
2/21/2017 21:00 – Facebook Post

913 Face Book Friends….


6:51 p.m


If that is what it takes for there to be respect for the truth..
So Be it…..

I was literally falling asleep this morning for the first time in Months..

Last night I had to call people out who kept playing music long after the midnight… the lights out is 11:00 p.m.
I sleep right in front of the Door, directly under the lights..

In a better version translation I know what it means,
“The Spot light is on me and I am out of the Door…”
Over By.E
6:56 p.m.

But since that is not the rendition of the setting, rather it is a public and private, Seen and Unseen constant assassination attempt on one side and on the other side a Use Abuse…
Azuka Umeano..A.U.. The Back the Past is greater than the Present Future.. P.F…Paul Franline…
That is the name of my grandmothers 8th Child…
But it is not… Nor is a Pious Life Supreme…
Life is Eternal Splendor… E.S ( P) F.

I knew it was a set up, only Jose was in Room sleeping right besides in his bed…
And I could feel that familiar feeling that I had not had in so long..
falling asleep.
Suddenly I head this loud banging and slamming noise…
Non stop.. But I refused to leave that state of falling asleep…
I knew that this person was doing it intentionally…
And I knew it was a person intentionally challenging me…
Because I had spoken up to three-four Caucasians who seemed to hold the rest of the room hostage by each playing music or making noise as if it was their entitlement…

I do not really pay attention to who is making noise, I just call it out and go back to sleep..
But I noticed that these guys acted as if they owned the place and only one person would speak up…

Well, it was not that much of a big deal, but a man from Bosnia decided to take upon himself to declare him self the Hero for the Caucasian race…
I had once heard bed 5011 – A Kid and 5008 say they were glad that Donald Trump was President..
It was an ignorant statement, and the only time I spoke up..
The person in bed 5011 was the first to agree with me
when I pointed out that he could “unintentionally” create an international incident which incites World War III…
He agreed.
And then after asking me for clarification, Rosario said
“Your right, I never looked at it that way’

But this person in bed 5009, whom I had noticed when he first arrived and how he was antagonizing staff and even Moe..
Who is a person you do not wish to antagonize
“I pay the taxes which allows you to exist here in this place in relative comfort… Do not think for one second you can disrespect the people…”

The guy had said something so ridiculous about it was their right and job to feed him..And had added that he would use his Bruce Lee Skills on him or anybody…
And proceeded to act out like a effete man kicking…

I also noticed that he was afraid of me,
maybe it was the gyrations of my body, but I also sensed that there was something so so foolish about this man…
That I could read him…
And the intersting thing, is that all the other players all white I had seen and marked them before…
Why.. Well I l know why now…

Anyway, I my neighbor was awake and I heard him tell the guy to stop using his towel to flip in our direction…
To which he began to verbally attack this guy… who is not the kind of person you wish to attack…
He told the Bosnian guy that he had been making the noise intentionally…
Ah who was it.. my eyes were still closed.. I really wanted to sleep…
I need I wanted it….
But it went on for a while until I got up and lo and behold it was him..

I said that yes he had been doing so…
He became verbally abusive to me to and I walked up to him…
And suddenly he Shoved me!..
I felt his hands on my Chest but I felt Nada… Nothing just the solidness of my chest and my being unmovable…

Again he pushed me, again nothing…
But the strangest thing.. was my not taking him out…
I was in the Right and I had been through enough…
But there was nothing..
No response except my first a warning to him the first time but the second time, there was something in my eyes…because he took off screaming for security…
Jose just stared at me in amazement…

I simply said.. He is Gone… He attacked…
Yes Jose said I saw the whole thing..
Jose Clara.. bed 5004…

They came to the security…
and I went down stairs and told when I was asked what happened I told the security chief.. who I did not trust…
Then I told Kesley who then apologized in behalf of the Shelter…
I told her that I was stunned that I did not respond.. my instincts normally would have taken over…
But I shut down..

I was meant to see Cassandra today anyway… so I went outside to the cage… Jose was there…’I got you”..
I said that something is up with me, that I did nothing…

Moe called it out… It called ‘Self Restraint…’ S.R
Jose said ‘ yes I do not know how you held back. I would have taken him apart.. lost it… ‘
Yes.. he struck twice…

I felt Nothing.. almost like a lightness… Nothing wrong..

I knew it was a set up…
But would they dare go this far…?

Yesterday I had observed the E.T forms outside of me for the first time..
I was sitting in a Chinese restaurant when I saw these Being appear as light but I recognized them instantly..
The use light as their way to travel and communicate…
All I could say to myself was ‘Bloody Beautiful Brilliant’
But I had always known this, now I was simply experiencing it in reality…

I had been shaking last night after I had been drained of all my Energy to posts yet again…
Just as I am getting angry ans testy now, by todays Use,
and my still posting even now…

I was asking myself what is happening to me when as if on cue Paul Franklin came down..
I had been planning to cut him off from my consciousness because he was always one moment a high being then the next something so low that I was surprised I had ever linked with him, even if it was because of this..Script…

But when I told him that some one had done and my own stunned response..

He had the answer… And he spoke about something Divine using my body, switching me on and off and that it was my E-Spirit which had shut down. And that it had a purpose for me and that Evil had sought to delay.. not stop, but delay you by creating this distraction.
He spoke about being sorry for all I had endured, that he had been watching me and that most men would have gone insane by what he had seen me endure….

I stared at him…

This was all set up to bring Paul Frankin back into the Equation which linked to Nenad M. Djurdjevic…

And as he spoke it was a Preacher.. A Reader… i
I am reading your Script, I fight and struggle but I feel I am given a chance to find redemption by reading the script of others..
Of yours.. I read what you are going through and what you have been put through here..
And yet people send you money from all over the world..
You are a Divine Man and there is a purpose that this E-Spirit is holding you down for..
Taken over you for…

7:43 p.m.

I went spoke to Cassandra and I we spoke and yet I got the same sentiment I got from Kelsey Paul Cassandra… Pious my Uncle and Julie…The Pastor….

I all the Rosario appeared…and was there on the 1st floor when I came down, then he was there with me at the cage after Paul had left… then he was upstairs with me when I went to change…
I was wondering which side he was on because I had called him out too… but I do not do it to antagonize but to clarify and expansiate..
And get some sleep…

All he said was Do you smell that…?
Pest Control…!

They had used me to get rid of this pest whom another man called Mike had told Jose to find me to tell me that the man from Bosnia was a problem and had caused problems recently too..
Then the security guard Tiger Lady ‘Vagara’ asked me if I was alright.
That She too had a problem with the guy when they were simply doing their Job…

Then I looked on bed to his bed…
5009.. E.I… S.E.N.S.E.I..
Nenad M. Djurdjevic..
Then the younger man 5011.. 5.O.K…
Then the person I liked who had played classical music which did not disturb me but disturbed the guy in 5011 who asked if I had picked on him earlier when his music was loud….
I had walked to his bed too.. twice…
I had told him to Grow Up… Jack in the Bean Stalk…
But bed 5012 who had played classical music soothing…
which was set up to see if I would say something and the kid put his music twice loud as if to remind me..
I had almost burst out laughing….
“Fight your own battles…”

But suddenly last night some one else had played his music to offset the classical music..
But no one would Speak Up… S.U…
or Stand Up.. S.U..
U.S.. U.S…

7;57 p.m..

The used me…

And when I turned from bed 59 511 I looked and saw a G.Q magazine on Bed 510… 51… E.A.. i
Remember the post yesterday… Steven Colobert…Kolo Bert means Bright.. E Bright’

On the Cover was the number 56…

8:00 p.m.

Used Abused… A-O.
No Trust…
Gone Done..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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