
2/21/2016 18:07 – Facebook Post

2/21/2016 18:07 – Facebook Post

3:52 p.m.

/ E.B.C…

21-2-9…U-B-I…3-2-9…C.B…I…/ I.B..C

2-21-9… B.U.I ( Meaning “Unexplained” and “Abundance” Vietnamese Chinese)

Being Unique Individual…

Which is the Egyptian Book of the Dead’s code within the Ka..
Known as the BA..Unique Individual.. U.I..

BA is code, B=2, A=1 ..21
Reference the Alignment to todays Date..

Then to my latest Face Book friends page…
Esoteriq Eriq..E.E.

Then link it to the Ancient Egyptian Tarok,
Onechance Onechance Onechance…had the code name Tarok..

Tarok, are the source of the Modern Taroh, the Cards, 72 portals-

Link it to my 7 months and 2 day stay at 18 Mountain View..
And Jonn’s memory and dream of going home to a Palace through the Nile of Ancient Egypt..

Then link it to the play an intel while I was staying at 268 East 4th Street with my former host, code initials E.A.R.S..And the nonstop evidence that I was entombed in Ancient Egypt while at the same time present in New York, and the 9 years, of my seeking the portal out- while fully aware it was the pathway affirmed through Sean Bono’s truest self- the way home to Nnamdi- Father, my I.E…

Intel from the internet

The ancient Egyptians believed that a human soul was made up of five parts: the Ren, the Ba, the Ka, the Sheut, and the Ib. In addition to these components of the soul there was the human body (called the ha, occasionally a plural haw, meaning approximately sum of bodily parts)

“The ka was more than that though. When the ka acted, all was well, both spiritually and materially. Sin was called “an abomination of the ka”. The ka could also be seen as the conscience or guide of each individual, urging kindness, quietude, honor and compassion. In images and statues of the ka, they are depicted as their owner in an idealized state of youth, vigor and beauty. The ka is the origin and giver of all the Egyptians saw as desirable, especially eternal life.

Kas resided in the gods as well. Egyptians often placated the kas of the deities in order to receive favors. The divine kas also served as guardians. Osiris was often called the ka of the pyramids//

The ‘Ba’ (b?) was everything that makes an individual unique, similar to the notion of ‘personality’. (In this sense, inanimate objects could also have a ‘Ba’, a unique character, and indeed Old Kingdom pyramids often were called the ‘Ba’ of their owner). The ‘Ba’ is an aspect of a person that the Egyptians believed would live after the body died, and it is sometimes depicted as a human-headed bird flying out of the tomb to join with the ‘Ka’ in the afterlife.

In the Coffin Texts one form of the Ba that comes into existence after death is corporeal, eating, drinking and copulating. Louis ÂŽabkar argued that the Ba is not part of the person but is the person himself..

Why is this so relevant?

Well it is the last alignment of this worlds History- and time line of Consciousness and Cosmology, aligned back into its original expression through the consciousness of E, or the Consciousness of the 5th Dimension..
source of the Universe U=21..BA..ABBA, BABA..
Unique Individual Personality- represented by their Name meaning right to its Sound Vibration..
Hence, the Play on Face Book, through Names, meaning and intials..

Meaning of Esoteriq Eriq..
E.E.. 55.. See sacred portal 55..”E.M,M.E”

Esoteric means..
“Intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest”

Eric means..”The name Eric is a Norse baby name. In Norse the meaning of the name Eric is: Ever or eternal ruler. Island ruler. Famous bearer: 10th-century Norwegian explorer Eric the Red”

Eso- is a greek word meaning Expand, Inner and Within”

Notice his name ends with Q’s.. QQ..17 17..34..See sacred portal 34..
*On my version (the E Version) of the Taroh as sacred portal…
156 in total +2 literal embodies.. 1 58.. and one who is 8 in one..(5+3)
See play with Elizabeth Clarizio..

3 4 12 7 19 84..1O 3..13..4…
A portal out of the 4th Dimension is what this play has aligned it to..

4:43 p.m is the time right now..

Code affirmed by Father O (Time and Perfect Timing) and Lady Harmony Echo E)

See sacred portal 43 “portal to “True Life”
43/34..7 7.. 14..5.. 49..13 4..
5 4…Say E.D..I..Light…
12 12..24..6…144..9…96/69…15=O, 54..

43 7 12.. 1984 (Big Brother is Watching, see the date of my birth listed as 1984.. age 31.. 48…4..9..See Sacred portals..1O3..J.C..1OOO..13..MM..Z..


Haun (Jonn Blackwell)
Donna O’Sullivan..
here at 18 Mountain View..
and me..

E.H.D… 5 8 4..
D.H.E…4 8 5..

4:51 p.m.

Area 51.. is an Energetic Expression of Consciousness
Fully Aware its Being Conscious of how and why it Cees and Perceives everything it does..

It is because it has accessed and merged with the Eternal Truth with..
Face Book.

S.E.E..F.B..B (V)..K.K..I…N.G (147)… Viking
I.K.K..BB (V) F.E.E…..Supreme.

Lolitaloveceleste Sydaphasavanh Darsigny
Vilayhackmoiane SydaphasavanhRouault

Code L.S.D…V.S.R.. Victorious V=5..Stone Ridge

LO.V.E…8…(Links) D.R…Doctor Love..

RD..8…E.V.O.L..VOLUTION…Volition ..
A Choice… Free Will..

To evolve is an individual Choice..

of each Being- Individual Unique Persons..
which is why you each have a Name..
And Eternal Name…
your first name, to which you remain forever true..

Esoteriq Eriq…EE..QQ…

A open path way to only those few who did their home work work, chose to ascend, and walk the path of Expansion deep within, the way to transformation into there realm of 4 Ever, the Eternal Ruler (ER Earth) the E.
Victorious realm of the Individuals..
With Sparkling Personalities..
Snow Flake..
Code rep in name by Stephen Filgueira…
5:06 p.m

12..3 C.. Complete.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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