
2/20/2016 17:59 – Facebook Post

Once more, in Harmony the subject of sound..
See post just before this of Johannes Christen Graae..
Code 1O 3 7..

I really truly appreciate this..
Since on Face Book we literally journeyed on my page through this road- through my linking the equations of words, perfect timing and numbers…
P.I.E..Then to the Dravidians.. recall?

Indo European.. I.E..
Is at the base of the Tree..
*Just as I am currently staying in perfect alignment in a basement,
riddling out the Matrix and great wall of Sound phil Spectre…
Back to the code of Rainbow Spectrum..R,S-S.R..18-19…11 89..

Waves and Vibration creates Sounds we can hear..
Sound creates Color..
Thus Dark and Light Create Color…
Language contains Vibration Waves of Darkness transforms into Light which reveals color..
Just as Night turns to day..see the branch of the Romance Languages code
Enika Olah…

“Newton divided the spectrum into seven named colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. He chose seven colors out of a belief, derived from the ancient Greek sophists, of there being a connection between the colors, the musical notes, the known objects in the solar system, and the days of the week.”

Nri Igbo have 4 Day Weeks.. 4-7…Not 7-4.

I am full aware that the “Riddles and Equations of the last year or so have primarily linked to the West Cultures and Civilization,
but it is always strange how Africa, is so often included..
when tis Africa the cradle of Humanities birth, and tis they who first used sound.. to recollect a Story and a Way to remember where they came from..
beyond this play called this world.

But then this play and equation began first with the E line Story and the story of the first family of Ten, then moved to Africa and then the World story, merging First the Black Brown to the Pale White story..
proving that they are one and the same..
despite the protest of indignant people who simply will not accept this truth..

Language Lexicon was the thread of Ariadne and Theseus, a story retold through out the world cultures, proving once more the Truth… of one..
I knew that was completed with Ariane Oates became my Face Book Friend..
Alpha Omega…1 -24..1 6…7
Code Aryana Luna Leone…A.LL..Complete..

The expression of Sound as first called Silence,
then the Quiet Heart.. Zen..
this is what showed me the way through the Matrix of Noise and babble
I followed Harmony..Music to my Ears…

Silence and 6th sense, 3rd eye, they are the beautiful truth,
because they truly have nothing to say..
As if knowing how Language is a mixed blessing because if you loose the meaning of Expression as Language and its true reason for coming into Existence, which was to share, acknowledge communicate.. the wonder of being in Existence instead of injecting infecting with others with fear..
You can either find your way home, or get lost in the infernal storm of noise and expression which cause you to fear…

Better in Silence contemplation reflection, and suddenly the Quiet Heart will point the way..
And come back after investigating, that this is the pathway home..
come and share the way with others, before forever going away.. Home to through the portal of Harmonies music, leaving forever the Noise of the awful play.. of the response to the Offering of the ones who truly found the True way, out of the matrix of Noise…

4:56 p.m

4:57 p,m

Map of the World..
Map of Human expression- the key lies in the use and sequencing of words which make up language, and not really what people say.

4:58-9 p.m
D; H.E..I

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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