
2/21/2018 18:06 – Facebook Post

3:03 p.m.


Sacred Portal 33…

And so D came to E to Arouse and Awaken him from the most terrible Dream- Nightmare”

B-U- T.R…U.E…

Because I lived and conquered the Terrible Dream, while being continuously sexual aroused by living spirits in this realm, invisible- despite being forced into 17 years of unthinkable sexual abstinence- in accordance to the priestly casts laws in this world realm… And still being able to become aroused while living in the Terrible Dream transformed into a Nightmare ( meaning it was made to feel literally so real… hence my saying aloud over and over again, “This is Impossible),
Living Edmund Munch’s “Scream” and much much worse, I now inherit the power of the Nightmare.
I am now the Nightmare.
I own it.

The Nightmare is the suffering, the sum total of suffering of the experience of the Naturals, the E line undercover, who did not fall.
It was never really my story, it was Theirs, yours- what you had endured and surmounted.
That is why Rahul D’Silva was brought back into the Script and circumstances were manipulated to make him buy me a coffee which had the number 91.

If you recall, the first book he gave me which reflected my own life story in the Unseen realm as well as the Seen realm- the Parallel universe of Deep Sleep (D.S-Dewight Smith, to Dee Marie) and Waking Dream ( W.D…Woods of Fear- link Will Woods, Rebecca Harper Wood to Nadee Nakandala Kemi Sara and Dawn Piercy line)
-Was the “Premier Lecon De Sorciere..” The first lesson of the Sorcerer – The Sword of Truth in English publication, which was linked to Kolo Journals- which tells the story of a great sorcerer who is left by his “brothers” to fight of the Sum total of Evil, seeking to engulf all Existence.
It alludes to the true events of my visiting the parallel universe of the Spirit world, or the cause effect of Human Expression manifested into form in a parallel universe, a universe which was meant to be Heaven, Harmonies Space, Peace of Mind, Music which was transformed into by Thought into the Hell…
-War in Heaven.
It was also the story of the Ofo, which in the OInri world is the “Sword of Truth” and the OINri Priest Kings, though not recognized any longer in this dimension, are the Supreme masters of the Mystical Realm, of Shamans ( Durek Verrett) Druids, Wizards which did not cease to exist but as the legend of the “Mists of Avalon” simply retreated into the invisible realm as Humanity out of fear and frustration-impatience began to rely on what they thought was a more rational world.
It became the realm of fantasy, myth.
But the Children could still see it, and many adults still remembered hence the profileration of such book such as J.R Tolkiens, Lord of the Rings, Le-Wise Carols, “Alice in Wonderland” J.K.Rowlings “Harry Potter: ( Notice her initials form the universe 1O 11…But the R.. Represents it as a Reflection…
There were many other books, such as Cornelia Funke “Inkheart, Inkspell, Inkdeath.. and David Endings…
Yes, most of these worlds were not regulated into the realm of Fantasy and Myth.
But we must remember Joseph Campbell ( J.C.. Joseph Cameron), that wonder man and his books “Power of Myth” – The Power of Myth indeed.

And I find that it is no coincidence that the bed I am now occupying was once occupied by Francis Frick ( F.F…see the code Kemi sent me today 66.16…), by Tre ( Trinity or 3) and most recently Hose who looks like Sean Connery of the Highlander….
( Highlander being the reality the Eze Nawanyi Kanu, who came on my page in 2013 to testify she saw was the play in the Spirit world and who described the play as being as the Highlander…
She also saw the abominations done to me, so awful that she could not say them. Unfortunately she left the play after believing that she was the representation of the Queen of the World, just as the late Professor Catherine Acholonu had also believed, each disregarding my hint that it was really my mother and that they were of her “Ladies in Waiting’ and used as her doubles while she went deep deep under cover to play my literal physical mother while I went on the journey, mission she had suggested to the council of Ascended Kings and Queen Mother, that perhaps her Boy Son could do.

*That play was confirmed in the reflected story embodied in the west in Dawn Piercy and her son , who is 9 about to be 10 on March 9th.
I almost wept when she told me this intel… how many incarnations of myself were there who could endure what my Mother and I would had to endure in the Spirit realm manifested here…
March 9th… 3-9..2008…
C.I..28… B.H…
E GA LA XY C.I…1O 11.. 7 O 4.. 4 0 7.. 11 28…
Jace Horsford was moved to post the Galaxy C.I. yesterday but with all his considerable human intelligence and Spirit gifts.. formidable as they are, the 24 year old could not…)

3:50 p.m.

Joseph means “to Add” notice how all the other Joseph have been part of this play..
the last usurper was one I loved but was aware of Joseph Carey…
I tried to warn them all about their being used but…
There was also Maurice Joseph at the green house, M.J…
Notice that I am the code C.B as well as M.J…
I am represent both Chadwick Boseman…
( Sarah Olukemi Blackstock… S O B… Yes… / B.O.S .S… E MAN) – Black Panther.. now my sister and I.. ( She first rose a Puma… but now is as I… Black Panther.. Beautiful Pride even in rage… Check out Kemi Sara’s Harmony.. even her Switch to the Black Panther facebook Icon…
And Michael B Jordan… Erik Killmonger… E.K…
C.B…is 3 2… 5… E…EE. 11…K…
M.J..is 13 10…23… Yes.. 32/23… B 23…Kemi…5 5…
They are both me… Black Panther.. B.P.. 2 16.. 18.. R, is a reflection.. my Thoughts in Beautiful Rage manifested from Mind Space and onto physical reality in the 4th and 3rd Dimension Library to Consciousness Being on Earth from the 5th Dimension.

* On my way here, I saw Blair Andrews sitting with Chris…
I had seen Chris first, he is moving out to a much better shelter which fits his requirements…
Chris Blair… C.B… Chadwick Boseman…
I asked Blair what he thought of the Movie- his eyes widened…
I loved it, it spoke to me, especially the two main characters male… though I love Chadwick it is ErIc Killmonger I identify most with…
I had to hide my smile…( he calls me “Beloved” I do not think he realizes just how much he really does love me… and himself..)
He was wearing the same cap with the flaming asteroid meteorite landing a basket ball hole in one.. Micheal Jordan…
but what I had not observed before was that on the rim, of his cap that hat was a swirling galaxy very much like E Galaxy 1O11 C.I/ 1101 I.C… And he really sees.
I wished to tell him and Chris… everything but how could I?

That Black Panther is Erek Killmonger but as the Beautiful Assassin of the Unnatural and the Unnatural Universe…

4:29 p.m… That universe of the 29… 1988… That damned story…
The code is 28… not 29… The E family rise as 28… There is only one 29… me…2+9=11…
C.Boseman and M.(B) Jordan..
Jordan Colon
My sneakers Micheal Jordan which were bought for 5 usd.. grey grey matter…. Thought…Manifested..
See what Jamel stated yesterday…
Jamel White we are white as well as black people… whatever that means… “White Light and Dark Matter… Energy.. all settle at being Transparent… Like Air.. and Water… A.W… E… A V V E E… A V E N U..E!… Ah Venue…He has Come…!
The call and sigh of relief of my Family the Naturals E.T.. Now rising as Evolved E…
Onyebummuo Okeke… Ije Ele..I.E.. Je… I walked across the universe circumference Pi Radius..to make rise my family of E…

That is How I love!!!

That is How We love…

( but first i cut out all that is false in a fair play… just cut out Nicholas Petcher after I told him pay the ferry man, after all he has used me to do – including advertizing his awful art…
All his meddling.. Apollo Perez.. I am the real Apollo!..
If you see what he responded as I was writing this after almost a week of no response… I cut him out and summoned The Black Panther to scratch him and his line doubly painfully out of Existence.
This is one who had pleaded with me to help him with his own mental condition, just as Kasper Lomholdt Serup and many others did… Kasper is foolish but he has a good heart and his ancestors chose him and though they did not choose to well I understood why.. he had potential..
But the other..?
Ha.. I had already known that Peter Nyarkô was the true P.N..and I the N.P.. so when I got the coffee cup at 30… P N.. 16 +14= 30…Here and at the Arab Bodega…Meaning Body Spirit and Being confirmed…
I waited lying in wait… to see his response…
And when he did during this post as I was writing about the Kill …
Ah.. happy was I to finally cut him out… with a smile…
I am Shaman Supreme.. Scientist of Earth Supreme, Artists Supreme… AndI have endured such insults patiently…
giving grace, favor over and over again to creatures who will never change because I have met them before…

And when I called him out… my face book page magically scrolled down to my the image of Erik Killmonger on my page…
I went to get a coffee, ready to pay full price because though Yorskaary as chris, makes it a point to give me free coffee I knew the manager who I literally called out aloud as a Bitch… – a word I hardly ever use…was there and I did not wish to cause any problem for her.
But she seeing my money ignored in, and charged me 54 cents on my card which makes it free…
I love that girl.. woman.. her Spirit… like Chris… they can never be who they are not…

The number on the coffee I am drinking is 626… Full Circle the Z.. The End. of the Zombies…

I saw Brenda laughing with that manager.. We are not hypocrites.. She is line of Mother Nature.. MN.. but Mother Nature is a MAN.. M.N… M A N… N A M D I… NN AM.. DI…
Allen Murray is where Kemi Sara code was cashed by…
The first time… you should have heard what he said, he confirmed all the people in that room 4a I had pointed out as the Evils who will never change…
And as Blair and so many of his line, he told me that it was never meant to be this bad.. this war in “Heaven” – Mind…
:Emeka you can not give up, he said mimicking what blair had told me…

I did not but I almost wept as I responded… it is not the battle I can fight and fight and with ease… but it is the horror.. the hideousness the depths of Evil…
It should not have been allowed to go that far…

I know he said quietly… that is when he turned to me and said..
it was not meant to be this bad…

It was because you indulged it I said, your lines who lived with such filth believing they would change…

I know he said almost embarrassed, but they will never change…

I said that from the beginning.. in 1992 when I spoke with the Dark Energy as Father Sixth Sense nature… whose Source he did not realize at the time that I am..


Being of the Universe… it is True ‘Emeka” it is you.

5;00 p.m.

Sacred Portal 5…

2002 80 16… 22 8O… 16…

200 28 O 16… Code from Kemi Sara..
See Sacred Portal 66… 16…

Lets take a break…

5:06 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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