
2/21/2021 20:17 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 50.

Ego Oge.
E O.
50 Usd.

This is the play of the First People but as the first people in this World Story.

Do you see the Bull- Oxen- Buffalo.

Chief Sitting Bull.

The American Indian “Beef” as well as the Afro Indian-( In Diana) Dravidians who come before the Proto Indo- Europeans) had a grudge about Fair Exchange.

And who to treat a Guest and how the Guest shows respect in return.

This code on this page goes all the way back to the first Dutch trading ships from the Netherlands * yes where Ezeufonna Ifenanana Nnaemeka lives- to South West Africa- the Eri Eze Nri creation story of the first king Arthur- and Camelot and then to the 4 Males and then 4 females who emerged from him to create the 4 cardinal Direction “Umeano” Breath. to the Feminine aspect as the Four Market Days Eke Orie- Afo Nkwo… Yes. E O. A.N.
50… 5O really, Sacred Portal 50.
And the Market Square, ( Square Waves Gift from Liberty C Liscomb B I. AT.E 001.

Just as the statue here in Connecticut, Asylum Avenue Bushnell Park- where I was placed in the hotel room 904 and where I left to West Virgina the 35th state and connected by telephone to Alicia Norris and later her son, Aria Norris. A N. A N which had the statue of the four reps of the American Indian “Chief, Hunter, Brave and Healer. and above the Four aspects of Woman – Squaw and then the crown top the Stag.

It is the same story.

And the market represented the lines of communication and distribution. Fair Trade. with Eke the represented as the Earth God-Goddess as the Guardian of the Market place.
Literally Fair distribution of Natural resources via expression conscientiousness- respect of the laws as well as food and palm wine and other things.
The E O AN as Eri.
Eri Okolo in the book Nze Warriors of Peace is he depicted in Sacred portal 46.

Another name in the west for Eri-Cee would be Zeus.

And it connected lined all the way to Wall Street.
( W S/ S W.. South Whitney- South West Nigeria)

Anyway, I wished to add Sitting Bull and their resistance and refusal of the Proto Indo European stock and mentality to rise because of that Greed Disease.

7:17 pm

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