
2/20/2014 19:03 – Facebook Post

What I was really simply clarifying was and is that this has not been my chosen manner of Expression of this Truth.

Not like this on F.Book for 23 months.
Not on the streets of New York.
And certainly not in the homes of ppl who welcomed me in their homes.

When I found I had no choice, I chose to make the best I could of my circumstances and situation.

Which led me full Circle back to the Mission given to me by Father and Mother when I was 8.

And which restored my Memory back to remembering that I was their source in another Dimension and they were my children whom some call Adam and Eve..
But whom I had recalled were Energy and Ahtom…
Thomas Twins.
First Light and First Dance
Perfume and Music
The Grace of the Creator.

And then Tom/Mot
The Twins in one…
As the Word Ahtomosphere Vibration Energy…Supreme.

Embodied Alpha Omega Waves of Energy Awareness- Called “The Consciousness” of Being-The Original Source Energy of Expression, the Sum Total of Knowledge of Existence Unknown, as S-now, Known and In Form-Ed and Manifest in Our Collective Existence and Awareness. Through Expression in Both Light and Dark as the One, Real, Real of the First Individual Snowflake.
Having Proven True To and From the Point of Origin and of Destination of
E Being E.
E.A. O. W.E. A.C T. C.B. T.O
S.E.E .S.T K.E. U.S
K. I F E. M.O
C E. A.E
B.L.D. O.R. R I. F.I.S.H. P.T.T.F
P.O.D E .B.E.

(There is a code here…see if u can figure it out)

The Solid Word of G.O.D.E..
The Word of Truth.
The Hueman Being informed.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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