
2/21/2019 20:42 – Facebook Post

From Rays McKayla… R M

I was glad that Nathaniel Thomas Bywater liked this-he is the one who gave the true story of the word which has kept bursting from my mouth my E-Spirit for the last 15 years.. “Aya!”

The Tale of the Serpent and the betrayal by the Shamans…

I would also like you to link the true meaning of Satan as Santana… and not the meaning Humans attributed to it… as blame..

Also please link Ophiuchus Aclespius the 13 Astrological Sign…

Link Ouroboros the All Encircling Serpent…

( Our OBO Ros-E….)

Link Primordial Existence.. Dinosaurs…

Link Long Island play… Professor Patrick Okolo

Large Intestines…

Phallus… Hole… Whole…

Mouth to Anus,,, M A.. Mba Afo Ocha.. M A O..
O Full Circle attained and confirmed by the arrival of Ai Mee

Black Stallion ridden by my Bio Father and myself in Ireland with Jonn Jason Lee…
B S.. 2 19…
And my great grandmother who was an athlete and warrior so beautiful and unsual in her beauty that they made a legend of her having descended from the Sky… much like the Legend of Eri in the OINri Legend and Lore of having manifested him self as the four Cardinal Directions C D.. 3 4… Ref Esteban Miguel Filgueira
E M F.. Embodied in a male..

And the feminine as the 4 Market Days.. ,M.D…

4 4.. and of course the 1 as Eri…

Ref the Statue of Stage as Eri the 4 Indians Sqaws…
And the 4 Indians.. The Chief,The Scout, The Warrior and the Hunter….
C S W ..H.. Y

C South Whitney House Y…

Now let me show you something…
Aligned to yesterdays date…
and the code 21…

7:11 p.m.

P.S Rays McKayla reminded me that Estebans cat Leonardo was formely named Sage by Sabrina as Sage….
Her cat who recently deceased before I arrived was called Sage, Sage Sapphire Burgos…
S B.. 19-2/ 2 19…. Being 19.. Rays McKayla
Recall her as the Mouse Show… and also the Cat…

She told me of how she was once alone with John Mack and how they heard a distinctive “ME OW: of the deceased cat..

Sacred Portal 59…
is ME OW…

I knew all this already and read it again through the script…
but was too bored to post it…
I was watching Cillian Murphy,
E K.. M M.. Eric James Murphy at Connecticut 5th State 5=E E.R I C…
Kyle Murphy… K.. From New York the 11th State.. K..
I moved through the Universal Script BACK WARDS… 11 to 5.. The 5 Connect to 5 and back to New York.. E K…

C M .. e 4/3…E K… My response to the equation E=MC2

– yesterday on a series I randomly started watching Peaky Blinders…
In which in one scene he gives his Wife “Grace” a Blue Sapphire from a Russian Duchess, which he then finds out is cursed- the moment he hears this- he asks his wife to remove the Blue Sapphire, but she doesnt and moment later she is shot and killed…

Black Cats unlucky…
Friday the 13= M.
M is here and Sage -Leonardo… “Da Vinci” is not black he is orange..Same color as the Kitchen here.. 2nd Color in spectrum rainbow….

S L D… S O L D….!

“Wisdom is the Cleanser of Life , the Bold Lion is the Brave Hearted The Invincible unconquerable one”

I am the Black Cat.. Deemed by this Script and Role as Unlucky.. cursed… to the Blackest Pit…
I am actually the Black Panther.. The Big Cat…
ME OW… 59.. E I..E is actually me as the bringer of destruction- please see this confirmed by the Universe confirming ever step of the way…

for what thy did to the M= 13… C = 3…
M C..
Master of Ceremonies… M O C..K… Me?
Manifest Consciousness…

2 19= 21..
Age code reflected and embodied as if he were my Son…
by John Mack.. Jump Man…

I will now share sacred portal 21 and 64… 64 my sister code…88 Squared 64…

Today is the 21st… U.. Universe M.E… A N.. O..
O N A.. E M ..U..

7:42 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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