
2/20/2018 2:28 – Facebook Post

2/20/2018 2:28 – Facebook Post

11:17 a.m.

Relentless isn’t it… This Script…
Where does it End…

Oh it ends, make no mistake about that…
It just took this long….

At least you in the present, but more importanty, you who will read this in the Future, only have to read it,
I had to live it, solve it and equate it… and even record it in a Void of true human support.

Do you know what is going on?

I may have explained over and over again, but how many of you follow, how many of you understand my taking directions from a Script, I can read , from Two Awarenesses in Existence since the World and Earth began.

Too Fantastical, to far out of the realm of possibility for you to even countenance as a possibility….?
That was never a problem for me, the presence of the Eternal Truth.

What I have had a problem with is the Script, that this could not possibly be it.. that there must be some mistake…
But there is no mistake,

The Completition linked to Peter Nyarkô today, was so quietly astounding and astonishing to me, that at one point I was hollering at him as if I were talking to God… or the one God Father G.F…. And in a way I was.
Because I recognized the TRUTH of GOD in him.

11:28 a.m.

What does this mean, my noticing the time and it being my Birthday..
Or that the code G O D… 7 O 4 – 4 O 7… Is 4+7=11. 4 x7 is 28…
11 28…

That Peter was on his way to watch the movies “The Black Panther”
*( T P B… 20 16…2..B.. Yes the Qayin message to me delivered to her in waking likfe by Male Stranger on the streets who recieved the code in his Dream.. which he delivered to her and she to me)
Told me that he took the 4 train, then the 7th train to go and see the movie, when at the 7th Train Station some one threatened to stab him with a Knife speaking the threat aloud to himself!?
“If I stab him, I will be locked up” he muttered aloud to himself, Peter recounts…

4 7… 11 28… 39… Or that the young Lady he spoke about Pamela was 19 Years old and he was 20 years old..
19+20= 39… C.I…
E Ga La XY..C.I…

Peter Pamela… P P.. 16 16…( 88 88) 32…C.Boseman…Consciousnes Beauty… 5.. 5th Dimension E…

Peter means “Rock Stone… Rock Solid”..
Pamela means Pan “All” Meli “Honey” – Sweetness Healthy…

The Flaming Rock- Asterioid Meteorite making a Hole in one in a ring in a Basket ball Hoop worn by Blair Andrews, after I returned from my tet a tet with Peter yesterday..

“All Rocks Solid and Sweet.. and Health the Plan-E.T”

Or that my Diagnosis and Fact Finding and research of the all the Human stories I began recording from all over the world in 3 – 5 volumes of Books called Talking To The Silence” listening recording and responding to hundreds of peoples point of view about why the perceive, act and respond to the World, their Environment and each other… Why was everyone so Angry, Mad… enraged…
Why did so many people invite me into their homes, profess sometimes astonishing expressions of Love, but hate me, distrust me so much.. ready for me to betray them, waiting for it and in their impatience creating it so as to get it over, that which is inevitable.

Until, I understood- that Their “Falling in Love” had nothing to do with me, but the memory of who they were, that which they thought was lost but which was hiding right before them in plain sight. Buried under layers upon layers of Hurt and Disappointment, of that Beauty and Joy of Being not “Allowed” in this world.
Cause some one will take you down, “Crabs in a Barrel” The Haters, those who love rainig on your parade, those who are experts at stealing Beauty’

My response to Peter was educate yourself.
Be an Elegant Nomad, go down under cover into their Worlds on a fact finding mission, Investigate … Curiosity…
Weren’t you curious as to what the devil is wrong with these People… Why are they acting this way?
Its the logical course of action, is it not?
And the basis the Scientific Method, aka common sense.

My research led me to be discovered by Susan Train.. S.T…19 20…And Allen Ginsberg… A.G…1 7… That was in 1993.
I alredy understood the Illness with the Humanity.. and I knew the cure.
I was 25 moving to 26 in my true age…. I had complted my mission.
I was willing to share my knowledge with the World, by doing it my way.. Film movie dance, books. Scholarship..Design Art Scinece Public Speaking ..
I had quietly gotten myself qualified.

But that option was taken away….
I was denied the right to Be, to be my true self, instead I was usurped.
Just as in the festival of Paylasmask in Istanbul Turkey when during the board meeting at the moment before inception two people staged a coup by stating that they did not believe I was the person to direct a production which had now reached the International Scene…
I was so stunned…
It was never about qualification I gathered later, it was about jealousy… I had brought these people in.
Thier voice should not mattered but it brought out a virus, even the Investor … the need to be seen..
The festival was eventually cancelled because the Turkish Government wanted in, and the Investor and owner of the company refused..
It was titled by me, The Festival of Sharing….
That was 1997….

The parrallels can be seen on this page,
and through out the World.

Never mind that loss to people- who had been so excited by the idea of a festival of sharing in which a landscape had been offered to not only truly open up Turkey to an Intelligent Festival but to a international conversation….
Healing which I felt was what the world needed- a Spark to enter the new Millenium.

Never mind that Mental Healh has become the issue on the forefront of the Worlds attention, from Presidents, to Army Comanders, Chief of Staffs, to issue of Domestic Abuse, to Seixsm Racism, Greed, Homelessness…
Mental Health..

And 28 years later I allowed myself to come to Delta Manor..
16 Years after I voluntarily went into a infamous Homeless Shelter Atlantic Bedford.. A.B… And spoke about why people become Homeless…
What is happening to the Human Psyche,
That yearning for something else which the could no longer Name or Identify, all detailed in my piece I chose to submit to Manny Baron at William Morris, as what I chose to give Diane Sawyer whose agreement to interview me pending the piece I wrote.. Just as the famous turkish cartoonist- a true wonderful man and friend set me up for an inteview with one of the pre-eminent Turkish Journalist Aiesha Armand…

In 2010 I slept in Thompson Square park where Isaac Calvin McCullough found himself sleeping with a group of people after coming out from Jail…
And I listened to the endless number of people from all parts of America and the World, and gave them a platform to address President Obama- called Dear Mr President, in which each was given a chance to express their point of view, and what they could bring to the table to address the very issues which brought them to live in Thompson Square Park…

In 2012, I was aware of the truth of the Human Species evolving and how the ignorant and the not so ignorant were abusing and using and exploiting these super sensitive and fast… intelligent beings being born.
i finally was moved to come to Facebook by a series of circumstances, foremost a friend of Evan ALexander Judson who confirmed to me that not only did he know hundreds, entire comunities of evolving humans living in hiding, taken to mental hospitals by Their families and suffering unimaginable persecution and isolation…
All because they could not conform, no because they would not, but could noy conform to an unnatural world.

Esmeralda a mother whose son had commited suicide by jumping off the Library… at NYC.. Who gave me her late sons Parkar – which in the end I left behind because I understood why .. he had jumped.. that refusal to listn.. and even worse, captilalizing on tragedy in order to be seen…

I investigated that which I already knew, about these communities these people being locked up… the horrors and the cruelties…
I documented most of it here…

And here I am at Delta Manor, no family, my mother I have not seen in an astounding 29 years, my body going through the “amped up” symptoms of the Evolution Awakening and the effect of Fake News filling the Air waves and its affect on the Human Brain waves, because the Human body is a Fact, Like Nature Creation and which went the the process of Creation – Truth.. True Expression… C T E… E T C… I C T E…
Which is the universal law of “Coming into Existence Manifestation into Existence”

17 Months… I am standing Rock Solid on the point…

No sponsor ship, no friend no support except by the one or two left such as Kemi Sara, and before you all, I did the mos exhausting work when 13 years before… IN 1994, I was diagnosed with Exhaustion so severed that the Chinese Europen Western trained Doctor gave me one year to live if I did not rest..

He had never seen a case before of someone Chi.. Key force Energy depleted to such a level that he no longer had the energy to make function my organs which were all shutting down especially my kidneys…

Lisa Levine found something similar in my Kidneys in 2011.. 17 years later…

A Place of rest was found for me because the place I was staying, the person Ekayani, who I was living with realized that she was one of the main causes of by detoriating state..
Because she, as most people would tell me their problems.. and I could not help but reply and then presecribe and then fight for them to take their medicine… Knowledge remember…
I went to le Mann to rest and entered into yet another story .. smh of three men and I found that I would not have any peace if I did not do the Work…

I recall at one point calling my sister… I will not give her response

There was no place in the World I could go it seemed, where there was no disease… llness…

1:13 am.

Sustan Train had called out the problem to my astonishment but her ambitions got the better of her, when Allen Ginsberg agreed with what she had suspected, that I had talent as a writer.. and something to say…

1994… 24 Years later, if I had taken the money offered for my journals.. suggested… I would have been able to coccon myself from the World… but for how long.. but at if I had been given the option of chosing how I would share with the world, having understood he sicknes.. the illusion of “Paradise Lost”…

But here we are.. Sacred Portal 147 Emmy but this time I am Emeka, standing on the Point. Pointng…
And still no one would listen, do aything even support this work…
Which benefits everyone except me, because I healed myself by by writing down my story for myself and figuring out my story…

‘You Psyschoanalyzed yourself and then the World.. especially your generation born 60-70’s..” Madame Susan Train once noted

But I realized the World Humanity do not wish the cure.. only the True such as Peter, the Real People.. R P..
Raymond Pruitt… Ray Monde.. “Ray of the World
Pruitt Name Meaning. French and English: nickname from a pet form of Old French proux ‘valiant’, ‘brave’, or ‘wise’

The Ray of the World, the Brave the Wise and the Valiant.. fight for the way home.. To not turn into monster and who would rather become “Solitary Black Panters” rather than infect the World.

I spent my last money today.. 3:07 usd.. I did not care about tomorrow.
I am sick of living in penury, checking counting every penny as I was commisioned by a God.. not G O D.. A usurper to cure a world which nothing is wrong with them..

Axel Love..

Anthony Bienke and Michaël Trahé always share my post…

A.M… T.B… True Beauty.. Truth Beautiful..

and another lady used to with the initials H H..

I curse forever this Evil God usuper of the Truth who made me the slave of legend life time after life time to death to resuurect to do it all over again.. for Nothing.

1:28 am

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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