 Face Book Friends…
E.The Creator who had such absolute confidence in you… never Trusted you…
And you have proven me so correct that there is a Barr and a Ban that no matter what you will never enter the the Eternal Realm.

You will stay behind here and rebuild an amazing world..
You will Naturally Evolve.. but not to the E line…
You will peak.. and after peaking.. when you go you will cease to exist..

Hows that for consequence for coning the Sequence of The Creator…
I am not Man Kind… because I have observed what how a Man who is Kind or Compassionate is Treated…
As well as A Man who is Feared…
Which is not Respect…
Respect is to See and be Conscious of others, their Existence, their Feelings, which is Grace…
But that does not exist here…
Only the line of Nenad succeeded…
Not even Nnaemeka could pass the last of the E .T Consciousness tests….
Just Rob Barr and Nenad M. Djurdjevic and Pious Nduka Umeano… and that is because these 3 are One….
3 1…
Of the Dew which Rose… with Nnamdi.. E.

7:50 p.m. 7 Continents 5 Seas…
Begone the Consciousness of the Planet…
The Planet and Physical Nature does not and can not Exist with the Consciousness of Their Creator…

D.U.N..E….Delta David “Beloved’ Universe Nature Earth…

What an non stop insult…


Lets Finish this… 8:07 P.M.. S.P..87… 15..6… 56…

Today is 22nd …2-22 2017….20+17..307… T.C..
Sacred Portal 20..”Lady E.C.H.O..I.E”
37 See Sacred Portal “Sophia O Lauren” S.O.L.
10… J.. Jay Livesay.. Jay Reid.. Jose R bed 5004 E.O.O.D..54..
1 O..
1 5 1

My 3 new face book friends J.P.G.. 59 F.B.F… E.I
S.G… 94.. I.D..

2 22..2017.. 307… T.C…( 203…23..5…E..32…5..E) E.T.C.E…

B.V…E.T.C.E… Being Victorious E.T.C.E.T.E.R.A..

Rob 200 usd.. Nenad 200… Dean 200…X 4

See the Code of M.T.C.N…From N.M.D…

1 86 311 67! 31…
1 86/68…311/113…67/76…31/13…

18 63 11 67 31… 18/18…63/36…11/11 67/76…31/13…

3’s… 186…311 673…1

A.H..F…C.K…Fact Gode…Room 3A…Resurrection…

Full Circle-… A..Hindsight Foresight/ Foresight Hindsight
Chukwuemeka Kolo A.M.. Sacred Portal 67/76.. Went this Far for Love-Truth to bring forth the Awakening A.M..through Awareness Manifesting…Resurrection Materialized.. R.M.. Rosario Mari..

R First Contact Full Circle in the 11;22 Room 5C..Vincent Victoria Victor…of th 6776…1313…26..S.P.. Eros Aphrodite.. EA.. Zorro…
Eternal Hero of the Golden Dawn…Consciousness Awareness Manifest.. C..A.M…44.. D.D…@ 8..And 16.. Confirmed today

*A Marked Hundred Dollar Bill.. same as the one Rob Barr gave me..
His # F.D.R..MUSIC..Cinq..
Nenads… with 4 X… ..4X.. 16.. 7 P.G…x=TEN.. 10 J.
Jasmine Paloma Gregory
Code is L.B..27 31…73..68…A…
L.B.A…Love Light Life is Being Aware… Beauty -Awareness

2 73 17…36..8… B…G.C ( Brother where art though George is 55..EE..) 17..Q. 36..360 (90..9O..I.O.. E O S.. Spirit E)..
8.. Sacred Portal Desire.. 8..Harmony… The Dream of the One Father S.P 10…

Let me finish this…

I notice that my three New Face Book Friends…
4 3… then 3 3.. from 913… I.M P.O..SS..I.B…L.E…
912..I.L..Infinite Limitless yet Measurable ( “because I am Manifest”)

913 912… 914 914…

99 13 12…18 25… 9 7…97…
99 1414…18 28…( R.B.H) 9 10… * See yesterday play 913 Face Book Friends.. then on phone Gx4 Phone… 910 Face Book friends..
Then the shift back to 9 13..
99 1313… 18..26… R.Z… AH..B.F….9 8…
Rob Barr and now Nenad M. Djurdjevic Best Friend Harmony E…

Jasmine Paloma Gregory had/has 59 Face Book Friends…
Susan Gonzalez had or has 94
Thelma Cruz has 307….

6:18 p.m
Francis Robert…
Free Men Famed Bright Shinning Light of Splendor…

8;33 p.m.
8:37 p.m…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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