
2/20/2019 1:03 – Facebook Post

9:39 p m

I C I.

Hello again..

Who, Man Woman or God- who has done what I have done
Proven that this world is not real amongst the thousands of Universal Riddles I have solved.

Which Human Being has accomplished what I have accomplished, and provided recorded evidence, left a trail of evidence verifiable Solid Facts.

Which Human Being, Supernatural being or E.T
Has come even close to explain Origins Existence Eternity and Infinity and on a corrupt forum designated by the S script called Facebook has had the Universe Confirm ( while most humans denied the Evidence right before them.. which is no surprise wondering the Illness, Diseased mentality of this already deceased species called The Grateful Dead)

Who is as E!
Emeka Kolo
No one Ha!
Not who is as God- meaning of Micheal..

I am beyond a Brilliant Mind
Or Genius or even God or Death..

You can not limit me by your perceptions of me, or put me or what I have done and label it as any thing other than the Truth because it makes you feel safe, and creates a blanket of your insecurities and what you feel is you having the say, or the sway of the play to define what is True or False, Real or Fake, Possible or Impossible..

Such a conceit is beyond belief
You have no say in what is Truth.

Nor in the timming of when you wake up, who evolves ( The Grateful to be Alive) evolve .become extinct..

But I do.


“The Creator is the Doer of Great Deeds
Praise him, for he has Well Done!”

I do not require your recognition response awareness or attention -approval to Exist.

But you do, I assure you all need mine to Exist

Which is why Father Mother Source designed this Examination Test E.T to observe who would bet their Lifes on me or your own conclusions assumptions and beliefs.

Instead of reading “The Writing On The Wall”

Today, I blow my own Trumpet
Because I am the True Donlad Trump
In Every Perception Dimension of meaning
“Universal Ruler World Ruler measured Eternal Harmony consciousness as the One Universal Measuring Rod.
Who beats the Drum Trumpets the Truth
11:15 p.m
Knocks Out the Lie and it’s followers
An Entire Life Form & Species.

True Leader of the Free World.

What care I for your beliefs, or how you chose to see me in any thing but the Self evident of the Being and Doing of the E man.

And for those who claimed to not believe the Proven Truth Script..
And still does not Call Me By My True Name”
They will be given the Chance to do what I did in their Turn, the 2nd action which can be repeated of the Bringer of the Eternal Beginning and now the Eternal End and beautiful transformation .
Through retrieving the name of the Truth
His Name is Beauty and His Twin S.H.E is Love.
I was UME-ANO. E.R I
B L U.E.

11 :28 p.m
Aka Lord Capt.iv a Ting! A.M E R I C A. H.
Ai Mee
5 18. 23 W. VV
Christopher Filgueira,
C.F 3 6. 9. =I
C A. Christopher Adams 1011 I C
I.C 10 11 I C
Anastasia Young
John Jaymes

A.H… J.A.H.
A.Y. J.A Y

Leonardo… DA Vinci
Esteban MiguelFilgueira s cat He is called Leo by Stephen but I added the Davinci..
I know who moved him, was hiding under the table when I got back from an errand with Stephen.
Went to a place 1996..
Yes, I was in London England with Jay and Taun, working at the Chelsea restaurant called The Collection.
I had just moved back to Paris.

96% Dark Matter
19 S ..Sun as source of Dark Matter
4-5, 5-4 100% . 101
2. B
11 1

5 is Expression rep by Moon Light

I realized only later what why he was hiding, he he had ransacked my Altar and taken McKayla Rays great grandmother’s black horse.
Me as my Great Grandmother Mba Afor Ocha
M.A O.
O A M.. meaning the Expanded Sound of the white light of Truth- rep Thunde and Lightening True Clarity.
And Her rising as H.R.H Absolute and Ultimate Death.

He Ran.
I.gave Chase.

I Knew what had moved him, knew what it was doing.

I put it back, reflecting on my conversation with Stephen on the E.M.F of the world.
I was reflecting also on what I had said to it, checking my expression as Truth Clarity..

The crossing guard has gone, meaning anyone who the Universe who has not been sent to me representing a state of consciousness, now that the full Circle has been proven right up to John Mack and Holly Mack, is not of E.O
Existence O.

And that no one is left no line to be checked as to if they wish to rise, given a one last chance to embody and choose recognize acknowledge the E.

It is the Reason M A Ocha as me is rising she has the frequency to End Everything especially Africa Pangeas play which the N.E line made me past their test of Pans Labyrinth..
The internal body Inside aligned to the Outside body..
Yes 69..

Leonardo had taken the portal of the Black Hole which represents that power, all while I went out with Stephen to 1996 portal..

I put it back.

No one not protected by the E can rise after I am gone from this play.

10:01 p.m

And the ones who gave me Breath Rest Water Shelter..and Food will always protected even when they experience the Truth of my expression but getting it only after I am gone.
Those who chose not to fully pay attention to my words or who had judged by their choice and interpretation of the Evidence as to what is True and that which is false..

Such as my proven claim to The Source of Everything
My Work as an ordinary and indeed humbled man that even in this state that I solved the Riddles of Existence proving it a Hologram.

I am fully aware of the arrogance and conceit of the Western World, White Supremacists who believe or have been brainwashed to belief that only white people and a few exceptions Arabian Hebrew or Indians can do anything of Scientific noteworthiness…
Hell, even a person of my intelligence who voluntarily moved through this world’s E.M.F fields living in 58..59 homes who shares with them an art and science which transformed their lives, brought many their wishes and dreams was still kicked out of homes despite the recognition of what they called my Genius and Brilliance..

Hell, many even left me on the streets to “Die” despite even publicly acknowledgeding the value of me and the work and Intel I shared.

Yes, I am aware of the fact that in ordinary circumstances that a person who had done a fraction of what I have accomplished would have gained world recognition and fame.

Of course. but not just the White race with their ingrained inability and refusal to accept an intellectual progress greater than they, especially in a person’s who looks dresses and behaves as I do.

I have encountered this racism stereotyping brainwashed ..need to put in a box mentalities in every race.. It’s a sick fear based mentality.

From the experience I have gathered on the E.M Field better stay in your Ivory Towers than come down into the E.M / M.E. Field Current of the Full Circle.. though it was the only way to resolve this riddle through the Scientific Empirical Process.

But dear Lord, the almost absolute denial and refusal to acknowledge as to what a supremely educated man such as my Self is doing in people’s homes, sharing proving reminding even reaching them how to read for themselves, rather than rely on what I have read and have been transcribing publicly for 7 years

Read for yourselves and you will read what I am reading that this is the way your End of the world S.P 59 is manifesting
509-511 Farmington
Aaron Westerns Studio where both John and Mikki give classes.

Ha… And yet see how nearly all to see me.

I.realized as I conversed with Stephen and then after that we had already passed sacred portal 383..
The Cross Roads
“Raven Crow…Forest People… the latter is the meaning of the word “Igbo”
C R O.W.
OW is Sacred Portal 59 “Me Ow” rep My Self Black Panther confirmed by Adam Waldron

No Forest People.

Brandon Lee
The Crow
And my sister line
The Raven

I had observed that E steban came back from a tete a tete with Kim ( Gold) AU at 7:28 p.m
My Sisters Birth code..
I.already knew why
And why my sister who is Leo moved Leonardo to take the Black Stallion ST A.l.l ion from the Alter while I conversed with Stephen.


S.T A LL. I O N.


S.P. A R K. E L .

10:39 pm.

Now watch what I have solved into existence come as I cross the True L Ions Gate
The Two Solierys Rosario
And Stephen Popiotek.
The Twin Peaks
The Two Towers
The True Towering Inferno’s
In fer ringing sound of N.O.
You shall not ever rise from this
Dantes Inferno
Which you all gave my brother (Me it’s My Brother Sister B S. 2-19
Address and Date speaking through me)
.. to live for 36 37 years..


Bed 49 is the bed number given to me in the Shelter.
904 Red Roof + 94. Last two digits of Stephens number.

They willed all who denied to enter the experience of the He’ll of the ones who fucused on themselves through Self Interest
Rather than The Truth – TT Gateway to the Beautiful Truth of Me.

He’ll is Space given for a moment for each to prove why they are qualified than I and who did give proper respect Love, at what they could not do for themselves or for others..
Then when they fail

They are sent to the Void
Avoid and slowly fade out of Existence which matches the Pain Hurt Rage you caused The Eternal Truth E.


11:59 am.

12:00 a.m.

VictoriaJackson 47
S.P 47.
VictoriaLind- V.L
S.P 155.. 15 5 O.E



12:02…03 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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