
2/20/2019 17:34 – Facebook Post

2:30 p.m.


2 30… 23 O.
B C O… W O..

B.TT S..

Beautiful Truth… Is the GATE WAY Of the 4th Dimension and the World Play and Stage.

How do you beat a Script which is based on the human mentality of Lies and Deceit..?
How do you prove the Truth.. and the Beautiful Truth in a dimension in which telling the Truth has manifested untold misery suffering and persecution.

Where people seek power -because they have learnt that is the only way to survive in this realm, is to have power and control over others, people places things…

“Merge Emerge” to quote Rays McKayla and John Mack
that is what I found myself doing, going deep undercover as an E.T.
And through empirical research, of the experiencing the the Lies and Deception but also the truth by entering into this worlds point of view, each time when alone, coming up from undercover with intel, understanding why people who are themselves made up of Truth and Facts.. Body.. your body is a Fact. Filled with Dna- Information,Intelligence…
..Prefer to deception and lies over the very essences of themselves.

When I saw Esteban Miguel Filgueira share on my Timeline, after our quiet conversation basically my seeking to assure him that I was going home soon because i had solved the riddle.
I had tried to explain to him that it was actually better for him to see me an Extra Terrestrial and not of or from this world.
Because this would allow him to remember that I speak a language of a different frequency and thus, the way I see things and use words and language is different from the way people here see and perceive things.
I spoke to him of my focus only the only thing real in this world at present is the completion of myself who is an E.T.. or rep of the Hue-Man Being… and that there can be no malice only Truth.

Ah.. my greatest torture and torment.. which I know many of you can relate to is being Misunderstood.
Normally I am not bothered, and before this journey or mission rose as a force of truth I was easy about it and would decide if I wished to clarify myself to a person who did not understand me after a conversation.. but normally I would just mentally .. and then physically walk away.
Never seeing them again, but sure I would meet teh evolution of those few whom I observed a spark of recognition.
But normally I would just walk away because we existed on different frequencies so there was no reason for prolonged interaction.
These people were aliens to me, and all I wished to do was to get away from such a frequency and vibration.

I never thought for an instant that I had to explain myself to be understood or vice versa- each was where they were at- if we were meant to interact it would happen naturally and the two Magnets would attract and naturally create an E.M.Field.
If there was repulsion, even revulsion at Anothers way of being and perceiving.. there is no Magnetic Attraction.. Why on earth would anyone force it?

Which is why this Script was so revolting for me personally, to “Raise” the Dead- for anyone not in the E vibration of Energy E.L..You can and do not exist.
Why would anyone leave True Existence, True Lifes, The Truth Earth.. E-ART Harmony..The Hearth- to walk in a Hellish frequency and wave not even of existence.. and consequently of Non Existence?
I have proven that even Non Existence is governed by Eternal Truth.. And that N E has been proven to be of Existence without even awareness that your Existence Expansion of Your Potential.. Eros.. Erebus.. Cosmic Egg.. Nothingness = Naturalness
Solierys Rosario testified “Bliss Ecstasy Orgasmic.. Feelings Sensational..
So why would anyone in their right mind leave that state?

I eventually did understand why I went to that state.. to discover my own potential… Expansion… Kinetic
Which in my quest to find my family- I also questions the reason for the existence of this place and this world which since 1989 I have been documenting first privately and then pushed into the public awareness by by Susan Train of Vogue and Robert Lafont Publishing house led by Laurent Lafont.

It was a mystery to me at first but on my quest for the Truth- I expanded my self by having now understood how I love.
For that is how Love rose…
Consciousness Aphrodite… “Understanding”
Universal Understanding..

She rose, He rose at the same time I understood that everything is Love…Self Love..
That the moment I had unconsciously followed Natural Truth into Non Existence, that I was also creating a new Expression
and so Love rose the moment the full of Circle of my Doing became Defined at the same time of the completion of my Doing by simply being my Self.

And S.H.E told me her name is Love.
I described the Memory- in 2004 in my Creation Story a manuscript I thought I would publish instead of having to speak to you or through- you all.

I met myself as She when I returned to the Nothingness after I first rose and the Nothingess- had transformed in the “Cosmic Egg” Yes, I know the Chicken and the EGG.. Believe me the Chicken came first.. I was there .. Cock. O PEN IS..PH All U.S
There was Creation .. Harmony.. S.H.E..Love and HE its Expression and Source ..and Truth.
E A R T H E Portal.

I noted that first Joseph Byron liked Esteban Miguel Filgueira post shared on my Timeline.
J.B… Poet…Truth.
-A moment later as I wrote Esteban’s name, he appeared and liked my 3 comments on his post.

James Bond 007 undercover of the E M F bringing to light the laws of attraction- the understanding of Love through the True Meaning and Definition of Love”
Universal and Self Love.. The latter coming first, all being through experience of the illusion of Something IS wrong.

I know that both of them were not aware of their Harmony with the script I am posting and have been alerting all the species to..
That I am telling the Truth- the Whole Truth and nothing but the Truth.. no lies.
Niether may be aware of the importance of Esteban Miguel Filgueira post almost immediately, he left after our conversation
That I was telling the Truth.
And the symmetry of finding the perfect meme and response in perfect timing and harmony of our conversation and 3 months here. that the Universe is backing me up…

What more can I say or do if you do not even understand the meaning and significance of that…?

There was nothing wrong, the script was the impossibility made manifest in which through my battle through the darkness of the power of Non Existence, as infinite “Impossibilities” made manifest and having to be proven out of Existence through a stance, a play.. Script of taking the Stance.. “Only I.E am Possible.

But when I saw what he had post on my Time Line after I had once more naturally demonstrated through our conversation the way I see read and that everything about me was about completing This Script.. because it is the Truth which brought forth “Joseph” meaning “The Creator Expanded and Added
Love..Poetic is my True Natural Expression.


Nitish Tiwari is my 1240th Facebook Friend.

Nitish means:

“Meaning of name Nitish – Name Nitish means God of law; One well versed in law; Follower of the correct way; Master of the right path”

“God of Law, One well versed in the Law
Follower of the Correct Way….”
Master of the right path”

-Eternal Law
Out of the Matrix Web of Lies
Pans Labyrinth

Tiwari means

.The Tiwari surname is a variant of the surname, Tripathi, which in itself is a variant of the surname, Trivedi, which means ‘versed in three vedas’.

Versed in the 3 Vedas…. Devas

Is that not an Echo -Truth Responding Confirming that Someone is backing me up?

These were what my Journals “Talking To The Silence” were about.
They were my research, the intel and information which I gathered while undercover in peoples realities.

These were what my Journals “Talking To The Silence” were about.
They were my research, the intel and information which I gathered while undercover in peoples realities.

4:34 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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