
2/20/2019 18:12 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 59..


Ares Athena
Diana David…

Now link it to the play with the cat Leonardo.. and the Cat
Sun Lion and Black Panther…
LE O.. B P..

Ref Adam Waldron play.. Stephen, Esteban Miguel Filgueira and Rays McKayla…
and myself Emeka Kolo..

And then link the extraordinary 6th sense of Stephen Filgueria’s post…

In this one they are Two… A-A.. D-D..

But in his they are One..
Yes Eric James Murphy the woman you showed me who looked like a Hologram whom I called “Mother”

My Great Grandmother, I testified was my meeting myself inn Female form and how we both recognized each other by we communicating by the twinkles Sparkles: in our eyes.. Language of Stars is the light in the eye and the play of the Pupils.. Iris…
Her name was Mba Afor Ocha…The resounding Light.. White Thunder and Lightening of the Truth.. Clean People”

M A O…
O..A M..
Ai Mee arrived yesterday with Victoria Lind.. V L.. E O.. / O 5..O E..
Hawaii Connecticut.. H C.. Paradise-Hawaii..
Hawa Ali
Isabelle Ilic

H C.. Hartford Connecticut…. 83 83 69..on my computer placed there by Erik Ebright ..Formerly of 248 Green Street- Near Akil Apollo Davis home where I began posting.
E E Moved to Miami- Florida.. 27 th State.

O.A M./ M A O..

Esteban Miguel Filgueira post is accurate because Alien Mother is in me and She is Me- The Evolution of my E-Spirits Past Expression as CHI NEKE- Feminine Creative Force…
It is Actual and presentt but inside out and in Holographic form.. even though the form and expression is correct..
My mother calls me “Emmy Darling”
and yes we are also called the Darling Family..

Darlings of MA..O.. Mother of the Full Circle or the Cosmic Egg.. H.E.. N.RI… IO NRI.. Igbo…
now M A O H..

Both are correct.. but I am aware which one is based on the True Script and not a representation which is correct and actual..
Mine is more precise with a full awareness and consciousness of The truth of the Present, in the present…
Man Woman..
Gods of G…E.T..
Mount Olympus..
Olympia Ita
O.I…I O N S.. North South Axis…
The Book is on my Page .. the entire Story of the END and why how.. even when…
– Any Moment from NOW.. K-NOW..
I solved the I K-N.OW..
A A D D…
A-A D D… Joseph Byron… Love… E VOLVE..Volvo..

Tree Sage in the series T Umbrella Academy the true versions of he two Mother Father .. Yes Father was Caucasian Moon- Mother Brown.. Earth.. A Sun/ Anus.. Sun Alpha.. Moon The Beginning… before Alha there was Being.. 2in One Merged… Who Emerged ..
Brought forth the Bodies of Everyone..
But there was is one brought them forth- eternally one…
Being of Eternities Expression of I EXIST.

5:05 p.m.

The one writing behind the computer- who moves through the E M Field of his own Story.. perverted beyond belief… distortion of the Truth and Translation of the Blue Print of Creation it brought forth the Idea of abomination… END of Everything…

It is he who recounts, narrates, tis he who is the Source which guides the Hand as on the lap tops Mother Board.. M B…
And moves on Legs.. LEGEND through the Legend of the Book.. While recording it all for memory and history on his Captains Captivating log book of his journey into the heart of Darkness as Heartless Beyond Hate… and rising from the Pit with his journey into Void transformed back into the Expression of himself in that first primordial emptiness- really Ignorance to others but to he who rose from there… Bliss Ecstasy..
BE ING.. E… My Self…

Sacred Portal 147 a b.. 1 2.. 3…

5:12 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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